2,118 research outputs found

    PSiS Mobile

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    In this paper, we present a state of the art on applications of mobile devices to support decision of a tourist running on a trip. We focus on two types of applications, tourism recommendation and tourism guide, making a brief description of the main characteristics of each one of them. We also refer the main problems encountered on the development of applications for mobile devices, and present PSiS (Personalized Sightseeing Tours Recommendation System) Mobile, our proposal to a mobile recommendation and planning support system, which is designed to provide an effective support during the tourist visit, providing contextaware information and recommendations about places of interest (POI) to visit, based on tourist preferences and his current context

    Personalized sightseeing tours support using mobile devices

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    In this paper, we present PSiS (Personalized Sightseeing Tours Recommendation System) Mobile. PSiS Mobile is our proposal to a mobile recommendation and planning support system, which is designed to provide effective support during the tourist visit with context-aware information and recommendations about places of interest (POI), exploiting tourist preferences and context

    Recommendation and planning through mobile devices in tourism context

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    In this paper we present a mobile recommendation and planning system, named PSiS Mobile. It is designed to provide effective support during a tourist visit through context-aware information and recommendations about points of interest, exploiting tourist preferences and context. Designing a tool like this brings several challenges that must be addressed. We discuss how these challenges have been overcame, present the overall system architecture, since this mobile application extends the PSiS project website, and the mobile application architecture.The authors would like to acknowledge FCT, FEDER, POCTI, POSI, POCI and POSC for their support to GECAD unit, and the project PSIS (PTDC/TRA/ 72152/2006)

