5 research outputs found

    Controlling fine-grain non-numeric parallelism on a combinator-based multiprocessor system

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    We have developed a scheme to extend the SASL programming language and its run-time system for fine grain parallel processing. The proposed scheme provides a mechanism that can override the original lazy semantics by augmenting proper eager information. This information is first annotated in SASL programs and then translated to the combinator control tags by a new set of optimization rules. The effectiveness of this scheme has been evaluated through the simulation of a set of symbolic-oriented programs on an idealized shared-memory system. The results show that a considerable amount of parallelism can be extracted from a wide variety of application programs

    An investigation of nondeterminism in functional programming languages

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    This thesis investigates nondeterminism in functional programming languages. To establish a precise understanding of nondeterministic language properties, Sondergaard and Sestoft's analysis and definitions of functional language properties are adopted as are the characterizations of weak and strong nondeterminism. This groundwork is followed by a denotational semantic description of a nondeterministic language (suggested by Sondergaard and Sestoft). In this manner, a precise characterization of the effects of strong nondeterminism is developed. Methods used to hide nondeterminism to in order to overcome or sidestep the problem of strong nondeterminism in pure functional languages are defined. These different techniques ensure that functional languages remain pure but also include some of the advantages of nondeterminism. Lastly, this discussion of nondeterminism is applied to the area of functional parallel language implementation to indicate that the related problem and the possible solutions are not purely academic. This application gives rise to an interesting discussion on optimization of list parallelism. This technique relies on the ability to decide when a bag may be used instead of a list

    Prototyping parallel functional intermediate languages

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    Non-strict higher-order functional programming languages are elegant, concise, mathematically sound and contain few environment-specific features, making them obvious candidates for harnessing high-performance architectures. The validity of this approach has been established by a number of experimental compilers. However, while there have been a number of important theoretical developments in the field of parallel functional programming, implementations have been slow to materialise. The myriad design choices and demands of specific architectures lead to protracted development times. Furthermore, the resulting systems tend to be monolithic entities, and are difficult to extend and test, ultimatly discouraging experimentation. The traditional solution to this problem is the use of a rapid prototyping framework. However, as each existing systems tends to prefer one specific platform and a particular way of expressing parallelism (including implicit specification) it is difficult to envisage a general purpose framework. Fortunately, most of these systems have at least one point of commonality: the use of an intermediate form. Typically, these abstract representations explicitly identify all parallel components but without the background noise of syntactic and (potentially arbitrary) implementation details. To this end, this thesis outlines a framework for rapidly prototyping such intermediate languages. Based on the traditional three-phase compiler model, the design process is driven by the development of various semantic descriptions of the language. Executable versions of the specifications help to both debug and informally validate these models. A number of case studies, covering the spectrum of modern implementations, demonstrate the utility of the framework

    Overview of a parallel reduction machine project

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    ESPRIT Project 415 has taken what are considered to be good programming language styles and is developing parallel architectures to support them. Here we describe the part of the project which is developing a distributed memory architecture for functional languages. Designing parallel architectures for evaluating functional languages presents many challenging problems. Firstly a model for the parallel reduction of such languages must be found. An abstract interpretation has been developed which leads to a parallel reduction model. It can be implemented in a compiler so that programs can automatically be annotated with parallelism information. The original COBWEB, a novel distributed memory architecture, is described, along with the conclusions we have drawn from our simulation work. We also briefly describe some of the architectural features of the architecture we are designing to support the parallel reduction model. Many programming languages including functional ones require automatic storage allocation which has to be garbage collected. We present another piece of work from our project which has resulted in the discovery of a distributed reference counting garbage collection algorithm which has very low overheads