3 research outputs found

    A Note on Outer-Independent 2-Rainbow Domination in Graphs

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    Let G be a graph with vertex set V(G) and f:V(G)→{∅,{1},{2},{1,2}} be a function. We say that f is an outer-independent 2-rainbow dominating function on G if the following two conditions hold: (i)V∅={x∈V(G):f(x)=∅} is an independent set of G. (ii)∪u∈N(v)f(u)={1,2} for every vertex v∈V∅. The outer-independent 2-rainbow domination number of G, denoted by γoir2(G), is the minimum weight ω(f)=∑x∈V(G)|f(x)| among all outer-independent 2-rainbow dominating functions f on G. In this note, we obtain new results on the previous domination parameter. Some of our results are tight bounds which improve the well-known bounds β(G)≤γoir2(G)≤2β(G), where β(G) denotes the vertex cover number of G. Finally, we study the outer-independent 2-rainbow domination number of the join, lexicographic, and corona product graphs. In particular, we show that, for these three product graphs, the parameter achieves equality in the lower bound of the previous inequality chain

    A new approach on locally checkable problems

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    By providing a new framework, we extend previous results on locally checkable problems in bounded treewidth graphs. As a consequence, we show how to solve, in polynomial time for bounded treewidth graphs, double Roman domination and Grundy domination, among other problems for which no such algorithm was previously known. Moreover, by proving that fixed powers of bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs are also bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs, we can enlarge the family of problems that can be solved in polynomial time for these graph classes, including distance coloring problems and distance domination problems (for bounded distances)