4 research outputs found

    Open access in Southern European countries

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    The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) is a public foundation under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation whose mission is to strengthen the value chain of knowledge by fostering science and innovation and trying to integrate them and bring them closer to society, in response to the needs and expectations of the Spanish science, technology and enterprise system. The Foundation’s goal is to be recognized by Spanish society as a key reference in the dissemination, information and measurement of science and innovation. It also wishes to contribute to the development of a knowledge-based economy. One of the main challenges of the Foundation is to lead the integration and rationalization of scientific information and science, technology and innovation metrics, described as the “integrate and measure vector” in its 2010- 2012 strategic plan. FECYT already has considerable experience in managing national scientific information. It is the national licensee of the Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge accessed by the Spanish scientific community. It is also firmly committed to establishing itself as the Spanish hub in favour of the open access (OA) movement (for free access to scientific information available on the Internet), in combination with supporting the traditional markets of scientific information. In 2010 FECYT organized the 5th International Conference on Open Repositories in Madrid, with the aim of positioning Spain in the debate on emerging trends in the management of scientific information. The authorities are opening the door to the open access movement, under the belief that publicly funded research should be freely available. Among other initiatives, the 2010 Spanish Bill on Science, Technology and Innovation urges researchers to deposit their research papers produced with public funding in institutional repositories

    PLEIADI, a portal solution for scholarly literature

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    The PLEIADI Project (acronym for “Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali”, a portal for Italian scholarly e-literature in open archives and institutional repositories) originated from the collaboration between two major Italian university consortia, CASPUR and CILEA, within the framework of the AEPIC project. PLEIADI aims at building a national platform that offers centralized access to the scholarly literature archived in Italian repositories

    Contexts and Contributions: Building the Distributed Library

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    This report updates and expands on A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services, originally commissioned by the DLF as an internal report in summer 2003, and released to the public later that year. It highlights major developments affecting the ecosystem of scholarly communications and digital libraries since the last survey and provides an analysis of OAI implementation demographics, based on a comparative review of repository registries and cross-archive search services. Secondly, it reviews the state-of-practice for a cohort of digital library aggregation services, grouping them in the context of the problem space to which they most closely adhere. Based in part on responses collected in fall 2005 from an online survey distributed to the original core services, the report investigates the purpose, function and challenges of next-generation aggregation services. On a case-by-case basis, the advances in each service are of interest in isolation from each other, but the report also attempts to situate these services in a larger context and to understand how they fit into a multi-dimensional and interdependent ecosystem supporting the worldwide community of scholars. Finally, the report summarizes the contributions of these services thus far and identifies obstacles requiring further attention to realize the goal of an open, distributed digital library system