2 research outputs found

    Efficient Simulation Of Multicarrier Digital Communication Systems In Nonlinear Channel Environments

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    The effectiveness of computer simulation as a tool for the design and analysis of communication systems is often limited by the long execution times required for many simulations. When simulating multicarrier digital communication systems operating over nonlinear channels, the required high sampling rate contributes significantly to long execution times. A new method that reduces the sampling rate of simulations of such systems is developed. This Partial Sum of Products (ParSOP) method reduces the sampling rate by generating only the intermodulation products that lie in a frequency band of interest. The ParSOP method requires that the bandpass nonlinearity be represented by memoryless operations on the complex envelope of the signal and that the subcarriers constituting the frequency-division multiplexed signal are sufficiently separated to prevent significant adjacent channel interference. Simulation results for such systems show that an order of magnitude reduction in the sampling rate is possible while producing only minimal error in the bit error rate estimate. © 1993 IEE