21 research outputs found

    Robustness Analysis of Neural Networks via Efficient Partitioning with Applications in Control Systems

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    Neural networks (NNs) are now routinely implemented on systems that must operate in uncertain environments, but the tools for formally analyzing how this uncertainty propagates to NN outputs are not yet commonplace. Computing tight bounds on NN output sets (given an input set) provides a measure of confidence associated with the NN decisions and is essential to deploy NNs on safety-critical systems. Recent works approximate the propagation of sets through nonlinear activations or partition the uncertainty set to provide a guaranteed outer bound on the set of possible NN outputs. However, the bound looseness causes excessive conservatism and/or the computation is too slow for online analysis. This paper unifies propagation and partition approaches to provide a family of robustness analysis algorithms that give tighter bounds than existing works for the same amount of computation time (or reduced computational effort for a desired accuracy level). Moreover, we provide new partitioning techniques that are aware of their current bound estimates and desired boundary shape (e.g., lower bounds, weighted β„“βˆž\ell_\infty-ball, convex hull), leading to further improvements in the computation-tightness tradeoff. The paper demonstrates the tighter bounds and reduced conservatism of the proposed robustness analysis framework with examples from model-free RL and forward kinematics learning

    Data-Driven Assessment of Deep Neural Networks with Random Input Uncertainty

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    When using deep neural networks to operate safety-critical systems, assessing the sensitivity of the network outputs when subject to uncertain inputs is of paramount importance. Such assessment is commonly done using reachability analysis or robustness certification. However, certification techniques typically ignore localization information, while reachable set methods can fail to issue robustness guarantees. Furthermore, many advanced methods are either computationally intractable in practice or restricted to very specific models. In this paper, we develop a data-driven optimization-based method capable of simultaneously certifying the safety of network outputs and localizing them. The proposed method provides a unified assessment framework, as it subsumes state-of-the-art reachability analysis and robustness certification. The method applies to deep neural networks of all sizes and structures, and to random input uncertainty with a general distribution. We develop sufficient conditions for the convexity of the underlying optimization, and for the number of data samples to certify and localize the outputs with overwhelming probability. We experimentally demonstrate the efficacy and tractability of the method on a deep ReLU network

    Counterexample-Guided Learning of Monotonic Neural Networks

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    The widespread adoption of deep learning is often attributed to its automatic feature construction with minimal inductive bias. However, in many real-world tasks, the learned function is intended to satisfy domain-specific constraints. We focus on monotonicity constraints, which are common and require that the function's output increases with increasing values of specific input features. We develop a counterexample-guided technique to provably enforce monotonicity constraints at prediction time. Additionally, we propose a technique to use monotonicity as an inductive bias for deep learning. It works by iteratively incorporating monotonicity counterexamples in the learning process. Contrary to prior work in monotonic learning, we target general ReLU neural networks and do not further restrict the hypothesis space. We have implemented these techniques in a tool called COMET. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results compared to existing monotonic learners, and can improve the model quality compared to those that were trained without taking monotonicity constraints into account