8 research outputs found

    An integrated testing system for IPv6 and DNSSEC

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    ROVER: a DNS-based method to detect and prevent IP hijacks

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    2013 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is critical to the global internet infrastructure. Unfortunately BGP routing was designed with limited regard for security. As a result, IP route hijacking has been observed for more than 16 years. Well known incidents include a 2008 hijack of YouTube, loss of connectivity for Australia in February 2012, and an event that partially crippled Google in November 2012. Concern has been escalating as critical national infrastructure is reliant on a secure foundation for the Internet. Disruptions to military, banking, utilities, industry, and commerce can be catastrophic. In this dissertation we propose ROVER (Route Origin VERification System), a novel and practical solution for detecting and preventing origin and sub-prefix hijacks. ROVER exploits the reverse DNS for storing route origin data and provides a fail-safe, best effort approach to authentication. This approach can be used with a variety of operational models including fully dynamic in-line BGP filtering, periodically updated authenticated route filters, and real-time notifications for network operators. Our thesis is that ROVER systems can be deployed by a small number of institutions in an incremental fashion and still effectively thwart origin and sub-prefix IP hijacking despite non-participation by the majority of Autonomous System owners. We then present research results supporting this statement. We evaluate the effectiveness of ROVER using simulations on an Internet scale topology as well as with tests on real operational systems. Analyses include a study of IP hijack propagation patterns, effectiveness of various deployment models, critical mass requirements, and an examination of ROVER resilience and scalability

    Cost-Aware Resource Management for Decentralized Internet Services

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    Decentralized network services, such as naming systems, content distribution networks, and publish-subscribe systems, play an increasingly critical role and are required to provide high performance, low latency service, achieve high availability in the presence of network and node failures, and handle a large volume of users. Judicious utilization of expensive system resources, such as memory space, network bandwidth, and number of machines, is fundamental to achieving the above properties. Yet, current network services typically rely on less-informed, heuristic-based techniques to manage scarce resources, and often fall short of expectations. This thesis presents a principled approach for building high performance, robust, and scalable network services. The key contribution of this thesis is to show that resolving the fundamental cost-benefit tradeoff between resource consumption and performance through mathematical optimization is practical in large-scale distributed systems, and enables decentralized network services to meet efficiently system-wide performance goals. This thesis presents a practical approach for resource management in three stages: analytically model the cost-benefit tradeoff as a constrained optimization problem, determine a near-optimal resource allocation strategy on the fly, and enforce the derived strategy through light-weight, decentralized mechanisms. It builds on self-organizing structured overlays, which provide failure resilience and scalability, and complements them with stronger performance guarantees and robustness under sudden changes in workload. This work enables applications to meet system-wide performance targets, such as low average response times, high cache hit rates, and small update dissemination times with low resource consumption. Alternatively, applications can make the maximum use of available resources, such as storage and bandwidth, and derive large gains in performance. I have implemented an extensible framework called Honeycomb to perform cost-aware resource management on structured overlays based on the above approach and built three critical network services using it. These services consist of a new name system for the Internet called CoDoNS that distributes data associated with domain names, an open-access content distribution network called CobWeb that caches web content for faster access by users, and an online information monitoring system called Corona that notifies users about changes to web pages. Simulations and performance measurements from a planetary-scale deployment show that these services provide unprecedented performance improvement over the current state of the art

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    Techniques for the Analysis of Modern Web Page Traffic using Anonymized TCP/IP Headers

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    Analysis of traces of network traffic is a methodology that has been widely adopted for studying the Web for several decades. However, due to recent privacy legislation and increasing adoption of traffic encryption, often only anonymized TCP/IP headers are accessible in traffic traces. For traffic traces to remain useful for analysis, techniques must be developed to glean insight using this limited header information. This dissertation evaluates approaches for classifying individual web page downloads β€” referred to as web page classification β€” when only anonymized TCP/IP headers are available. The context in which web page classification is defined and evaluated in this dissertation is different from prior traffic classification methods in three ways. First, the impact of diversity in client platforms (browsers, operating systems, device type, and vantage point) on network traffic is explicitly considered. Second, the challenge of overlapping traffic from multiple web pages is explicitly considered and demultiplexing approaches are evaluated (web page segmentation). And lastly, unlike prior work on traffic classification, four orthogonal labeling schemes are considered (genre-based, device-based, navigation-based, and video streaming-based) β€” these are of value in several web-related applications, including privacy analysis, user behavior modeling, traffic forecasting, and potentially behavioral ad-targeting. We conduct evaluations using large collections of both synthetically generated data, as well as browsing data from real users. Our analysis shows that the client platform choice has a statistically significant impact on web traffic. It also shows that change point detection methods, a new class of segmentation approach, outperform existing idle time-based methods. Overall, this work establishes that web page classification performance can be improved by: (i) incorporating client platform differences in the feature selection and training methodology, and (ii) utilizing better performing web page segmentation approaches. This research increases the overall awareness on the challenges associated with the analysis of modern web traffic. It shows and advocates for considering real-world factors, such as client platform diversity and overlapping traffic from multiple streams, when developing and evaluating traffic analysis techniques.Doctor of Philosoph

