293 research outputs found

    Overcoming the Challenges for Multichip Integration: A Wireless Interconnect Approach

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    The physical limitations in the area, power density, and yield restrict the scalability of the single-chip multicore system to a relatively small number of cores. Instead of having a large chip, aggregating multiple smaller chips can overcome these physical limitations. Combining multiple dies can be done either by stacking vertically or by placing side-by-side on the same substrate within a single package. However, in order to be widely accepted, both multichip integration techniques need to overcome significant challenges. In the horizontally integrated multichip system, traditional inter-chip I/O does not scale well with technology scaling due to limitations of the pitch. Moreover, to transfer data between cores or memory components from one chip to another, state-of-the-art inter-chip communication over wireline channels require data signals to travel from internal nets to the peripheral I/O ports and then get routed over the inter-chip channels to the I/O port of the destination chip. Following this, the data is finally routed from the I/O to internal nets of the target chip over a wireline interconnect fabric. This multi-hop communication increases energy consumption while decreasing data bandwidth in a multichip system. On the other hand, in vertically integrated multichip system, the high power density resulting from the placement of computational components on top of each other aggravates the thermal issues of the chip leading to degraded performance and reduced reliability. Liquid cooling through microfluidic channels can provide cooling capabilities required for effective management of chip temperatures in vertical integration. However, to reduce the mechanical stresses and at the same time, to ensure temperature uniformity and adequate cooling competencies, the height and width of the microchannels need to be increased. This limits the area available to route Through-Silicon-Vias (TSVs) across the cooling layers and make the co-existence and co-design of TSVs and microchannels extreamly challenging. Research in recent years has demonstrated that on-chip and off-chip wireless interconnects are capable of establishing radio communications within as well as between multiple chips. The primary goal of this dissertation is to propose design principals targeting both horizontally and vertically integrated multichip system to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy efficient data communication by utilizing mm-wave wireless interconnects. The proposed solution has two parts: the first part proposes design methodology of a seamless hybrid wired and wireless interconnection network for the horizontally integrated multichip system to enable direct chip-to-chip communication between internal cores. Whereas the second part proposes a Wireless Network-on-Chip (WiNoC) architecture for the vertically integrated multichip system to realize data communication across interlayer microfluidic coolers eliminating the need to place and route signal TSVs through the cooling layers. The integration of wireless interconnect will significantly reduce the complexity of the co-design of TSV based interconnects and microchannel based interlayer cooling. Finally, this dissertation presents a combined trade-off evaluation of such wireless integration system in both horizontal and vertical sense and provides future directions for the design of the multichip system

    Using Proportional-Integral-Differential approach for Dynamic Traffic Prediction in Wireless Network-on-Chip

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    The massive integration of cores in multi-core system has enabled chip designer to design systems while meeting the power performance demands of the applications. Wireless interconnection has emerged as an energy efficient solution to the challenges of multi-hop communication over the wireline paths in conventional Networks-on-Chips (NoCs). However, to ensure the full benefits of this novel interconnect technology, design of simple, fair and efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) mechanism to grant access to the on-chip wireless communication channel is needed. Moreover, to adapt to the varying traffic demands from the applications running on a multicore environment, MAC mechanisms should dynamically adjust the transmission slots of the wireless interfaces (WIs). To ensure an efficient utilization of the wireless medium in a Wireless NoC (WiNoC), in this work we present the design of prediction model that is used by two dynamic MAC mechanism to predict the traffic demand of the WIs and respond accordingly by adjusting transmission slots of the WIs. Through system level simulations, we show that the traffic aware MAC mechanisms are more energy efficient as well as capable of sustaining higher data bandwidth in WiNoCs

