136 research outputs found

    A Mathematical Model of Package Management Systems -- from General Event Structures to Antimatroids

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    This paper brings mathematical tools to bear on the study of package dependencies in software systems. We introduce structures known as Dependency Structures with Choice (DSC) that provide a mathematical account of such dependencies, inspired by the definition of general event structures in the study of concurrency. We equip DSCs with a particular notion of morphism and show that the category of DSCs is isomorphic to the category of antimatroids. We study the exactness properties of these equivalent categories, and show that they are finitely complete, have finite coproducts but not all coequalizers. Further, we construct a functor from a category of DSCs equipped with a certain subclass of morphisms to the opposite of the category of finite distributive lattices, making use of a simple finite characterization of the Bruns-Lakser completion, and finally, we introduce a formal account of versions of packages and introduce a mathematical account of package version-bound policies.Comment: Version 2: grammatical improvement

    Semantic Versioning Checking in a Declarative Package Manager

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    Semantic versioning is a principle to associate version numbers to different software releases in a meaningful manner. The correct use of version numbers is important in software package systems where packages depend on other packages with specific releases. When patch or minor version numbers are incremented, the API is unchanged or extended, respectively, but the semantics of the operations should not be affected (apart from bug fixes). Although many software package management systems assumes this principle, they do not check it or perform only simple syntactic signature checks. In this paper we show that more substantive and fully automatic checks are possible for declarative languages. We extend a package manager for the functional logic language Curry with features to check the semantic equivalence of two different versions of a software package. For this purpose, we combine CurryCheck, a tool for automated property testing, with program analysis techniques in order to ensure the termination of the checker even in case of possibly non-terminating operations defined in some package. As a result, we obtain a software package manager which checks semantic versioning and, thus, supports a reliable and also specification-based development of software packages

    A methodology and a platform to measure and assess software windows of vulnerability

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    Nowadays, it is impossible not to recognize how software solutions have changed the world and the crucial role they play in our daily life. With their quick spread, especially in Cloud and Internet of Things contexts, security risks to which they are exposed have risen as well. Unfortunately, even if a lot of techniques have been realized to protect infrastructures from attackers, they are not enough to achieve truly secure systems. Therefore, since the price to pay for recovering from an outbreak can be enormous, organizations need a way to assess security of products they use. A useful and very overlooked metric that can be considered in this situations is the software window of vulnerability, which is the amount of time a software has been vulnerable to an attack. The main reason why this metric is often neglected is because the information required to compute it are provided by heterogeneous sources, and there is not a standard framework or at least a model that can simplify the task. Hence, the aim of this thesis will be filling this lack, at first by defining a model to evaluate software windows of vulnerability and then by implementing a platform able to compute this metric for software of different systems. Since keeping the approach general is not feasible outside of the theoretical model, the implementation step will necessarily require a system specific choice. Therefore, GNU/Linux systems were selected specifically for two reasons: their recent rise in popularity in the previously mentioned fields and their software management policy (which is based on package managers) that allows to find the data required by the analysis more easily

    OPAM for Coq

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    Towards a new package dependency model

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    International audienceSmalltalk originally did not have a package manager. Each Smalltalk implementation defined its own with more or less functionalities. Since 2010, Monticello/Metacello[Hen09] one package manager is available for open-source Smalltalks. It allows one to load source code packages with their dependencies. This package manager does not have all features we can find in well-known package managers like those used for the Linux operating system. This paper tries to identify the missing features and proposes solution to reach a full-featured package manager. A part of this solution is to repre-sent packages and dependencies as first-class objects, leading to the definition of a new dependency model

    Preserving Command Line Workflow for a Package Management System Using ASCII DAG Visualization

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    Package managers provide ease of access to applications by removing the time-consuming and sometimes completely prohibitive barrier of successfully building, installing, and maintaining the software for a system. A package dependency contains dependencies between all packages required to build and run the target software. Package management system developers, package maintainers, and users may consult the dependency graph when a simple listing is insufficient for their analyses. However, users working in a remote command line environment must disrupt their workflow to visualize dependency graphs in graphical programs, possibly needing to move files between devices or incur forwarding lag. Such is the case for users of Spack, an open source package management system originally developed to ease the complex builds required by supercomputing environments. To preserve the command line workflow of Spack, we develop an interactive ASCII visualization for its dependency graphs. Through interviews with Spack maintainers, we identify user goals and corresponding visual tasks for dependency graphs. We evaluate the use of our visualization through a command line-centered study, comparing it to the system's two existing approaches. We observe that despite the limitations of the ASCII representation, our visualization is preferred by participants when approached from a command line interface workflow.U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [DE-AC52-07NA27344, LLNL-JRNL-746358]This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Car Hacking: CAN it be that simple?

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has expanded the reach of technology at work, at home, and even on the road. As Internet-connected and self-driving cars become more commonplace on our highways, the cybersecurity of these “data centers on wheels” is of greater concern than ever. Highly publicized hacks against production cars, and a relatively small number of crashes involving autonomous vehicles, have brought the issue of securing smart cars to the forefront as a matter of public and individual safety. This article describes the integration of a module on car hacking into a semester-long ethical hacking cybersecurity course, including full installation and setup of all the open-source tools necessary to implement the hands-on labs in similar courses. The author demonstrates how to test an automobile for vulnerabilities involving replay attacks using a combination of open-source tools and a $20 commodity CAN-to-USB cable. Also provided are an introduction to the CAN (controller area network) bus in modern automobiles and a brief history of car hacking
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