    Hierarchical network topographical routing

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    Within the last 10 years the content consumption model that underlies many of the assumptions about traffic aggregation within the Internet has changed; the previous short burst transfer followed by longer periods of inactivity that allowed for statistical aggregation of traffic has been increasingly replaced by continuous data transfer models. Approaching this issue from a clean slate perspective; this work looks at the design of a network routing structure and supporting protocols for assisting in the delivery of large scale content services. Rather than approaching a content support model through existing IP models the work takes a fresh look at Internet routing through a hierarchical model in order to highlight the benefits that can be gained with a new structural Internet or through similar modifications to the existing IP model. The work is divided into three major sections: investigating the existing UK based Internet structure as compared to the traditional Autonomous System (AS) Internet structural model; a localised hierarchical network topographical routing model; and intelligent distributed localised service models. The work begins by looking at the United Kingdom (UK) Internet structure as an example of a current generation technical and economic model with shared access to the last mile connectivity and a large scale wholesale network between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and the end user. This model combined with the Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation and transparency of the wholesale network results in an enforced inefficiency within the overall network restricting the ability of ISPs to collaborate. From this model a core / edge separation hierarchical virtual tree based routing protocol based on the physical network topography (layers 2 and 3) is developed to remove this enforced inefficiency by allowing direct management and control at the lowest levels of the network. This model acts as the base layer for further distributed intelligent services such as management and content delivery to enable both ISPs and third parties to actively collaborate and provide content from the most efficient source

    Using Context to Improve Network-based Exploit Kit Detection

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    Today, our computers are routinely compromised while performing seemingly innocuous activities like reading articles on trusted websites (e.g., the NY Times). These compromises are perpetrated via complex interactions involving the advertising networks that monetize these sites. Web-based compromises such as exploit kits are similar to any other scam -- the attacker wants to lure an unsuspecting client into a trap to steal private information, or resources -- generating 10s of millions of dollars annually. Exploit kits are web-based services specifically designed to capitalize on vulnerabilities in unsuspecting client computers in order to install malware without a user's knowledge. Sadly, it only takes a single successful infection to ruin a user's financial life, or lead to corporate breaches that result in millions of dollars of expense and loss of customer trust. Exploit kits use a myriad of techniques to obfuscate each attack instance, making current network-based defenses such as signature-based network intrusion detection systems far less effective than in years past. Dynamic analysis or honeyclient analysis on these exploits plays a key role in identifying new attacks for signature generation, but provides no means of inspecting end-user traffic on the network to identify attacks in real time. As a result, defenses designed to stop such malfeasance often arrive too late or not at all resulting in high false positive and false negative (error) rates. In order to deal with these drawbacks, three new detection approaches are presented. To deal with the issue of a high number of errors, a new technique for detecting exploit kit interactions on a network is proposed. The technique capitalizes on the fact that an exploit kit leads its potential victim through a process of exploitation by forcing the browser to download multiple web resources from malicious servers. This process has an inherent structure that can be captured in HTTP traffic and used to significantly reduce error rates. The approach organizes HTTP traffic into tree-like data structures, and, using a scalable index of exploit kit traces as samples, models the detection process as a subtree similarity search problem. The technique is evaluated on 3,800 hours of web traffic on a large enterprise network, and results show that it reduces false positive rates by four orders of magnitude over current state-of-the-art approaches. While utilizing structure can vastly improve detection rates over current approaches, it does not go far enough in helping defenders detect new, previously unseen attacks. As a result, a new framework that applies dynamic honeyclient analysis directly on network traffic at scale is proposed. The framework captures and stores a configurable window of reassembled HTTP objects network wide, uses lightweight content rendering to establish the chain of requests leading up to a suspicious event, then serves the initial response content back to the honeyclient in an isolated network. The framework is evaluated on a diverse collection of exploit kits as they evolve over a 1 year period. The empirical evaluation suggests that the approach offers significant operational value, and a single honeyclient can support a campus deployment of thousands of users. While the above approaches attempt to detect exploit kits before they have a chance to infect the client, they cannot protect a client that has already been infected. The final technique detects signs of post infection behavior by intrusions that abuses the domain name system (DNS) to make contact with an attacker. Contemporary detection approaches utilize the structure of a domain name and require hundreds of DNS messages to detect such malware. As a result, these detection mechanisms cannot detect malware in a timely manner and are susceptible to high error rates. The final technique, based on sequential hypothesis testing, uses the DNS message patterns of a subset of DNS traffic to detect malware in as little as four DNS messages, and with orders of magnitude reduction in error rates. The results of this work can make a significant operational impact on network security analysis, and open several exciting future directions for network security research.Doctor of Philosoph