14 research outputs found

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation with Non-trivial Efficiency

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    It is well known that *inefficient* indistinguishability obfuscators (iO) with running time poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^n, where C is the circuit to be obfuscated, lambda is the security parameter, and n is the input length of C, exists *unconditionally*: simply output the function table of C (i.e., the output of C on all possible inputs). Such inefficient obfuscators, however, are not useful for applications. We here consider iO with a slightly ``non-trivial\u27\u27 notion of efficiency: the running-time of the obfuscator may still be ``trivial\u27\u27 (namely, poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^n), but we now require that the obfuscated code is just slightly smaller than the truth table of C (namely poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^{n(1-epsilon)}, where epsilon >0); we refer to this notion as *iO with exponential efficiency*, or simply *exponentially-efficient iO (XiO)*. We show that, perhaps surprisingly, under the subexponential LWE assumption, subexponentially-secure XiO for polynomial-size circuits implies (polynomial-time computable) iO for all polynomial-size circuits

    Black-Box Parallel Garbled RAM

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    In 1982, Yao introduced a fundamental technique of ``circuit garbling\u27\u27 that became a central building block in cryptography. Recently, the question of garbling general random-access memory (RAM) programs received a lot of attention in the literature where garbling an encrypted data can be done separately from garbling program(s) that execute on this (garbled) RAM. The most recent results of Garg, Lu, and Ostrovsky (FOCS 2015) achieve a garbled RAM with black-box use of any one-way functions and poly-log overhead of data and program garbling in all the relevant parameters, including program run-time. The advantage of their solution is that large data can be garbled first, and act as persistent garbled storage (e.g. in the cloud) and later programs can be garbled and sent to be executed on this garbled database in a non-interactive manner. One of the main advantages of cloud computing is not only that it has large storage but also that it has a large number of parallel processors. Despite multiple successful efforts on parallelizing (interactive) Oblivious RAM, the non-interactive garbling of parallel programs remained open until very recently. Specifically, Boyle, Chung and Pass in their upcoming TCC 2016 paper (see their recently updated eprint version) have recently shown how to garbled PRAM program with poly-logarithmic (parallel) overhead assuming non-black-box use of identity-based encryption. The question whether such a strong assumption and non-black-box use of such a strong assumption are needed. In this paper, we resolve this important open question and show how to garble parallel programs, with only black-box use one one-way functions and with only poly-log overhead in the (parallel) running time. Our result works for any number of parallel processors

    Random-Index Oblivious RAM

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    We study the notion of Random-index ORAM (RORAM), which is a weak form of ORAM where the Client is limited to asking for (and possibly modifying) random elements of the NN-items memory, rather than specific ones. That is, whenever the client issues a request, it gets in return a pair (r,xr)(r,x_r) where r∈R[N]r\in_R[N] is a random index and xrx_r is the content of the rr-th memory item. Then, the client can also modify the content to some new value x2˘7rx\u27_r. We first argue that the limited functionality of RORAM still suffices for certain applications. These include various applications of sampling (or sub-sampling), and in particular the very-large-scale MPC application in the setting of~ Benhamouda et al. (TCC 2020). Clearly, RORAM can be implemented using any ORAM scheme (by the Client selecting the random rr\u27s by himself), but the hope is that the limited functionality of RORAM can make it faster and easier to implement than ORAM. Indeed, our main contributions are several RORAM schemes (both of the hierarchical-type and the tree-type) of lighter complexity than that of ORAM

    From Selective to Adaptive Security in Functional Encryption

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    In a functional encryption (FE) scheme, the owner of the secret key can generate restricted decryption keys that allow users to learn specific functions of the encrypted messages and nothing else. In many known constructions of FE schemes, security is guaranteed only for messages that are fixed ahead of time (i.e., before the adversary even interacts with the system). This so-called selective security is too restrictive for many realistic applications. Achieving adaptive security (also called full security), where security is guaranteed even for messages that are adaptively chosen at any point in time, seems significantly more challenging. The handful of known adaptively-secure schemes are based on specifically tailored techniques that rely on strong assumptions (such as obfuscation or multilinear maps assumptions). We show that any sufficiently-expressive selectively-secure FE scheme can be transformed into an adaptively-secure one without introducing any additional assumptions. We present a black-box transformation, for both public-key and private-key schemes, making novel use of hybrid encryption, a classical technique that was originally introduced for improving the efficiency of encryption schemes. We adapt the hybrid encryption approach to the setting of functional encryption via a technique for embedding a hidden execution thread\u27\u27 in the decryption keys of the underlying scheme, which will only be activated within the proof of security of the resulting scheme. As an additional application of this technique, we show how to construct functional encryption schemes for arbitrary circuits starting from ones for shallow circuits (NC1 or even TC0)

