18 research outputs found

    The Wikipedia Image Retrieval Task

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    The wikipedia image retrieval task at ImageCLEF provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of visual information retrieval from a collection of Wikipedia images. The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of retrieval approaches that exploit textual and visual evidence in the context of a large and heterogeneous collection of images that are searched for by users with diverse information needs. This chapter presents an overview of the available test collections, summarises the retrieval approaches employed by the groups that participated in the task during the 2008 and 2009 ImageCLEF campaigns, provides an analysis of the main evaluation results, identifies best practices for effective retrieval, and discusses open issues

    External query reformulation for text-based image retrieval

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    In text-based image retrieval, the Incomplete Annotation Problem (IAP) can greatly degrade retrieval effectiveness. A standard method used to address this problem is pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) which updates user queries by adding feedback terms selected automatically from top ranked documents in a prior retrieval run. PRF assumes that the target collection provides enough feedback information to select effective expansion terms. This is often not the case in image retrieval since images often only have short metadata annotations leading to the IAP. Our work proposes the use of an external knowledge resource (Wikipedia) in the process of refining user queries. In our method, Wikipedia documents strongly related to the terms in user query (" definition documents") are first identified by title matching between the query and titles of Wikipedia articles. These definition documents are used as indicators to re-weight the feedback documents from an initial search run on a Wikipedia abstract collection using the Jaccard coefficient. The new weights of the feedback documents are combined with the scores rated by different indicators. Query-expansion terms are then selected based on these new weights for the feedback documents. Our method is evaluated on the ImageCLEF WikipediaMM image retrieval task using text-based retrieval on the document metadata fields. The results show significant improvement compared to standard PRF methods

    Document expansion for text-based image retrieval at WikipediaMM 2010

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    We describe and analyze our participation in the Wikipedi- aMM task at ImageCLEF 2010. Our approach is based on text-based image retrieval using information retrieval techniques on the metadata documents of the images. We submitted two English monolingual runs and one multilingual run. The monolingual runs used the query to retrieve the metadata document with the query and document in the same language; the multilingual run used queries in one language to search the metadata provided in three languages. The main focus of our work was using the English query to retrieve images based on the English meta-data. For these experiments the English metadata data was expanded using an external resource - DBpedia. This study expanded on our application of document expansion in our previous participation in Image-CLEF 2009. In 2010 we combined document expansion with a document reduction technique which aimed to include only topically important words to the metadata. Our experiments used the Okapi feedback algorithm for document expansion and Okapi BM25 model for retrieval. Experimental results show that combining document expansion with the document reduction method give the best overall retrieval results

    A text-based approach to the ImageCLEF 2010 photo annotation task

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    The challenges of searching the increasingly large collections of digital images which are appearing in many places mean that automated annotation of images is becoming an important task. We describe our participation in the ImageCLEF 2010 Visual Concept Detection and Annotation Task. Our approach used only the textual features (Flickr user tags and EXIF information) to perform the automatic annotation. Our approach was to explore the use of different techniques to improve the results of textual annotation. We identify the drawbacks of our approach and how these might be addressed and optimized in further work

    Overview of the wikipediaMM task at ImageCLEF 2008

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    The wikipediaMM task provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of ad-hoc retrieval from a large collection of Wikipedia images. It became a part of the ImageCLEF evaluation campaign in 2008 with the aim of investigating the use of visual and textual sources in combination for improving the retrieval performance. This paper presents an overview of the task¿s resources, topics, assessments, participants' approaches, and main results

