23 research outputs found

    Proper orthogonal decomposition closure models for fluid flows: Burgers equation

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    This paper puts forth several closure models for the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) reduced order modeling of fluid flows. These new closure models, together with other standard closure models, are investigated in the numerical simulation of the Burgers equation. This simplified setting represents just the first step in the investigation of the new closure models. It allows a thorough assessment of the performance of the new models, including a parameter sensitivity study. Two challenging test problems displaying moving shock waves are chosen in the numerical investigation. The closure models and a standard Galerkin POD reduced order model are benchmarked against the fine resolution numerical simulation. Both numerical accuracy and computational efficiency are used to assess the performance of the models

    Comparison of POD reduced order strategies for the nonlinear 2D Shallow Water Equations

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    This paper introduces tensorial calculus techniques in the framework of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) to reduce the computational complexity of the reduced nonlinear terms. The resulting method, named tensorial POD, can be applied to polynomial nonlinearities of any degree pp. Such nonlinear terms have an on-line complexity of O(kp+1)\mathcal{O}(k^{p+1}), where kk is the dimension of POD basis, and therefore is independent of full space dimension. However it is efficient only for quadratic nonlinear terms since for higher nonlinearities standard POD proves to be less time consuming once the POD basis dimension kk is increased. Numerical experiments are carried out with a two dimensional shallow water equation (SWE) test problem to compare the performance of tensorial POD, standard POD, and POD/Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (DEIM). Numerical results show that tensorial POD decreases by 76×76\times times the computational cost of the on-line stage of standard POD for configurations using more than 300,000300,000 model variables. The tensorial POD SWE model was only 28×2-8\times slower than the POD/DEIM SWE model but the implementation effort is considerably increased. Tensorial calculus was again employed to construct a new algorithm allowing POD/DEIM shallow water equation model to compute its off-line stage faster than the standard and tensorial POD approaches.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Structure-preserving Reduced Order Modeling of non-traditional Shallow Water Equation

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    An energy preserving reduced order model is developed for the nontraditional shallow water equation (NTSWE) with full Coriolis force. The NTSWE in the noncanonical Hamiltonian/Poisson form is discretized in space by finite differences. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is integrated in time by the energy preserving average vector field (AVF) method. The Poisson structure of the NTSWE in discretized exhibits a skew-symmetric matrix depending on the state variables. An energy preserving, computationally efficient reduced-order model (ROM) is constructed by proper orthogonal decomposition with Galerkin projection. The nonlinearities are computed for the ROM efficiently by discrete empirical interpolation method. Preservation of the semi-discrete energy and the enstrophy are shown for the full order model, and for the ROM which ensures the long term stability of the solutions. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the ROMs are shown by two numerical test problemsComment: 17 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1907.0940

    POD-DEIM Based Model Order Reduction for the Spherical Shallow Water Equations with Turkel-Zwas Finite Difference Discretization

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    We consider the shallow water equations (SWE) in spherical coordinates solved by Turkel-Zwas (T-Z) explicit large time-step scheme. To reduce the dimension of the SWE model, we use a well-known model order reduction method, a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). As the computational complexity still depends on the number of variables of the full spherical SWE model, we use discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) proposed by Sorensen to reduce the computational complexity of the reduced-order model. DEIM is very helpful in evaluating quadratically nonlinear terms in the reduced-order model. The numerical results show that POD-DEIM is computationally very efficient for implementing model order reduction for spherical SWE

    Structure Preserving Model Order Reduction of Shallow Water Equations

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    In this paper, we present two different approaches for constructing reduced-order models (ROMs) for the two-dimensional shallow water equation (SWE). The first one is based on the noncanonical Hamiltonian/Poisson form of the SWE. After integration in time by the fully implicit average vector field method, ROMs are constructed with proper orthogonal decomposition/discrete empirical interpolation method (POD/DEIM) that preserves the Hamiltonian structure. In the second approach, the SWE as a partial differential equation with quadratic nonlinearity is integrated in time by the linearly implicit Kahan's method and ROMs are constructed with the tensorial POD that preserves the linear-quadratic structure of the SWE. We show that in both approaches, the invariants of the SWE such as the energy, enstrophy, mass, and circulation are preserved over a long period of time, leading to stable solutions. We conclude by demonstrating the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the reduced solutions by a numerical test problem