396 research outputs found

    Stochastic Shortest Path with Energy Constraints in POMDPs

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    We consider partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with a set of target states and positive integer costs associated with every transition. The traditional optimization objective (stochastic shortest path) asks to minimize the expected total cost until the target set is reached. We extend the traditional framework of POMDPs to model energy consumption, which represents a hard constraint. The energy levels may increase and decrease with transitions, and the hard constraint requires that the energy level must remain positive in all steps till the target is reached. First, we present a novel algorithm for solving POMDPs with energy levels, developing on existing POMDP solvers and using RTDP as its main method. Our second contribution is related to policy representation. For larger POMDP instances the policies computed by existing solvers are too large to be understandable. We present an automated procedure based on machine learning techniques that automatically extracts important decisions of the policy allowing us to compute succinct human readable policies. Finally, we show experimentally that our algorithm performs well and computes succinct policies on a number of POMDP instances from the literature that were naturally enhanced with energy levels.Comment: Technical report accompanying a paper published in proceedings of AAMAS 201

    Efficient Model Learning for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks

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    We present a framework for learning human user models from joint-action demonstrations that enables the robot to compute a robust policy for a collaborative task with a human. The learning takes place completely automatically, without any human intervention. First, we describe the clustering of demonstrated action sequences into different human types using an unsupervised learning algorithm. These demonstrated sequences are also used by the robot to learn a reward function that is representative for each type, through the employment of an inverse reinforcement learning algorithm. The learned model is then used as part of a Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process formulation, wherein the human type is a partially observable variable. With this framework, we can infer, either offline or online, the human type of a new user that was not included in the training set, and can compute a policy for the robot that will be aligned to the preference of this new user and will be robust to deviations of the human actions from prior demonstrations. Finally we validate the approach using data collected in human subject experiments, and conduct proof-of-concept demonstrations in which a person performs a collaborative task with a small industrial robot

    On-Robot Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs

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    Robot learning is often difficult due to the expense of gathering data. The need for large amounts of data can, and should, be tackled with effective algorithms and leveraging expert information on robot dynamics. Bayesian reinforcement learning (BRL), thanks to its sample efficiency and ability to exploit prior knowledge, is uniquely positioned as such a solution method. Unfortunately, the application of BRL has been limited due to the difficulties of representing expert knowledge as well as solving the subsequent inference problem. This paper advances BRL for robotics by proposing a specialized framework for physical systems. In particular, we capture this knowledge in a factored representation, then demonstrate the posterior factorizes in a similar shape, and ultimately formalize the model in a Bayesian framework. We then introduce a sample-based online solution method, based on Monte-Carlo tree search and particle filtering, specialized to solve the resulting model. This approach can, for example, utilize typical low-level robot simulators and handle uncertainty over unknown dynamics of the environment. We empirically demonstrate its efficiency by performing on-robot learning in two human-robot interaction tasks with uncertainty about human behavior, achieving near-optimal performance after only a handful of real-world episodes. A video of learned policies is at https://youtu.be/H9xp60ngOes.Comment: Accepted at IROS-2023 (Detroit, USA

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning under Mixed Observability

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    The framework of mixed observable Markov decision processes (MOMDP) models many robotic domains in which some state variables are fully observable while others are not. In this work, we identify a significant subclass of MOMDPs defined by how actions influence the fully observable components of the state and how those, in turn, influence the partially observable components and the rewards. This unique property allows for a two-level hierarchical approach we call HIerarchical Reinforcement Learning under Mixed Observability (HILMO), which restricts partial observability to the top level while the bottom level remains fully observable, enabling higher learning efficiency. The top level produces desired goals to be reached by the bottom level until the task is solved. We further develop theoretical guarantees to show that our approach can achieve optimal and quasi-optimal behavior under mild assumptions. Empirical results on long-horizon continuous control tasks demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of our approach in terms of improved success rate, sample efficiency, and wall-clock training time. We also deploy policies learned in simulation on a real robot.Comment: Accepted at the 15th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) 2022, University of Maryland, College Park. The first two authors contributed equall