    Bucket ORAM: Single Online Roundtrip, Constant Bandwidth Oblivious RAM

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    Known Oblivious RAM (ORAM) constructions achieve either optimal bandwidth blowup or optimal latency (as measured by online roundtrips), but not both. We are the first to demonstrate an ORAM scheme, called Bucket ORAM, which attains the best of both worlds. Bucket ORAM simultaneously achieves a single online roundtrip as well as constant overall bandwidth blowup

    Onion ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth Blowup Oblivious RAM

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    We present Onion ORAM, an Oblivious RAM (ORAM) with constant worst-case bandwidth blowup that leverages poly-logarithmic server computation to circumvent the logarithmic lower bound on ORAM bandwidth blowup. Our construction does not require fully homomorphic encryption, but employs an additively homomorphic encryption scheme such as the Damgard-Jurik cryptosystem, or alternatively a BGV-style somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme without bootstrapping. At the core of our construction is an ORAM scheme that has shallow circuit depth over the entire history of ORAM accesses. We also propose novel techniques to achieve security against a malicious server, without resorting to expensive and non-standard techniques such as SNARKs. To the best of our knowledge, Onion ORAM is the first concrete instantiation of a constant bandwidth blowup ORAM under standard assumptions (even for the semi-honest setting)

    New Negative Results on Differing-Inputs Obfuscation

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    We provide the following negative results for differing-inputs obfuscation (diO): (1) If sub-exponentially secure one-way functions exist then sub-exponentially secure diO for TMs does not exist (2) If in addition sub-exponentially secure iO exists then polynomially secure diO for TMs does not exist

    Succinct Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    Assuming the existence of iO for P/poly and one-way functions, we show how to succinctly garble bounded-space computations (BSC) M: the size of the garbled program (as well as the time needed to generate the garbling) only depends on the size and space (including the input and output) complexity of M, but not its running time. The key conceptual insight behind this construction is a method for using iO to compress a computation that can be performed piecemeal, without revealing anything about it. As corollaries of our succinct garbling scheme, we demonstrate the following: -functional encryption for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; -reusable succinct garbling schemes for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; - succinct iO for BSC from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially secure one-way functions; - (PerfectNIZK) SNARGS for bounded space and witness NP from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions. Previously such primitives were only know to exists based on “knowledge-based” assumptions (such as SNARKs and/or differing-input obfuscation). We finally demonstrate the first (non-succinct) iO for RAM programs with bounded input and output lengths, that has poly-logarithmic overhead, based on the existence of sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions

    Interactive Oracle Proofs

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    We initiate the study of a proof system model that naturally combines two well-known models: interactive proofs (IPs) and probabilistically-checkable proofs (PCPs). An *interactive oracle proof* (IOP) is an interactive proof in which the verifier is not required to read the prover\u27s messages in their entirety; rather, the verifier has oracle access to the prover\u27s messages, and may probabilistically query them. IOPs simultaneously generalize IPs and PCPs. Thus, IOPs retain the expressiveness of PCPs, capturing NEXP rather than only PSPACE, and also the flexibility of IPs, allowing multiple rounds of communication with the prover. These degrees of freedom allow for more efficient PCP-like interactive protocols, because the prover does not have to compute the parts of a PCP that are not requested by the verifier. As a first investigation into IOPs, we offer two main technical contributions. First, we give a compiler that maps any public-coin IOP into a non-interactive proof in the random oracle model. We prove that the soundness of the resulting proof is tightly characterized by the soundness of the IOP against *state restoration attacks*, a class of rewinding attacks on the IOP verifier. Our compiler preserves zero knowledge, proof of knowledge, and time complexity of the underlying IOP. As an application, we obtain blackbox unconditional ZK proofs in the random oracle model with quasilinear prover and polylogarithmic verifier, improving on the result of Ishai et al.\ (2015). Second, we study the notion of state-restoration soundness of an IOP: we prove tight upper and lower bounds in terms of the IOP\u27s (standard) soundness and round complexity; and describe a simple adversarial strategy that is optimal across all state restoration attacks. Our compiler can be viewed as a generalization of the Fiat--Shamir paradigm for public-coin IPs (CRYPTO~\u2786), and of the CS proof constructions of Micali (FOCS~\u2794) and Valiant (TCC~\u2708) for PCPs. Our analysis of the compiler gives, in particular, a unified understanding of all of these constructions, and also motivates the study of state restoration attacks, not only for IOPs, but also for IPs and PCPs