15 research outputs found

    An AHP integrated QFD approach for three dimensional blended value requirements in sustainable e-business modelling: The case of a commercial bank

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    Fulfillment of customer's requirements alone is not enough to be competitive in today's challenging market. Instead, blended value requirements need to be fulfilled for customer satisfaction, for efficient value process, and to achieve strategic goals including profit. On the other hand, 'e-business modelling' and 'sustainability of the business' are already established terms as e-business converts technology into economic value. Although e-business modelling and sustainability are the two major global trends still there is no common understanding about the elements that need to be used for a sustainable e-business model. This research approach, therefore, uses an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) integrated Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach to show how blended value requirements can be identified and efficiently fulfilled to achieve sustainability of e-business with a comprehensive case study. This approach is unique in the sense that in developing the model blended value requirements are considered from three dimensions and blended value concept is integrated with customer's value requirements, business's value requirements, and process's value requirements

    An AHP-QFD integrated approach to meet three dimensional environmental value requirements in sustainable e-business modelling

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    It is surprising that although 'e-business' and 'sustainability' are the two current major global trends but none of the e-business modelling ideas covers the sustainability aspects of the business. Environmental value requirement is one of the three pillars of sustainability concept that must be fulfilled to achieve a fully sustainable e-business model. A little literature is available on 'sustainability of ICT' but none of them clearly explains how environmental value requirements can be identified and efficiently fulfilled to achieve sustainability in e-business. Recently, companies are successfully using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a powerful tool in various fields that addresses strategic and operational decisions in businesses. This research approach, therefore, uses an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) integrated QFD approach to show how environmental value requirements can be identified and efficiently fulfilled to achieve sustainability of e-business with a comprehensive case study. This approach is unique in the sense that in developing the model environmental value requirements are considered from three dimensions and environmental value concept is integrated with customer's value requirements, business's value requirements, and process's value requirements. The approach uses the case of a commercial bank in Bangladesh for the demonstration of the approach

    Why Cloud? - A Review of Cloud Adoption Determinants in Organizations

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    Adoption of cloud computing in organizations is increasing at a rapid pace. It is expected that the majority of the organizations in industrialized nations will be using cloud services to some extent in the near future. In this review I categorize adoption factors utilized in the literature and identify determinants playing a key role in organizations’ decision to adopt cloud. I analyze both quantitative and qualitative evidence and code relationships between factors and adoption of cloud by systematically reviewing the literature. Findings show underrepresentation of the factors related to organization and external environment in cloud adoption literature. This study contributes a set of determinants of cloud adoption, which serves as a foundation for the future research and advancement of the theories in information systems field

    Critical Capabilities of Corporate Information Systems

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    Abstract—this paper aims to identify the critical factors for evaluating the capabilities of corporate information system in Palembang from the perspective of the IT infrastructure and IT human resources competence. To fulfill these objectives of the study, this study adopts a conceptual framework that is developed by Antoni and Jie (2012). The framework consists of IT infrastructure quality and competence of IT human Resources, which are used as foundation of business operations in organizations. There is a need to develop their capabilities through the adoption of IT to enhance its performance and enhance their competitive position in the market place. IT capability is an organizational ability in effectively and efficiently using their IT resources, which can be determined by IT infrastructure, and IT human resource competencies. Findings indicate that there are many the critical capabilities of IT infrastructure and IT human Resource capabilities that can be utilized by organizations to develop their competencies in order to improve business performance. In Addition, the findings of the study would be of practical significance to the continuous improvement of organizational performance in Palembang and other cities in Indonesia.  &nbsp

    Determinants of SaaS ERP Systems Adoption

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    ERP systems are now offered on the cloud under Software as a Service (SaaS) model. For small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), this is considered the best opportunity to take advantage of the capabilities of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system without the investment and management costs associated with the on-premise model. This study investigates the factors influencing the adoption of SaaS ERP system by SMEs. Using a cross-sectional field study conducted across four major case study organizations and software vendors, this study identifies the determinants for the adoption decision and analyses benefits and challenges. According to study, low total cost of ownership, low initial investment costs, potential willingness of the vendor to participate in co-creation of value for customers, continuous improvement of the product offerings and generic benefits of implementing an integrated ERP system are determinants of SaaS ERP adoption decisions by SMEs. Competitive pressures faced by the enterprise, external factors, concerns on the security and integrity of data have no influence on adoption decision, according to this study. Instead, SaaS ERP vendor’s long term reputation, promised shorter deployment time, total cost of ownership, willingness to listen and continuously improve the product, vendor’s ability and willingness to support customers throughout the product life cycle are the factors that would attract SMEs towards SaaS ERP systems

    Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Process Outsourcing - Case: Accounting in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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    Cloud computing is a model for providing on-demand access to a shared pool of computational resources in a cost-efficient and convenient manner, involving minimal interaction with the cloud provider. Within the last eight years cloud computing has evolved from a promising, emerging technology to a credible alternative for fulfilling organizations' IT needs. Previous research has addressed a variety of issues including cloud sourcing and implementation in organizations. However, there is a gap in our understanding when it comes to the implications of cloud-based information systems on business process outsourcing (BPO). The objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the understanding of how the introduction of cloud-based-information systems affects BPO arrangements. The context of this research is professional business-to-business (B2B) services outsourcing by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). This setting is depicted as an outsourcing triangle, which includes a client company, a professional service provider, and a cloud-based information system. The four essays included in this dissertation investigate the implications of cloud computing from the perspective of the three sides of the triangle. The first essay seeks to understand factors behind cloud computing adoption in organizations. The second and third essays investigate the outsourcing patterns of client companies and BPO decision-making in the context of cloud-based information systems. Finally, the fourth essay addresses changes in the organization of professional service providers. The main theoretical contributions of the dissertation include (1) a revised cloud computing adoption framework, (2) a conceptualization of the outsourcing continuum, (3) an enhanced understanding of transaction costs in the cloud context, and (4) a framework of virtual organization for professional B2B service providers. For practitioners, this dissertation offers a set of guidelines for the implementation of cloud-based information systems in BPO arrangements, and the reorganization of work to suit the technology