    Robust and Traffic Aware Medium Access Control Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient mm-Wave Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    To cater to the performance/watt needs, processors with multiple processing cores on the same chip have become the de-facto design choice. In such multicore systems, Network-on-Chip (NoC) serves as a communication infrastructure for data transfer among the cores on the chip. However, conventional metallic interconnect based NoCs are constrained by their long multi-hop latencies and high power consumption, limiting the performance gain in these systems. Among, different alternatives, due to the CMOS compatibility and energy-efficiency, low-latency wireless interconnect operating in the millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is nearer term solution to this multi-hop communication problem. This has led to the recent exploration of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) wireless technologies in wireless NoC architectures (WiNoC). To realize the mm-wave wireless interconnect in a WiNoC, a wireless interface (WI) equipped with on-chip antenna and transceiver circuit operating at 60GHz frequency range is integrated to the ports of some NoC switches. The WIs are also equipped with a medium access control (MAC) mechanism that ensures a collision free and energy-efficient communication among the WIs located at different parts on the chip. However, due to shrinking feature size and complex integration in CMOS technology, high-density chips like multicore systems are prone to manufacturing defects and dynamic faults during chip operation. Such failures can result in permanently broken wireless links or cause the MAC to malfunction in a WiNoC. Consequently, the energy-efficient communication through the wireless medium will be compromised. Furthermore, the energy efficiency in the wireless channel access is also dependent on the traffic pattern of the applications running on the multicore systems. Due to the bursty and self-similar nature of the NoC traffic patterns, the traffic demand of the WIs can vary both spatially and temporally. Ineffective management of such traffic variation of the WIs, limits the performance and energy benefits of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology. Hence, to utilize the full potential of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology in WiNoCs, design of a simple, fair, robust, and efficient MAC is of paramount importance. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose the design principles for robust and traffic-aware MAC mechanisms to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy-efficient data communication in mm-wave WiNoCs. The proposed solution has two parts. In the first part, we propose the cross-layer design methodology of robust WiNoC architecture that can minimize the effect of permanent failure of the wireless links and recover from transient failures caused by single event upsets (SEU). Then, in the second part, we present a traffic-aware MAC mechanism that can adjust the transmission slots of the WIs based on the traffic demand of the WIs. The proposed MAC is also robust against the failure of the wireless access mechanism. Finally, as future research directions, this idea of traffic awareness is extended throughout the whole NoC by enabling adaptiveness in both wired and wireless interconnection fabric

    An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e wireless local area networks

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-84).Recent times has seen a tremendous increase in the deployment and use of 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). These networks are easy to deploy and maintain, while providing reasonably high data rates at a low cost. In the paradigm of Next-Generation-Networks (NGNs), WLANs can be seen as an important access network technology to support IP multimedia services. However a traditional WLAN does not provide Quality of Service (QoS) support since it was originally designed for best effort operation. The IEEE 802. 11e standard was introduced to overcome the lack of QoS support for the legacy IEEE 802 .11 WLANs. It enhances the Media Access Control (MAC) layer operations to incorporate service differentiation. However, there is a need to prevent overloading of wireless channels, since the QoS experienced by traffic flows is degraded with heavily loaded channels. An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e WLANs would be the best solution to limit the amount of multimedia traffic so that channel overloading can be prevented. Some of the work in the literature proposes admission control solutions to protect the QoS of real-time traffic for IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). However, these solutions often under-utilize the resources of the wireless channels. A measurement-aided model-based admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs is proposed to provide reasonable bandwidth guarantees to all existing flows. The admission control scheme makes use of bandwidth estimations that allows the bandwidth guarantees of all the flows that are admitted into the network to be protected. The bandwidth estimations are obtained using a developed analytical model of IEEE 802.11e EDCA channels. The admission control scheme also aims to accept the maximum amount of flows that can be accommodated by the network's resources. Through simulations, the performance of the proposed admission control scheme is evaluated using NS-2. Results show that accurate bandwidth estimations can be obtained when comparing the estimated achievable bandwidth to actual simulated bandwidth. The results also validate that the bandwidth needs of all admitted traffic are always satisfied when the admission control scheme is applied. It was also found that the admission control scheme allows the maximum amount of flows to be admitted into the network, according the network's capacity

    Towards Scalable Design of Future Wireless Networks

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    Wireless operators face an ever-growing challenge to meet the throughput and processing requirements of billions of devices that are getting connected. In current wireless networks, such as LTE and WiFi, these requirements are addressed by provisioning more resources: spectrum, transmitters, and baseband processors. However, this simple add-on approach to scale system performance is expensive and often results in resource underutilization. What are, then, the ways to efficiently scale the throughput and operational efficiency of these wireless networks? To answer this question, this thesis explores several potential designs: utilizing unlicensed spectrum to augment the bandwidth of a licensed network; coordinating transmitters to increase system throughput; and finally, centralizing wireless processing to reduce computing costs. First, we propose a solution that allows LTE, a licensed wireless standard, to co-exist with WiFi in the unlicensed spectrum. The proposed solution bridges the incompatibility between the fixed access of LTE, and the random access of WiFi, through channel reservation. It achieves a fair LTE-WiFi co-existence despite the transmission gaps and unequal frame durations. Second, we consider a system where different MIMO transmitters coordinate to transmit data of multiple users. We present an adaptive design of the channel feedback protocol that mitigates interference resulting from the imperfect channel information. Finally, we consider a Cloud-RAN architecture where a datacenter or a cloud resource processes wireless frames. We introduce a tree-based design for real-time transport of baseband samples and provide its end-to-end schedulability and capacity analysis. We also present a processing framework that combines real-time scheduling with fine-grained parallelism. The framework reduces processing times by migrating parallelizable tasks to idle compute resources, and thus, decreases the processing deadline-misses at no additional cost. We implement and evaluate the above solutions using software-radio platforms and off-the-shelf radios, and confirm their applicability in real-world settings.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133358/1/gkchai_1.pd

