6 research outputs found

    PSO based Neural Networks vs. Traditional Statistical Models for Seasonal Time Series Forecasting

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    Seasonality is a distinctive characteristic which is often observed in many practical time series. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a class of promising models for efficiently recognizing and forecasting seasonal patterns. In this paper, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach is used to enhance the forecasting strengths of feedforward ANN (FANN) as well as Elman ANN (EANN) models for seasonal data. Three widely popular versions of the basic PSO algorithm, viz. Trelea-I, Trelea-II and Clerc-Type1 are considered here. The empirical analysis is conducted on three real-world seasonal time series. Results clearly show that each version of the PSO algorithm achieves notably better forecasting accuracies than the standard Backpropagation (BP) training method for both FANN and EANN models. The neural network forecasting results are also compared with those from the three traditional statistical models, viz. Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA), Holt-Winters (HW) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The comparison demonstrates that both PSO and BP based neural networks outperform SARIMA, HW and SVM models for all three time series datasets. The forecasting performances of ANNs are further improved through combining the outputs from the three PSO based models.Comment: 4 figures, 4 tables, 31 references, conference proceeding

    Artificial Neural Network Assisted Weather Based Plant Disease Forecasting System

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    An interactive plant disease forecasting system was developed using Artificial Neural Network model with multilayer perceptron architecture having two hidden layers. When data from the same site are used for both training and testing, the prediction accuracy of the model was found to be between 81-87% for rice blast disease. Being a multivariate non-linear non-parametric data driven self adaptive statistical method, it shows significantly higher accuracy then the conventional regression based models. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613


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    The lubricating oil industry is one part of the oil and gas sector which is still one of the main pillars of economic growth in Indonesia. Sales predictions are needed by companies and policy makers as planning materials and economic development strategies to increase income in the future. Predictions that have a better level of accuracy can provide appropriate decisions. Various methods have been used, the Artificial Neural Network algorithm is one of the most widely used, especially in the Backpropagation (BPNN) structure which can predict non linear time series data. Backpropagation has been proven to have a better level of accuracy compared to econometric methods such as ARIMA. The integration of Backpropagation algorithm with other algorithms needs to be done to overcome the shortcomings and improve the ability of the National Land Agency itself. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which is used as an optimization determinant of attribute weight values in the network structure of BPNN shows good results. After testing, BPNN without PSO has a Squared Error (SE) level of 0.012 and a Root Mean Aquared Error (RMSE) of 0.111. While BPNN with PSO has SE levels of 0.004 and RMSE of 0.059. This shows that there is a significant decrease in the error rate after the PSO algorithm is added to the BPNN structure which is 46.85%

    Novel Computationally Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

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    This thesis addresses three major issues in data mining regarding feature subset selection in large dimensionality domains, plausible reconstruction of incomplete data in cross-sectional applications, and forecasting univariate time series. For the automated selection of an optimal subset of features in real time, we present an improved hybrid algorithm: SAGA. SAGA combines the ability to avoid being trapped in local minima of Simulated Annealing with the very high convergence rate of the crossover operator of Genetic Algorithms, the strong local search ability of greedy algorithms and the high computational efficiency of generalized regression neural networks (GRNN). For imputing missing values and forecasting univariate time series, we propose a homogeneous neural network ensemble. The proposed ensemble consists of a committee of Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNNs) trained on different subsets of features generated by SAGA and the predictions of base classifiers are combined by a fusion rule. This approach makes it possible to discover all important interrelations between the values of the target variable and the input features. The proposed ensemble scheme has two innovative features which make it stand out amongst ensemble learning algorithms: (1) the ensemble makeup is optimized automatically by SAGA; and (2) GRNN is used for both base classifiers and the top level combiner classifier. Because of GRNN, the proposed ensemble is a dynamic weighting scheme. This is in contrast to the existing ensemble approaches which belong to the simple voting and static weighting strategy. The basic idea of the dynamic weighting procedure is to give a higher reliability weight to those scenarios that are similar to the new ones. The simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed ensemble model