193 research outputs found

    A Survey: Attribute Based Encryption for Secure Cloud

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    Cloud computing is an enormous area which shares huge amount of data over cloud services and it has been increasing with its on-demand technology. Since, with these versatile cloud services, when the delicate data stored within the cloud storage servers, there are some difficulties which has to be managed like its Security Issues, Data Privacy, Data Confidentiality, Data Sharing and its integrity over the cloud servers dynamically. Also, the authenticity and data access control should be maintained in this wide environment. Thus, Attribute based Encryption (ABE) is a significant version of cryptographic technique in the cloud computing environment. Public Key Encryption acts as the basic technique for ABE where it provides one to many encryptions, here, the private key of users & the cipher-text both rely on attributes such that, when the set of the attributes of users key matches set of attributes of cipher-text with its corresponding access policy, only then decryption is possible. Thus, an opponent could grant access to the sensitive information that holds multiple keys, if it has at least one individual key for accession. The techniques based on ABE consist of two types: KP-ABE (Key- Policy ABE) where the user’s private key is linked to an access structure (or access policy) over attributes and cipher-text is connected to the set of attributes, and CP-ABE (cipher-text policy ABE) is vice versa. Hence, in this, Review we discuss about the various security techniques and relations based on Attributes Based Encryption, especially, the type KP-ABE over data attributes which explains secured methods & its schemes related to time specifications.&nbsp

    Blowfish Algorithm with Verifiable Outsourced using Cryptography

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    Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm in our day to day world. As good as it is, this technique also bring forth many new trails for data security and access control when users outsource sensitive data for sharing on cloud.Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a promising strategy for ?ne-grained access control of scrambled information in a distributed storage, nonetheless, unscrambling included in the ABEs is generally excessively costly for asset compelled front-end clients, which incredibly blocks it’s down to earth fame. Keeping in mind the end goal to decrease the decoding overhead for a client to recuperate the plaintext wereoutsourced most of the unscrambling work without uncovering really information or private keys. Here a novel technique is proposed to build an ABE with Veri?able outsourced decryption based on a blowfish encryption. It provides a unified model, which can be considered in both key-policy (KP) and cipher text-policy (CP) settings. In verifiability,it guarantees the correctness of the transformation done between the original cipher text and the simplified cipher text. A major issue is the absence of access control rights. So, it considered an access key structure for improving the security and performance by specifying access rights for the authorized user. Access control rights, restrictions and privileges for an individual are established. The access control rights is validated and results shows increased security level

    Attribute-based encryption for cloud computing access control: A survey

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore; AXA Research Fun

    Data Querying with Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption

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    Data encryption limits the power and efficiency of queries. Direct processing of encrypted data should ideally be possible to avoid the need for data decryption, processing, and re-encryption. It is vital to keep the data searchable and sortable. That is, some information is intentionally leaked. This intentional leakage technology is known as "querying over encrypted data schemes", which offer confidentiality as well as querying over encrypted data, but it is not meant to provide flexible access control. This paper suggests the use of Ciphertext Policy Attributes Based Encryption (CP-ABE) to address three security requirements, namely: confidentiality, queries over encrypted data, and flexible access control. By combining flexible access control and data confidentiality, CP-ABE can authenticate who can access data and possess the secret key. Thus, this paper identifies how much data leakage there is in order to figure out what kinds of operations are allowed when data is encrypted by CP-ABE

    An Emerging Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage

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    Secure cloud storage, which is an emerging cloud service, is designed to protect the confidentiality of outsourced data but also to provide flexible data access for cloud users whose data is out of physical control. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is regarded as one of the most promising techniques that may be leveraged to secure the guarantee of the service. However, the use of CP-ABE may yield an inevitable security breach which is known as the misuse of access credential (i.e. decryption rights), due to the intrinsic “all-or-nothing” decryption feature of CP-ABE. In this paper, we investigate the two main cases of access credential misuse: one is on the semi-trusted authority side, and the other is on the side of cloud user. To mitigate the misuse, we propose the first accountable authority and revocable CP-ABE based cloud storage system with white-box traceability and auditing, referred to as CryptCloud+. We also present the security analysis and further demonstrate the utility of our system via experiments

    Cloud Security in Crypt Database Server Using Fine Grained Access Control

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    Information sharing in the cloud, powered by good patterns in cloud technology, is rising as a guaranteeing procedure for permitting users to advantageously access information. However, the growing number of enterprises and customers who stores their information in cloud servers is progressively challenging users’ privacy and the security of information. This paper concentrates on providing a dependable and secure cloud information sharing services that permits users dynamic access to their information. In order to achieve this, propose an effective, adaptable and flexible privacy preserving information policy with semantic security, by using Cipher text Policy Element Based Encryption (CP-EBE) consolidated with Character Based Encryption (CBE) systems. To ensure strong information sharing security, the policy succeeds in protecting the privacy of cloud users and supports efficient and secure dynamic operations, but not constrained to, file creation, user revocation. Security analysis demonstrates that the proposed policy is secure under the generic bi- linear group model in the random oracle model and enforces fine-grained access control, full collusion resistance and retrogressive secrecy. Furthermore, performance analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the overheads are as light as possible

    Fine-Grained Access Control Systems Suitable for Resource-Constrained Users in Cloud Computing

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    For the sake of practicability of cloud computing, fine-grained data access is frequently required in the sense that users with different attributes should be granted different levels of access privileges. However, most of existing access control solutions are not suitable for resource-constrained users because of large computation costs, which linearly increase with the complexity of access policies. In this paper, we present an access control system based on ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption. The proposed access control system enjoys constant computation cost and is proven secure in the random oracle model under the decision Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent assumption. Our access control system supports AND-gate access policies with multiple values and wildcards, and it can efficiently support direct user revocation. Performance comparisons indicate that the proposed solution is suitable for resource-constrained environment

    Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Public Cloud Storage

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    Public cloud storage is a cloud storage model that give services to people and associations to store, alter and oversee data. Public cloud storage benefit is otherwise called storage benefit, utility storage and online storage. Cloud storage has numerous focal points, there is still stay different difficulties among which protection and security of clients data have significant issues in public cloud storage. Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic system which gives data proprietor coordinate control over their data in public cloud storage. In the customary ABE conspire include single authority to keep up attribute set which can bring a solitary point bottleneck on both security and execution. Presently we utilize edge multi-authority Cipher content Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) get to control plot, name TMACS. TMACS is Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System. In TMACS, different authority mutually deals with the entire attribute set yet nobody has full control of a particular attribute. By joining limit secret sharing (t,n) and multi-authority CP-ABE conspire, we created dynamic multiauthority get to control framework in public cloud storage

    Encryption Based Access Control Model In Cloud: A Survey

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    Cloud computing is known as “Utility”. Cloud Computing enabling users to remotely store their data in a server and provide services on-demand. Since this new computing technology requires user to entrust their valuable data to cloud providers, there have been increasing security and privacy concerns on outsourced data. We can increase security on access of the data in the cloud. Morever we can provide encryption on the data so third party can not use thedata. In this paper we will be reviewing various encryption based access control model for enhancing cloud security along with their limitations. We will be concluding with a proposed access control model to enhance cloud security
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