216 research outputs found

    Energy Saving Techniques for Phase Change Memory (PCM)

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    In recent years, the energy consumption of computing systems has increased and a large fraction of this energy is consumed in main memory. Towards this, researchers have proposed use of non-volatile memory, such as phase change memory (PCM), which has low read latency and power; and nearly zero leakage power. However, the write latency and power of PCM are very high and this, along with limited write endurance of PCM present significant challenges in enabling wide-spread adoption of PCM. To address this, several architecture-level techniques have been proposed. In this report, we review several techniques to manage power consumption of PCM. We also classify these techniques based on their characteristics to provide insights into them. The aim of this work is encourage researchers to propose even better techniques for improving energy efficiency of PCM based main memory.Comment: Survey, phase change RAM (PCRAM

    Improving the Performance and Endurance of Persistent Memory with Loose-Ordering Consistency

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    Persistent memory provides high-performance data persistence at main memory. Memory writes need to be performed in strict order to satisfy storage consistency requirements and enable correct recovery from system crashes. Unfortunately, adhering to such a strict order significantly degrades system performance and persistent memory endurance. This paper introduces a new mechanism, Loose-Ordering Consistency (LOC), that satisfies the ordering requirements at significantly lower performance and endurance loss. LOC consists of two key techniques. First, Eager Commit eliminates the need to perform a persistent commit record write within a transaction. We do so by ensuring that we can determine the status of all committed transactions during recovery by storing necessary metadata information statically with blocks of data written to memory. Second, Speculative Persistence relaxes the write ordering between transactions by allowing writes to be speculatively written to persistent memory. A speculative write is made visible to software only after its associated transaction commits. To enable this, our mechanism supports the tracking of committed transaction ID and multi-versioning in the CPU cache. Our evaluations show that LOC reduces the average performance overhead of memory persistence from 66.9% to 34.9% and the memory write traffic overhead from 17.1% to 3.4% on a variety of workloads.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

    Emulating and evaluating hybrid memory for managed languages on NUMA hardware

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    Non-volatile memory (NVM) has the potential to become a mainstream memory technology and challenge DRAM. Researchers evaluating the speed, endurance, and abstractions of hybrid memories with DRAM and NVM typically use simulation, making it easy to evaluate the impact of different hardware technologies and parameters. Simulation is, however, extremely slow, limiting the applications and datasets in the evaluation. Simulation also precludes critical workloads, especially those written in managed languages such as Java and C#. Good methodology embraces a variety of techniques for evaluating new ideas, expanding the experimental scope, and uncovering new insights. This paper introduces a platform to emulate hybrid memory for managed languages using commodity NUMA servers. Emulation complements simulation but offers richer software experimentation. We use a thread-local socket to emulate DRAM and a remote socket to emulate NVM. We use standard C library routines to allocate heap memory on the DRAM and NVM sockets for use with explicit memory management or garbage collection. We evaluate the emulator using various configurations of write-rationing garbage collectors that improve NVM lifetimes by limiting writes to NVM, using 15 applications and various datasets and workload configurations. We show emulation and simulation confirm each other's trends in terms of writes to NVM for different software configurations, increasing our confidence in predicting future system effects. Emulation brings novel insights, such as the non-linear effects of multi-programmed workloads on NVM writes, and that Java applications write significantly more than their C++ equivalents. We make our software infrastructure publicly available to advance the evaluation of novel memory management schemes on hybrid memories

    Performance Evaluation and Modeling of HPC I/O on Non-Volatile Memory

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    HPC applications pose high demands on I/O performance and storage capability. The emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) techniques offer low-latency, high bandwidth, and persistence for HPC applications. However, the existing I/O stack are designed and optimized based on an assumption of disk-based storage. To effectively use NVM, we must re-examine the existing high performance computing (HPC) I/O sub-system to properly integrate NVM into it. Using NVM as a fast storage, the previous assumption on the inferior performance of storage (e.g., hard drive) is not valid any more. The performance problem caused by slow storage may be mitigated; the existing mechanisms to narrow the performance gap between storage and CPU may be unnecessary and result in large overhead. Thus fully understanding the impact of introducing NVM into the HPC software stack demands a thorough performance study. In this paper, we analyze and model the performance of I/O intensive HPC applications with NVM as a block device. We study the performance from three perspectives: (1) the impact of NVM on the performance of traditional page cache; (2) a performance comparison between MPI individual I/O and POSIX I/O; and (3) the impact of NVM on the performance of collective I/O. We reveal the diminishing effects of page cache, minor performance difference between MPI individual I/O and POSIX I/O, and performance disadvantage of collective I/O on NVM due to unnecessary data shuffling. We also model the performance of MPI collective I/O and study the complex interaction between data shuffling, storage performance, and I/O access patterns.Comment: 10 page
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