    PSiS mobile

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    Os sistemas de recomendação têm vindo a ser cada vez mais utilizados nos últimos anos. Por isso, é imprescindível que estes sistemas se adaptem à evolução da sociedade incluindo cada vez mais novas funcionalidades, tais como a adaptação do sistema ao contexto da pessoa. Esta adaptação pode ser feita através de, por exemplo, dispositivos móveis, que têm vindo a apresentar uma taxa de crescimento de vendas muito grande. Dada a crescente integração dos sistemas de recomendação com os sistemas móveis, foi elaborado um estudo sobre o estado da arte dos sistemas de auxílio ao turista que utilizam dispositivos móveis, sendo apresentadas as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Estes sistemas móveis de auxílio a turistas foram divididos em dois grupos: os que apresentam apenas a informação sobre pontos de interesse e os sistemas que são capazes de efectuar recomendações, com base no perfil do turista. Um breve estudo sobre os sistemas operativos para dispositivos móveis é apresentado, sendo especialmente focado o sistema operativo Android que foi o escolhido para esta implementação. Como os dispositivos móveis, actualmente, ainda possuem várias limitações, estas foram descritas e apresentadas as boas práticas no desenvolvimento de aplicações para este tipo de sistemas. É também apresentado um estudo que visa descobrir qual é o método mais leve e mais rápido para trocar dados entre a parte servidora e a parte móvel. Com a parte introdutória apresentada, é exposto o projecto desenvolvido nesta tese, o PSiS Mobile. Este sistema é um módulo que faz parte do projecto PSiS e pretende trazer todas as vantagens dos sistemas móveis para o sistema base já implementado. O projecto PSiS foca-se no estabelecimento de planos de visita personalizados com indicação de percursos para turistas com tempo limitado. Apoiando a definição de planos de visitas de acordo com o perfil do turista (interesses, valores pessoais, desejos, restrições, deficiências, etc.) combinando os produtos de turismo mais adequados (locais de interesse, eventos, restaurantes, etc.) em itinerários eficientes. A utilização de dispositivos móveis para acompanhamento da visita permite uma rápida interacção entre o turista e o sistema. Assim, o PSiS poderá recolher informação contextual do utilizador para que o perfil do mesmo seja enriquecido. O sistema apresentado é composto por duas partes: a parte cliente e a parte servidora. Toda a informação, como por exemplo o perfil do turista, histórico de viagens e valores de similaridade entre utilizadores está presente na parte servidora. O processo de recomendação também é efectuado pela aplicação servidora, sendo esta a responsável pela atribuição de uma classificação aos pontos de interesse tendo em conta o perfil do utilizador em causa. A base de dados do PSiS possui toda a informação relativa aos pontos de interesse numa determinada cidade ou região e o portfólio completo do histórico de visitas de cada utilizador. A componente móvel é uma parte muito importante para o sistema, pois interage com o utilizador no terreno. Um dispositivo móvel como o PDA, não só permite a apresentação de informação relevante ao utilizador, como também permite a recolha automática de informação contextual (por exemplo, a localização). Toda esta informação contribui para a definição de um perfil completo e para uma melhor adaptação do sistema às necessidades do utilizador. De forma a nem sempre estar dependente do servidor, a aplicação móvel possui rotinas para a realização de recomendações básicas. Ou seja, a aplicação móvel não realiza a classificação dos pontos de interesse, mas apenas mostra os principais resultados já formados pela parte servidora. Por exemplo, se um utilizador gostar de comida Chinesa, um restaurante Chinês nas imediações irá ter uma boa classificação e, por isso, ser recomendado. A aplicação móvel mostra ao turista o percurso definido para o dia em que o mesmo se encontra, sendo feito o rastreio do trajecto que o mesmo efectua. Assim, o sistema consegue saber se o horário do planeamento está a ser cumprido ou não. Caso não esteja, é invocado um algoritmo de planeamento que irá tentar corrigir o atraso ou o adiantamento perante o horário inicial. Depois de visitar um ponto de interesse, é pedido ao utilizador para fornecer feedback sobre o mesmo. Se desejado também é possível mostrar os pontos de interesse existentes perto do turista (usando as coordenadas GPS obtidas pelo dispositivo móvel) organizados por categorias, raio de distância, etc. Apesar dos dispositivos móveis possuírem várias restrições, pretendeu-se proporcionar ao utilizador uma boa experiência, através de uma aplicação rápida, de fácil utilização e adaptável, incluindo funcionalidades de planeamento, realidade aumentada e integração com a rede social do sistema. Todos estes factores contribuem para a disponibilização de informação detalhada ao turista.Recommendation systems have been growing in a relative number over the last years. But with the actual society evolution and expectations, these systems need to be improved to include new features, such as adapting the system to the context of the user. This adaptation can be performed using mobile devices, which nowadays are under an incredible growth rate in every business area. Since recommendation and mobile systems might be integrated, this work presents the current state of the art in tourism recommendation systems using mobile devices, and states their advantages/disadvantages. A brief study of mobile devices operating system is made and Android Operating System is described, presenting his functionalities and demonstrate how it works, in a software engineering way. Since mobile devices have several limitations a study will be presented to discover the lightest and fastest way to exchange information between a server and a mobile client. PSiS Mobile, that is the proposal of this thesis, is a mobile recommendation system and planning support, designed to provide an effective support during the visit of a tourist, providing context-aware information and recommendations about places of interest to visit based on tourist preferences and his current context

    Power Switching Protocol for Two-way Relaying Network under Hardware Impairments

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    In this paper, we analyze the impact of hardware impairments at relay node and source node (i.e. imperfect nodes) on network performance by evaluating outage probability based on the effective signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR). Especially, we propose energy harvesting protocol at the relay and source nodes, namely, power switching imperfect relay (PSIR) and power switching imperfect source (PSIS). Aiming to determine the performance of energy constrained network, we first derive closed-form expressions of the outage probability and then the throughput can be maximized in delay-limited transmission mode. The simulation results provide practical insights into the impacts of hardware impairments and power switching factors of the energy harvesting protocol on the performance of energy harvesting enabled two-way relaying network

    Complex belemnites of the Puaroan (lower-? middle Tithonian) stage in the Port Waikato Region of New Zealand

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    Belemnite guards range through 2700 feet of Puaroan strata in the Port Waikato region. All are Belemnopsis of the uhligi-complex. Belemnopsis aucklandica aucklandica (Hochstetter) in its most typical form may be restricted to the lower 700 feet of the sequence. Three species are described, together with what may be transitional forms. The morphology of juvenile guards is in marked contrast with that of mature specimens, and development of the adult guard is revealed by examination of internal sections. Some aspects of belemnite paleoecology are discussed. Belemnite biostratigraphy of the area is outlined and the more important fossil localities are described

    Applying the trigger review method after a brief educational intervention: potential for teaching and improving safety in GP specialty training?

