4 research outputs found

    PIN generation using EEG : a stability study

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    In a previous study, it has been shown that brain activity, i.e. electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, can be used to generate personal identification number (PIN). The method was based on brain–computer interface (BCI) technology using a P300-based BCI approach and showed that a single-channel EEG was sufficient to generate PIN without any error for three subjects. The advantage of this method is obviously its better fraud resistance compared to conventional methods of PIN generation such as entering the numbers using a keypad. Here, we investigate the stability of these EEG signals when used with a neural network classifier, i.e. to investigate the changes in the performance of the method over time. Our results, based on recording conducted over a period of three months, indicate that a single channel is no longer sufficient and a multiple electrode configuration is necessary to maintain acceptable performances. Alternatively, a recording session to retrain the neural network classifier can be conducted on shorter intervals, though practically this might not be viable

    The Use of EEG Signals For Biometric Person Recognition

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    This work is devoted to investigating EEG-based biometric recognition systems. One potential advantage of using EEG signals for person recognition is the difficulty in generating artificial signals with biometric characteristics, thus making the spoofing of EEG-based biometric systems a challenging task. However, more works needs to be done to overcome certain drawbacks that currently prevent the adoption of EEG biometrics in real-life scenarios: 1) usually large number of employed sensors, 2) still relatively low recognition rates (compared with some other biometric modalities), 3) the template ageing effect. The existing shortcomings of EEG biometrics and their possible solutions are addressed from three main perspectives in the thesis: pre-processing, feature extraction and pattern classification. In pre-processing, task (stimuli) sensitivity and noise removal are investigated and discussed in separated chapters. For feature extraction, four novel features are proposed; for pattern classification, a new quality filtering method, and a novel instance-based learning algorithm are described in respective chapters. A self-collected database (Mobile Sensor Database) is employed to investigate some important biometric specified effects (e.g. the template ageing effect; using low-cost sensor for recognition). In the research for pre-processing, a training data accumulation scheme is developed, which improves the recognition performance by combining the data of different mental tasks for training; a new wavelet-based de-noising method is developed, its effectiveness in person identification is found to be considerable. Two novel features based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Transform are developed, which provided the best biometric performance amongst all the newly proposed features and other state-of-the-art features reported in the thesis; the other two newly developed wavelet-based features, while having slightly lower recognition accuracies, were computationally more efficient. The quality filtering algorithm is designed to employ the most informative EEG signal segments: experimental results indicate using a small subset of the available data for feature training could receive reasonable improvement in identification rate. The proposed instance-based template reconstruction learning algorithm has shown significant effectiveness when tested using both the publicly available and self-collected databases

    PIN generation using single channel EEG biometric

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    This paper investigates a method to generate personal identification number (PIN) using brain activity recorded from a single active electroencephalogram (EEG) channel. EEG based biometric to generate PIN is less prone to fraud and the method is based on the recent developments in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, specifically P300 based BCI designs. Our perfect classification accuracies from three subjects indicate promise for generating PIN using thought activity measured from a single channel