23,000 research outputs found

    Parallel Algorithms for Geometric Graph Problems

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    We give algorithms for geometric graph problems in the modern parallel models inspired by MapReduce. For example, for the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem over a set of points in the two-dimensional space, our algorithm computes a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate MST. Our algorithms work in a constant number of rounds of communication, while using total space and communication proportional to the size of the data (linear space and near linear time algorithms). In contrast, for general graphs, achieving the same result for MST (or even connectivity) remains a challenging open problem, despite drawing significant attention in recent years. We develop a general algorithmic framework that, besides MST, also applies to Earth-Mover Distance (EMD) and the transportation cost problem. Our algorithmic framework has implications beyond the MapReduce model. For example it yields a new algorithm for computing EMD cost in the plane in near-linear time, n1+oϵ(1)n^{1+o_\epsilon(1)}. We note that while recently Sharathkumar and Agarwal developed a near-linear time algorithm for (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximating EMD, our algorithm is fundamentally different, and, for example, also solves the transportation (cost) problem, raised as an open question in their work. Furthermore, our algorithm immediately gives a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with nδn^{\delta} space in the streaming-with-sorting model with 1/δO(1)1/\delta^{O(1)} passes. As such, it is tempting to conjecture that the parallel models may also constitute a concrete playground in the quest for efficient algorithms for EMD (and other similar problems) in the vanilla streaming model, a well-known open problem

    Improved Parallel Algorithms for Spanners and Hopsets

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    We use exponential start time clustering to design faster and more work-efficient parallel graph algorithms involving distances. Previous algorithms usually rely on graph decomposition routines with strict restrictions on the diameters of the decomposed pieces. We weaken these bounds in favor of stronger local probabilistic guarantees. This allows more direct analyses of the overall process, giving: * Linear work parallel algorithms that construct spanners with O(k)O(k) stretch and size O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1+1/k}) in unweighted graphs, and size O(n1+1/klogk)O(n^{1+1/k} \log k) in weighted graphs. * Hopsets that lead to the first parallel algorithm for approximating shortest paths in undirected graphs with O(m  polylog  n)O(m\;\mathrm{polylog}\;n) work

    Parallel Algorithms for Summing Floating-Point Numbers

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    The problem of exactly summing n floating-point numbers is a fundamental problem that has many applications in large-scale simulations and computational geometry. Unfortunately, due to the round-off error in standard floating-point operations, this problem becomes very challenging. Moreover, all existing solutions rely on sequential algorithms which cannot scale to the huge datasets that need to be processed. In this paper, we provide several efficient parallel algorithms for summing n floating point numbers, so as to produce a faithfully rounded floating-point representation of the sum. We present algorithms in PRAM, external-memory, and MapReduce models, and we also provide an experimental analysis of our MapReduce algorithms, due to their simplicity and practical efficiency.Comment: Conference version appears in SPAA 201

    Flexible Parallel Algorithms for Big Data Optimization

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    We propose a decomposition framework for the parallel optimization of the sum of a differentiable function and a (block) separable nonsmooth, convex one. The latter term is typically used to enforce structure in the solution as, for example, in Lasso problems. Our framework is very flexible and includes both fully parallel Jacobi schemes and Gauss-Seidel (Southwell-type) ones, as well as virtually all possibilities in between (e.g., gradient- or Newton-type methods) with only a subset of variables updated at each iteration. Our theoretical convergence results improve on existing ones, and numerical results show that the new method compares favorably to existing algorithms.Comment: submitted to IEEE ICASSP 201

    Deterministic parallel algorithms for bilinear objective functions

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    Many randomized algorithms can be derandomized efficiently using either the method of conditional expectations or probability spaces with low independence. A series of papers, beginning with work by Luby (1988), showed that in many cases these techniques can be combined to give deterministic parallel (NC) algorithms for a variety of combinatorial optimization problems, with low time- and processor-complexity. We extend and generalize a technique of Luby for efficiently handling bilinear objective functions. One noteworthy application is an NC algorithm for maximal independent set. On a graph GG with mm edges and nn vertices, this takes O~(log2n)\tilde O(\log^2 n) time and (m+n)no(1)(m + n) n^{o(1)} processors, nearly matching the best randomized parallel algorithms. Other applications include reduced processor counts for algorithms of Berger (1997) for maximum acyclic subgraph and Gale-Berlekamp switching games. This bilinear factorization also gives better algorithms for problems involving discrepancy. An important application of this is to automata-fooling probability spaces, which are the basis of a notable derandomization technique of Sivakumar (2002). Our method leads to large reduction in processor complexity for a number of derandomization algorithms based on automata-fooling, including set discrepancy and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma

    Massively Parallel Algorithms for Distance Approximation and Spanners

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    Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in distributed/parallel algorithms for processing large-scale graphs. By now, we have quite fast algorithms -- usually sublogarithmic-time and often poly(loglogn)poly(\log\log n)-time, or even faster -- for a number of fundamental graph problems in the massively parallel computation (MPC) model. This model is a widely-adopted theoretical abstraction of MapReduce style settings, where a number of machines communicate in an all-to-all manner to process large-scale data. Contributing to this line of work on MPC graph algorithms, we present poly(logk)poly(loglogn)poly(\log k) \in poly(\log\log n) round MPC algorithms for computing O(k1+o(1))O(k^{1+{o(1)}})-spanners in the strongly sublinear regime of local memory. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first sublogarithmic-time MPC algorithms for spanner construction. As primary applications of our spanners, we get two important implications, as follows: -For the MPC setting, we get an O(log2logn)O(\log^2\log n)-round algorithm for O(log1+o(1)n)O(\log^{1+o(1)} n) approximation of all pairs shortest paths (APSP) in the near-linear regime of local memory. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sublogarithmic-time MPC algorithm for distance approximations. -Our result above also extends to the Congested Clique model of distributed computing, with the same round complexity and approximation guarantee. This gives the first sub-logarithmic algorithm for approximating APSP in weighted graphs in the Congested Clique model