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    <p>Background: The Trigger Review Method (TRM) is a structured approach to screening clinical records for undetected patient safety incidents (PSIs) and identifying learning and improvement opportunities. In Scotland, TRM participation can inform GP appraisal and has been included as a core component of the national primary care patient safety programme that was launched in March 2013. However, the clinical workforce needs up-skilled and the potential of TRM in GP training has yet to be tested. Current TRM training utilizes a workplace face-to-face session by a GP expert, which is not feasible. A less costly, more sustainable educational intervention is necessary to build capability at scale. We aimed to determine the feasibility and impact of TRM and a related training intervention in GP training.</p> Methods We recruited 25 west of Scotland GP trainees to attend a 2-hour TRM workshop. Trainees then applied TRM to 25 clinical records and returned findings within 4-weeks. A follow-up feedback workshop was held. <p>Results: 21/25 trainees (84%) completed the task. 520 records yielded 80 undetected PSIs (15.4%). 36/80 were judged potentially preventable (45%) with 35/80 classified as causing moderate to severe harm (44%). Trainees described a range of potential learning and improvement plans. Training was positively received and appeared to be successful given these findings. TRM was valued as a safety improvement tool by most participants.</p> <p>Conclusion: This small study provides further evidence of TRM utility and how to teach it pragmatically. TRM is of potential value in GP patient safety curriculum delivery and preparing trainees for future safety improvement expectations.</p&gt

    Mobile application to provide personalized sightseeing tours

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    Tourist recommendation systems have been growing over the last few years, mainly because of the use of mobile devices to obtain user context. This work discusses some of the most relevant systems on the field and presents PSiS Mobile, which is a mobile recommendation and planning application designed to support a tourist during his vacations. It provides recommendations about points of interest to visit based on tourist preferences and on user and sight context. Also, it suggests a visit planning which can be dynamically adapted based on current user and sight context. This tool works also like a journey dairy since it records the tourist moves and tasks to help him remember how the trip was like. To conclude, some field experiences will be presented.This work is part-funded by the ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by the National Funds through the FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects PSIS (PTDC/TRA /72152/2006), FCOMP-01- 0124 - FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012) and PEst- OE / EEI / UI0752 / 2011

    Transfering data from a server to an android mobile application : a case study

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    Nowadays, due to the incredible grow of the mobile devices market, when we want to implement a client-server applications we must consider mobile devices limitations. In this paper we discuss which can be the more reliable and fast way to exchange information between a server and an Android mobile application. This is an important issue because with a responsive application the user experience is more enjoyable. In this paper we present a study that test and evaluate two data transfer protocols, socket and HTTP, and three data serialization formats (XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers) using different environments and mobile devices to realize which is the most practical and fast to use.The authors would like to acknowledge FCT, FEDER, POCTI, POSI, POCI and POSC for their support to GECAD unit, to the project PSIS (PTDC/TRA/72152/2006) and for the PhD grant (SFRH/BD/70248/2010)

    Server to mobile device communication: A case study

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    When we want to implement a client-server applications we must consider the mobile devices limitations. So, in this paper we discuss what can be the more reliable way to exchange information between a server and an Android mobile application, since it is important for users to have an application that really works in a responsive way and preferably without any errors. In this discussion two data transfer protocols (Socket and HTTP) and to serialize data three different data structure formats (XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers) were tested using some metrics to evaluate which is the most practical and fast to use.(undefined