2 research outputs found

    PSO-gain selection to improve a discrete-time second order sliding mode controller

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    Language comprehension is vital to social and educational development but few pediatric tests are available for its assessment. To approach this problem, two versions of the Token Test (TT), "TT short form" (DeRenzi & Faglioni, 1978) and "Revised Token Test" (RTT), were first compared. Using a sample of 88 normally developing Spanish-speaking children, the tests were compared on their: (a) established psychometric development and (b) internal consistency. The RTT was judged to be superior and was selected for additional experimentation. The RTT was compared with a developmental measure of lexical knowledge on a cross-sectional sample of 250 4-12-year-old normally developing Spanish-speaking children. A significant positive and high correlation supports its concurrent validity. Significant differences across the age groups, along with a principal component analysis that yielded a three-factor structure, support its construct validity. Preliminary normative data across the nine age groups are provided. " The Author 2011.",,,,,,"10.1093/arclin/acr018",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/43958","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79956099275&partnerID=40&md5=ec9d432ee5e37294858d6e9f04ad04c

    PSO-gain selection to improve a discrete-time second order sliding mode controller

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    This paper deals with adaptive tracking for discrete-time MIMO nonlinear systems in presence of disturbances. A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-Gain selection is used to improve a discrete-time high order sliding mode control law. The paper also includes the respective stability analysis, for the whole system with a strategy. In order to show the applicability of the proposed scheme, simulation results are included for a Van der Pol oscillator. � 2013 IEEE