5 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Community Detection: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities

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    As communities represent similar opinions, similar functions, similar purposes, etc., community detection is an important and extremely useful tool in both scientific inquiry and data analytics. However, the classic methods of community detection, such as spectral clustering and statistical inference, are falling by the wayside as deep learning techniques demonstrate an increasing capacity to handle high-dimensional graph data with impressive performance. Thus, a survey of current progress in community detection through deep learning is timely. Structured into three broad research streams in this domain - deep neural networks, deep graph embedding, and graph neural networks, this article summarizes the contributions of the various frameworks, models, and algorithms in each stream along with the current challenges that remain unsolved and the future research opportunities yet to be explored.Comment: Accepted Paper in the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 20), Survey Trac

    Semi-supervised topic representation through sentiment analysis and semantic networks

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to topic detection aimed at improving the semi-supervised clustering of customer reviews in the context of customers' services. The proposed methodology, named SeMi-supervised clustering for Assessment of Reviews using Topic and Sentiment (SMARTS) for Topic-Community Representation with Semantic Networks, combines semantic and sentiment analysis of words to derive topics related to positive and negative reviews of specific services. To achieve this, a semantic network of words is constructed based on word embedding semantic similarity to identify relationships between words used in the reviews. The resulting network is then used to derive the topics present in users' reviews, which are grouped by positive and negative sentiment based on words related to specific services. Clusters of words, obtained from the network's communities, are used to extract topics related to particular services and to improve the interpretation of users' assessments of those services. The proposed methodology is applied to tourism review data from Booking.com, and the results demonstrate the efficacy of the approach in enhancing the interpretability of the topics obtained by semi-supervised clustering. The methodology has the potential to provide valuable insights into the sentiment of customers toward tourism services, which could be utilized by service providers and decision-makers to enhance the quality of their services

    Inference in the Stochastic Block Model with a Markovian assignment of the communities

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    We tackle the community detection problem in the Stochastic Block Model (SBM) when the communities of the nodes of the graph are assigned with a Markovian dynamic. To recover the partition of the nodes, we adapt the relaxed K-means SDP program presented in [11]. We identify the relevant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in our framework and we prove that the misclassification error decays exponentially fast with respect to this SNR. We provide infinity norm consistent estimation of the parameters of our model and we discuss our results through the prism of classical degree regimes of the SBMs' literature. MSC 2010 subject classifications: Primary 68Q32; secondary 68R10, 90C35

    A Comprehensive Survey on Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have made rapid developments in the recent years. Due to their great ability in modeling graph-structured data, GNNs are vastly used in various applications, including high-stakes scenarios such as financial analysis, traffic predictions, and drug discovery. Despite their great potential in benefiting humans in the real world, recent study shows that GNNs can leak private information, are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, can inherit and magnify societal bias from training data and lack interpretability, which have risk of causing unintentional harm to the users and society. For example, existing works demonstrate that attackers can fool the GNNs to give the outcome they desire with unnoticeable perturbation on training graph. GNNs trained on social networks may embed the discrimination in their decision process, strengthening the undesirable societal bias. Consequently, trustworthy GNNs in various aspects are emerging to prevent the harm from GNN models and increase the users' trust in GNNs. In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of GNNs in the computational aspects of privacy, robustness, fairness, and explainability. For each aspect, we give the taxonomy of the related methods and formulate the general frameworks for the multiple categories of trustworthy GNNs. We also discuss the future research directions of each aspect and connections between these aspects to help achieve trustworthiness