333 research outputs found

    Constant-factor approximations for Capacitated Arc Routing without triangle inequality

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    Given an undirected graph with edge costs and edge demands, the Capacitated Arc Routing problem (CARP) asks for minimum-cost routes for equal-capacity vehicles so as to satisfy all demands. Constant-factor polynomial-time approximation algorithms were proposed for CARP with triangle inequality, while CARP was claimed to be NP-hard to approximate within any constant factor in general. Correcting this claim, we show that any factor {\alpha} approximation for CARP with triangle inequality yields a factor {\alpha} approximation for the general CARP

    Asymptotic constant-factor approximation algorithm for the Traveling Salesperson Problem for Dubins' vehicle

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    This article proposes the first known algorithm that achieves a constant-factor approximation of the minimum length tour for a Dubins' vehicle through nn points on the plane. By Dubins' vehicle, we mean a vehicle constrained to move at constant speed along paths with bounded curvature without reversing direction. For this version of the classic Traveling Salesperson Problem, our algorithm closes the gap between previously established lower and upper bounds; the achievable performance is of order n2/3n^{2/3}

    Greedy MAXCUT Algorithms and their Information Content

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    MAXCUT defines a classical NP-hard problem for graph partitioning and it serves as a typical case of the symmetric non-monotone Unconstrained Submodular Maximization (USM) problem. Applications of MAXCUT are abundant in machine learning, computer vision and statistical physics. Greedy algorithms to approximately solve MAXCUT rely on greedy vertex labelling or on an edge contraction strategy. These algorithms have been studied by measuring their approximation ratios in the worst case setting but very little is known to characterize their robustness to noise contaminations of the input data in the average case. Adapting the framework of Approximation Set Coding, we present a method to exactly measure the cardinality of the algorithmic approximation sets of five greedy MAXCUT algorithms. Their information contents are explored for graph instances generated by two different noise models: the edge reversal model and Gaussian edge weights model. The results provide insights into the robustness of different greedy heuristics and techniques for MAXCUT, which can be used for algorithm design of general USM problems.Comment: This is a longer version of the paper published in 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW

    Progress on pricing with peering

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    This paper examines a simple model of how a provider ISP charges customer ISPs by assuming the provider ISP wants to maximize its revenue when customer ISPs have the possibility of setting up peering connections. It is shown that finding the optimal pricing is NP-complete, and APX-complete. Customers can respond to price in many ways, including throttling traffic as well as peering. An algorithm is studied which obtains a 1/4 approximation for a wide range of customer responses

    Approximating the Regular Graphic TSP in near linear time

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    We present a randomized approximation algorithm for computing traveling salesperson tours in undirected regular graphs. Given an nn-vertex, kk-regular graph, the algorithm computes a tour of length at most (1+7lnkO(1))n\left(1+\frac{7}{\ln k-O(1)}\right)n, with high probability, in O(nklogk)O(nk \log k) time. This improves upon a recent result by Vishnoi (\cite{Vishnoi12}, FOCS 2012) for the same problem, in terms of both approximation factor, and running time. The key ingredient of our algorithm is a technique that uses edge-coloring algorithms to sample a cycle cover with O(n/logk)O(n/\log k) cycles with high probability, in near linear time. Additionally, we also give a deterministic 32+O(1k)\frac{3}{2}+O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}\right) factor approximation algorithm running in time O(nk)O(nk).Comment: 12 page