    MAC/PHY Co-Design of CSMA Wireless Networks Using Software Radios.

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    In the past decade, CSMA-based protocols have spawned numerous network standards (e.g., the WiFi family), and played a key role in improving the ubiquity of wireless networks. However, the rapid evolution of CSMA brings unprecedented challenges, especially the coexistence of different network architectures and communications devices. Meanwhile, many intrinsic limitations of CSMA have been the main obstacle to the performance of its derivatives, such as ZigBee, WiFi, and mesh networks. Most of these problems are observed to root in the abstract interface of the CSMA MAC and PHY layers --- the MAC simply abstracts the advancement of PHY technologies as a change of data rate. Hence, the benefits of new PHY technologies are either not fully exploited, or they even may harm the performance of existing network protocols due to poor interoperability. In this dissertation, we show that a joint design of the MAC/PHY layers can achieve a substantially higher level of capacity, interoperability and energy efficiency than the weakly coupled MAC/PHY design in the current CSMA wireless networks. In the proposed MAC/PHY co-design, the PHY layer exposes more states and capabilities to the MAC, and the MAC performs intelligent adaptation to and control over the PHY layer. We leverage the reconfigurability of software radios to design smart signal processing algorithms that meet the challenge of making PHY capabilities usable by the MAC layer. With the approach of MAC/PHY co-design, we have revisited the primitive operations of CSMA (collision avoidance, carrier signaling, carrier sensing, spectrum access and transmitter cooperation), and overcome its limitations in relay and broadcast applications, coexistence of heterogeneous networks, energy efficiency, coexistence of different spectrum widths, and scalability for MIMO networks. We have validated the feasibility and performance of our design using extensive analysis, simulation and testbed implementation.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95944/1/xyzhang_1.pd

    Cognitive radio networks : quality of service considerations and enhancements

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    The explosive growth of wireless and mobile networks, such as the Internet of Things and 5G, has led to a massive number of devices that primarily use wireless channels within a limited range of the radio frequency spectrum (RFS). The use of RFS is heavily regulated, both nationally and internationally, and is divided into licensed and unlicensed bands. While many of the licensed wireless bands are underutilised, useable unlicensed bands are usually overcrowded, making the efficient use of RFS one of the critical challenges faced by future wireless communication technologies. The cognitive radio (CR) concept is proposed as a promising solution for the underutilisation of useful RFS bands. Fundamentally, CR technology is based on determining the unoccupied licensed RFS bands, called spectrum white spaces or holes, and accessing them to achieve better RFS utilisation and transmission propagation. The holes are the frequencies unused by the licensed user, or primary user (PU). Based on spectrum sensing, a CR node, or secondary user (SU), senses the surrounding spectrum periodically to detect any potential PU transmission in the current channel and to identify the available spectrum holes. Under current RFS regulations, SUs may use spectrum holes as long as their transmissions do not interfere with those of the PU. However, effective spectrum sensing can introduce overheads to a CR node operation. Such overheads affect the quality of service (QoS) of the running applications. Reducing the sensing impact on the QoS is one of the key challenges to adopting CR technology, and more studies of QoS issues related to implementing CR features are needed. This thesis aims to address these QoS issues in CR while considered the enhancement of RFS utilisation. This study concentrates on the spectrum sensing function, among other CR functions, because of its major impact on QoS and spectrum utilisation. Several spectrum sensing methods are reviewed to identify potential research gaps in analysing and addressing related QoS implications. It has been found that none of the well-known sensing techniques is suitable for all the diverse QoS requirements and RFS conditions: in fact, higher accuracy sensing methods cause a significant QoS degradation, as illustrated by several simulations in this work. For instance, QoS degradation caused by high-accuracy sensing has not yet been addressed in the IEEE 802.11e QoS mechanism used in the proposed CR standard, IEEE 802.11af (or White-Fi). This study finds that most of the strategies proposed to conduct sensing are based on a fixed sensing method that is not adaptable to the changeable nature of QoS requirements. In contrast, this work confirms the necessity of using various sensing techniques and parameters during a CR node operation for better performance

