49 research outputs found

    Enterprise engineering using semantic technologies

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    Modern Enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in every aspect of their businesses: from marketing research, invention of products, prototyping, production, sales to billing. Innovation is the key to enhancing enterprise performances and knowledge is the main driving force in creating innovation. The identification and effective management of valuable knowledge, however, remains an illusive topic. Knowledge management (KM) techniques, such as enterprise process modelling, have long been recognised for their value and practiced as part of normal business. There are plentiful of KM techniques. However, what is still lacking is a holistic KM approach that enables one to fully connect KM efforts with existing business knowledge and practices already in IT systems, such as organisational memories. To address this problem, we present an integrated three-dimensional KM approach that supports innovative semantics technologies. Its automated formal methods allow us to tap into modern business practices and capitalise on existing knowledge. It closes the knowledge management cycle with user feedback loops. Since we are making use of reliable existing knowledge and methods, new knowledge can be extracted with less effort comparing with another method where new information has to be created from scratch

    Enterprise Engineering Using Semantic Technologies

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    Modern Enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in every aspect of their businesses: from marketing research, invention of products, prototyping, production, sales to billing. Innovation is the key to enhancing enterprise performances and knowledge is the main driving force in creating innovation. The identification and effective management of valuable knowledge, however, remains an illusive topic. Knowledge management (KM) techniques, such as enterprise process modelling, have long been recognised for their value and practiced as part of normal business. There are plentiful of KM techniques. However, what is still lacking is a holistic KM approach that enables one to fully connect KM efforts with existing business knowledge and practices already in IT systems, such as organisational memories. To address this problem, we present an integrated three-dimensional KM approach that supports innovative semantics technologies. Its automated formal methods allow us to tap into modern business practices and capitalise on existing knowledge. It closes the knowledge management cycle with user feedback loops. Since we are making use of reliable existing knowledge and methods, new knowledge can be extracted with less effort comparing with another method where new information has to be created from scratch

    Der person-zentrierte Ansatz zum Lehren und Lernen - dargestellt an einem Kurs in Organisationsentwicklung

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    Aktuelle Strategien der Europäischen Union ermutigen Lehrstile, welche die Entwicklung von Einstellungen und Fähigkeiten als Grundlage der Konstruktion von Wissen fördern. Der von Carl Rogers entwickelte und für verschiedene innovative didaktische Settings adaptierte person-zentrierte Ansatz erweist sich als vielversprechede Strategie, erfahrungsgestütztes, ganzheitliches Lernen zu ermöglichen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werfen wir einen Blick auf person-zentrierte Lehre anhand einer universitären Lerhveranstaltung zur Organisationsentwicklung. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Studierenden zeigte eindeutige Lernerfolge im Bereich der persönlichen Einstellungen, der sozialen Kompetenzen und auch der intellektuellen Lernziele, wie sowohl aus der qualitativen als auch der quantitativen Evaluierung hervorgeht. 03.12.2006 | Renate Motschnig-Pitrik & Antonio M. Santos (Wien, San Diego


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    Since 1984, it is enormous work going on for the accomplishing of the project Cyc (‗Saik‘). This work is based on knowledge of ―Artificial Intelligence‖ which is developed by the Cycorpcompany and by Douglas Lenat at MCC. It‘s a Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) part for so long. The dominant aim of Cycorp to develop this system is to just clarify anything in semantical determination rather than syntactically determination of words commands by the machine in which Cyc is installed to do some job. The other objective was in the building of Cyc is to codify, in a form which is usable by the machine, where knowledge‘s millions piece that composes common sense of a normal human or the common sense made in the human brain. Cyc presents a proprietary schema of knowledge representation that utilized first-order relationships. The relationships that presents between first-order logic (FOL) and first-order theory (FOT). After a long time, in1986, Cyc’s  developer (Douglas Lenat) estimate that the total effort required to complete Cyc project would be 250,000 rules and 350 man-years. In 1994, Cyc Project was the reason behind creating independency into Cycorp, in Austin, Texas. As it is a common phrase that "Every tree is a plant" and "Plants die eventually" so that why by the mean of this some knowledge representing pieces which are in the database are like trees and plants like structures. The engine is known as an inference engine, able to draw the obvious results and answer the questions correctly on asking that whether trees die. The Knowledge Base (KB) system, which is included in Cyc, contains more than one million humans like assertions, rules or commonsense ideas. These ideas, rules, and human-defined assertions are describing or formatted in the language known as CycL. They are based on the predication of calculus and many otherhuman-based sciences, which has syntax similar to that of the language ―LISP‖. Though some extend the work on the Cyc project continues as a ―Knowledge Engineering‖, which represents some facts about the world, and implementing effective mechanisms which are derived after reaching the basic level conclusion on that knowledge. As Cyc include the firstorder logic and first order theory, which exist in some relationship; so it definitely uses and handle some other branches for human-interaction like mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics. However, increasingly, the other aim of Cycorp while developing Cyc is involvingan ability, which is given to the Cyc system that it can communicate with end users, by use of CycL, processing of natural language, and can assist with the knowledge formation process through the machine learning

    A platform for the development of Semantic Web portals

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    A Semantic Web portal is a Web application that offers information and services related to a specific domain, and that has been developed with Semantic Web technology. For the time being, the main difference with respect to a traditional Web portal is based on technological aspects: traditional Web portals are based on standard Web technology (HTML, XML, servlets, JSPs, etc.); semantic portals are based on that technology plus the use of Semantic Web languages like RDF, RDF Schema and OWL. This paper describes a unifying architecture for both types of portals, based on the MVC paradigm, which is implemented in the ODESeW framework. ODESeW has been used successfully in the development of a set of portals for the management of European R&D projects and for the management of research group

    A SECI-Based Knowledge Conversion Model of Business Process Capture

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    Security questions are one of the mechanisms used to recover passwords. Strong answers to security questions (i.e. high entropy) are hard for attackers to guess or obtain using social engineering techniques (e.g. monitoring of social networking profiles), but at the same time are difficult to remember. Instead, weak answers to security questions (i.e. low entropy) are easy to remember, which makes them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Convenience leads users to use the same answers to security questions on multiple accounts, which exposes these accounts to numerous cyber-threats. Hence, current security questions implementations rarely achieve the required security and memorability requirements. This research study is the first step in the development of a model which investigates the determinants that influence users’ behavioural intentions through motivation to select strong and memorable answers to security questions. This research also provides design recommendations for novel security questions mechanisms

    ODESeW for the creation of R&D projects’ Intranets and Extranets

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    In this paper, we describe how the ODESeW platform can be used for the generation of the internal and external Web sites of R&D projects. ODESeW is a platform for the development of Semantic Web applications, which has been successfully used in the creation of the semantic portals of the EU R&D projects Esperonto, Knowledge Web and OntoGrid