4 research outputs found

    Oversampling PCM techniques and optimum noise shapers for quantizing a class of nonbandlimited signals

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    We consider the efficient quantization of a class of nonbandlimited signals, namely, the class of discrete-time signals that can be recovered from their decimated version. The signals are modeled as the output of a single FIR interpolation filter (single band model) or, more generally, as the sum of the outputs of L FIR interpolation filters (multiband model). These nonbandlimited signals are oversampled, and it is therefore reasonable to expect that we can reap the same benefits of well-known efficient A/D techniques that apply only to bandlimited signals. We first show that we can obtain a great reduction in the quantization noise variance due to the oversampled nature of the signals. We can achieve a substantial decrease in bit rate by appropriately decimating the signals and then quantizing them. To further increase the effective quantizer resolution, noise shaping is introduced by optimizing prefilters and postfilters around the quantizer. We start with a scalar time-invariant quantizer and study two important cases of linear time invariant (LTI) filters, namely, the case where the postfilter is the inverse of the prefilter and the more general case where the postfilter is independent from the prefilter. Closed form expressions for the optimum filters and average minimum mean square error are derived in each case for both the single band and multiband models. The class of noise shaping filters and quantizers is then enlarged to include linear periodically time varying (LPTV)M filters and periodically time-varying quantizers of period M. We study two special cases in great detail

    Oversampling PCM techniques and optimum noise shapers for quantizing a class of nonbandlimited signals

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    A state space approach to the design of globally optimal FIR energy compaction filters

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    We introduce a new approach for the least squared optimization of a weighted FIR filter of arbitrary order N under the constraint that its magnitude squared response be Nyquist(M). Although the new formulation is general enough to cover a wide variety of applications, the focus of the paper is on optimal energy compaction filters. The optimization of such filters has received considerable attention in the past due to the fact that they are the main building blocks in the design of principal component filter banks (PCFBs). The newly proposed method finds the optimum product filter Fopt(z)=Hopt(Z)Hopt (z^-1) corresponding to the compaction filter Hopt (z). By expressing F(z) in the form D(z)+D(z^-1), we show that the compaction problem can be completely parameterized in terms of the state-space realization of the causal function D(z). For a given input power spectrum, the resulting filter Fopt(z) is guaranteed to be a global optimum solution due to the convexity of the new formulation. The new algorithm is universal in the sense that it works for any M, arbitrary filter length N, and any given input power spectrum. Furthermore, additional linear constraints such as wavelets regularity constraints can be incorporated into the design problem. Finally, obtaining Hopt(z) from Fopt(z) does not require an additional spectral factorization step. The minimum-phase spectral factor Hmin(z) can be obtained automatically by relating the state space realization of Dopt(z) to that of H opt(z

    A state space approach to the design of globally optimal FIR energy compaction filters

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