    Physical and Link Layer Implications in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks

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    Vehicle Ad hoc Networks (V ANET) have been proposed to provide safety on the road and deliver road traffic information and route guidance to drivers along with commercial applications. However the challenges facing V ANET are numerous. Nodes move at high speeds, road side units and basestations are scarce, the topology is constrained by the road geometry and changes rapidly, and the number of nodes peaks suddenly in traffic jams. In this thesis we investigate the physical and link layers of V ANET and propose methods to achieve high data rates and high throughput. For the physical layer, we examine the use of Vertical BLAST (VB LAST) systems as they provide higher capacities than single antenna systems in rich fading environments. To study the applicability of VB LAST to VANET, a channel model was developed and verified using measurement data available in the literature. For no to medium line of sight, VBLAST systems provide high data rates. However the performance drops as the line of sight strength increases due to the correlation between the antennas. Moreover, the performance of VBLAST with training based channel estimation drops as the speed increases since the channel response changes rapidly. To update the channel state information matrix at the receiver, a channel tracking algorithm for flat fading channels was developed. The algorithm updates the channel matrix thus reducing the mean square error of the estimation and improving the bit error rate (BER). The analysis of VBLAST-OFDM systems showed they experience an error floor due to inter-carrier interference (lCI) which increases with speed, number of antennas transmitting and number of subcarriers used. The update algorithm was extended to VBLAST -OFDM systems and it showed improvements in BER performance but still experienced an error floor. An algorithm to equalise the ICI contribution of adjacent subcarriers was then developed and evaluated. The ICI equalisation algorithm reduces the error floor in BER as more subcarriers are equalised at the expense of more hardware complexity. The connectivity of V ANET was investigated and it was found that for single lane roads, car densities of 7 cars per communication range are sufficient to achieve high connectivity within the city whereas 12 cars per communication range are required for highways. Multilane roads require higher densities since cars tend to cluster in groups. Junctions and turns have lower connectivity than straight roads due to disconnections at the turns. Although higher densities improve the connectivity and, hence, the performance of the network layer, it leads to poor performance at the link layer. The IEEE 802.11 p MAC layer standard under development for V ANET uses a variant of Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA). 802.11 protocols were analysed mathematically and via simulations and the results prove the saturation throughput of the basic access method drops as the number of nodes increases thus yielding very low throughput in congested areas. RTS/CTS access provides higher throughput but it applies only to unicast transmissions. To overcome the limitations of 802.11 protocols, we designed a protocol known as SOFT MAC which combines Space, Orthogonal Frequency and Time multiple access techniques. In SOFT MAC the road is divided into cells and each cell is allocated a unique group of subcarriers. Within a cell, nodes share the available subcarriers using a combination of TDMA and CSMA. The throughput analysis of SOFT MAC showed it has superior throughput compared to the basic access and similar to the RTS/CTS access of 802.11

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationCommunication surpasses computation as the power and performance bottleneck in forthcoming exascale processors. Scaling has made transistors cheap, but on-chip wires have grown more expensive, both in terms of latency as well as energy. Therefore, the need for low energy, high performance interconnects is highly pronounced, especially for long distance communication. In this work, we examine two aspects of the global signaling problem. The first part of the thesis focuses on a high bandwidth asynchronous signaling protocol for long distance communication. Asynchrony among intellectual property (IP) cores on a chip has become necessary in a System on Chip (SoC) environment. Traditional asynchronous handshaking protocol suffers from loss of throughput due to the added latency of sending the acknowledge signal back to the sender. We demonstrate a method that supports end-to-end communication across links with arbitrarily large latency, without limiting the bandwidth, so long as line variation can be reliably controlled. We also evaluate the energy and latency improvements as a result of the design choices made available by this protocol. The use of transmission lines as a physical interconnect medium shows promise for deep submicron technologies. In our evaluations, we notice a lower energy footprint, as well as vastly reduced wire latency for transmission line interconnects. We approach this problem from two sides. Using field solvers, we investigate the physical design choices to determine the optimal way to implement these lines for a given back-end-of-line (BEOL) stack. We also approach the problem from a system designer's viewpoint, looking at ways to optimize the lines for different performance targets. This work analyzes the advantages and pitfalls of implementing asynchronous channel protocols for communication over long distances. Finally, the innovations resulting from this work are applied to a network-on-chip design example and the resulting power-performance benefits are reported
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