401 research outputs found

    Optimization and Abstraction: A Synergistic Approach for Analyzing Neural Network Robustness

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    In recent years, the notion of local robustness (or robustness for short) has emerged as a desirable property of deep neural networks. Intuitively, robustness means that small perturbations to an input do not cause the network to perform misclassifications. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for verifying robustness properties of neural networks. Our method synergistically combines gradient-based optimization methods for counterexample search with abstraction-based proof search to obtain a sound and ({\delta}-)complete decision procedure. Our method also employs a data-driven approach to learn a verification policy that guides abstract interpretation during proof search. We have implemented the proposed approach in a tool called Charon and experimentally evaluated it on hundreds of benchmarks. Our experiments show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms three state-of-the-art tools, namely AI^2 , Reluplex, and Reluval

    Compass: {S}trong and Compositional Library Specifications in Relaxed Memory Separation Logic

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    Cerberus-BMC: A Principled Reference Semantics and Exploration Tool for Concurrent and Sequential C

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    C remains central to our infrastructure, making verification of C code an essential and much-researched topic, but the semantics of C is remarkably complex, and important aspects of it are still unsettled, leaving programmers and verification tool builders on shaky ground. This paper describes a tool, Cerberus-BMC, that for the first time provides a principled reference semantics that simultaneously supports (1) a choice of concurrency memory model (including substantial fragments of the C11, RC11, and Linux kernel memory models), (2) a modern memory object model, and (3) a well-validated thread-local semantics for a large fragment of the language. The tool should be useful for C programmers, compiler writers, verification tool builders, and members of the C/C++ standards committees

    ImageEye: Batch Image Processing Using Program Synthesis

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    This paper presents a new synthesis-based approach for batch image processing. Unlike existing tools that can only apply global edits to the entire image, our method can apply fine-grained edits to individual objects within the image. For example, our method can selectively blur or crop specific objects that have a certain property. To facilitate such fine-grained image editing tasks, we propose a neuro-symbolic domain-specific language (DSL) that combines pre-trained neural networks for image classification with other language constructs that enable symbolic reasoning. Our method can automatically learn programs in this DSL from user demonstrations by utilizing a novel synthesis algorithm. We have implemented the proposed technique in a tool called ImageEye and evaluated it on 50 image editing tasks. Our evaluation shows that ImageEye is able to automate 96% of these tasks

    goSLP: Globally Optimized Superword Level Parallelism Framework

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    Modern microprocessors are equipped with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) or vector instruction sets which allow compilers to exploit superword level parallelism (SLP), a type of fine-grained parallelism. Current SLP auto-vectorization techniques use heuristics to discover vectorization opportunities in high-level language code. These heuristics are fragile, local and typically only present one vectorization strategy that is either accepted or rejected by a cost model. We present goSLP, a novel SLP auto-vectorization framework which solves the statement packing problem in a pairwise optimal manner. Using an integer linear programming (ILP) solver, goSLP searches the entire space of statement packing opportunities for a whole function at a time, while limiting total compilation time to a few minutes. Furthermore, goSLP optimally solves the vector permutation selection problem using dynamic programming. We implemented goSLP in the LLVM compiler infrastructure, achieving a geometric mean speedup of 7.58% on SPEC2017fp, 2.42% on SPEC2006fp and 4.07% on NAS benchmarks compared to LLVM's existing SLP auto-vectorizer.Comment: Published at OOPSLA 201

    Inductive Program Synthesis via Iterative Forward-Backward Abstract Interpretation

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    A key challenge in example-based program synthesis is the gigantic search space of programs. To address this challenge, various work proposed to use abstract interpretation to prune the search space. However, most of existing approaches have focused only on forward abstract interpretation, and thus cannot fully exploit the power of abstract interpretation. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to inductive program synthesis via iterative forward-backward abstract interpretation. The forward abstract interpretation computes possible outputs of a program given inputs, while the backward abstract interpretation computes possible inputs of a program given outputs. By iteratively performing the two abstract interpretations in an alternating fashion, we can effectively determine if any completion of each partial program as a candidate can satisfy the input-output examples. We apply our approach to a standard formulation, syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS), thereby supporting a wide range of inductive synthesis tasks. We have implemented our approach and evaluated it on a set of benchmarks from the prior work. The experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches thanks to the sophisticated abstract interpretation techniques
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