    Document expansion for image retrieval

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    Successful information retrieval requires e�ective matching between the user's search request and the contents of relevant documents. Often the request entered by a user may not use the same topic relevant terms as the authors' of the documents. One potential approach to address problems of query-document term mismatch is document expansion to include additional topically relevant indexing terms in a document which may encourage its retrieval when relevant to queries which do not match its original contents well. We propose and evaluate a new document expansion method using external resources. While results of previous research have been inconclusive in determining the impact of document expansion on retrieval e�ectiveness, our method is shown to work e�ectively for text-based image retrieval of short image annotation documents. Our approach uses the Okapi query expansion algorithm as a method for document expansion. We further show improved performance can be achieved by using a \document reduction" approach to include only the signi�cant terms in a document in the expansion process. Our experiments on the WikipediaMM task at ImageCLEF 2008 show an increase of 16.5% in mean average precision (MAP) compared to a variation of Okapi BM25 retrieval model. To compare document expansion with query expansion, we also test query expansion from an external resource which leads an improvement by 9.84% in MAP over our baseline. Our conclusion is that the document expansion with document reduction and in combination with query expansion produces the overall best retrieval results for shortlength document retrieval. For this image retrieval task, we also concluded that query expansion from external resource does not outperform the document expansion method

    The Wikipedia Image Retrieval Task

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    htmlabstractThe wikipedia image retrieval task at ImageCLEF provides a testbed for the system-oriented evaluation of visual information retrieval from a collection of Wikipedia images. The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of retrieval approaches that exploit textual and visual evidence in the context of a large and heterogeneous collection of images that are searched for by users with diverse information needs. This chapter presents an overview of the available test collections, summarises the retrieval approaches employed by the groups that participated in the task during the 2008 and 2009 ImageCLEF campaigns, provides an analysis of the main evaluation results, identifies best practices for effective retrieval, and discusses open issues

    Impact de l'information visuelle pour la Recherche d'Images par le contenu et le contexte

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    15 pagesNational audienceLes documents multimédia composés de texte et d'images sont de plus en plus présents grâce à Internet et à l'augmentation des capacités de stockage. Cet article présente un modèle de représentation de documents multimédia qui combine l'information textuelle et l'information visuelle. En utilisant une approche par sac de mot, un document composé de texte et d'image peut être décrit par des vecteurs correspondant à chaque type d'information. Pour une requête multimédia donnée, une liste de documents pertinents est retournée en combinant linéairement les résultats obtenus séparément sur chaque modalité. Le but de cet article est d'étudier l'impact, sur les résultats, du poids attribué à l'information visuelle par rapport à l'information textuelle. Des expérimentations, réalisées sur la collection multimédia ImageCLEF extraite de l'encyclopédie Wikipedia, montrent que les résultats peuvent être améliorés après une première étape d'apprentissage de ce poids

    DCU at WikipediaMM 2009: Document expansion from Wikipedia abstracts

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    In this paper, we describe our participation in the WikipediaMM task at CLEF 2009. Our main efforts concern the expansion of the image metadata from the Wikipedia abstracts collection DBpedia. Since the metadata is short for retrieval by query words, we decided to expand the metadata using a typical query expansion method. In our experiments, we use the Rocchio algorithm for document expansion. Our best run is in the 26th rank of all 57 runs which is under our expectation, and we think that the main reason is that our document expansion method uses all the words from the metadata documents which contain words which are unrelated to the content of the images. Compared with our text retrieval baseline, our best document expansion run improves MAP by 11.17%. As one of our conclusions, we think that the document expansion can play an effective factor in the image metadata retrieval task. Our content-based image retrieval uses the same approach as in our participation in ImageCLEF 2008

    Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis for Text-Image Combination in Multimedia Information Retrieval

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    International audienceWith multimedia information retrieval, combining different modalities - text, image, audio or video provides additional information and generally improves the overall system performance. For this purpose, the linear combination method is presented as simple, flexible and effective. However, it requires to choose the weight assigned to each modality. This issue is still an open problem and is addressed in this paper. Our approach, based on Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis, aims to learn these weights for multimedia documents composed of text and images. Text and images are both represented with the classical bag-of-words model. Our method was tested over the ImageCLEF datasets 2008 and 2009. Results demonstrate that our combination approach not only outperforms the use of the single textual modality but provides a nearly optimal learning of the weights with an efficient computation. Moreover, it is pointed out that the method allows to combine more than two modalities without increasing the complexity and thus the computing tim