7 research outputs found

    Outage performance of cognitive hybrid satellite terrestrial networks with interference constraint

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    This paper investigates the performance of a cognitive hybrid satellite–terrestrial network, where the primary satellite communication network and the secondary terrestrial mobile network coexist, provided that the interference temperature constraint is satisfied. By using the Meijer-G functions, the exact closed-form expression of the outage probability (OP) for the secondary network is first derived. Then, the asymptotic result in a high-signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regime is presented to reveal the diversity order and coding gain of the considered system. Finally, computer simulations are carried out to confirm the theoretical results and reveal that a more loose interference constraint or heavier shadowing severity of a satellite interference link leads to a reduced OP, whereas stronger satellite interference power poses a detrimental effect on the outage performance

    Optimal Beamforming for Hybrid Satellite Terrestrial Networks with Nonlinear PA and Imperfect CSIT

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    In hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks (HSTNs), spectrum sharing is crucial to alleviate the "spectrum scarcity" problem. Therein, the transmit beams should be carefully designed to mitigate the inter-satellite-terrestrial interference. Different from previous studies, this work considers the impact of both nonlinear power amplifier (PA) and large-scale channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) on beamforming. These phenomena are usually inevitable in a practical HSTN. Based on the Saleh model of PA nonlinearity and the large-scale multi-beam satellite channel parameters, we formulate a beamforming optimization problem to maximize the achievable rate of the satellite system while ensuring that the inter-satellite-terrestrial interference is below a given threshold. The optimal amplitude and phase of desired beams are derived in a decoupled manner. Simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed beamforming scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, journa

    Optimal power control in cognitive satellite terrestrial networks with imperfect channel state information

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    To address the spectrum scarcity in future satellite communications, employing the cognitive technique in the satellite systems is considered as a promising candidate, which leads to an advanced architecture known as cognitive satellite terrestrial networks. Power control is a significant research challenge in cognitive satellite terrestrial networks, especially when the perfect channel state information (CSI) of satellite or terrestrial links is unavailable. In this context, we investigate the impact of imperfect CSI of both desired satellite link and harmful terrestrial interference link on the power control scheme in cognitive satellite terrestrial networks. By adopting a pilot-based channel estimation of satellite link and a back-off interference power constraint of terrestrial interference link, a novel power control scheme is presented to maximize the outage capacity of the satellite user while guaranteeing the communication quality of primary terrestrial user. Extensive numerical results quantitatively demonstrate the effect of various system parameters on the proposed power control scheme in cognitive satellite terrestrial networks with imperfect CSI

    Energy-efficient optimal power allocation in integrated wireless sensor and cognitive satellite terrestrial networks

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    This paper proposes novel satellite-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which integrate the WSN with the cognitive satellite terrestrial network. Having the ability to provide seamless network access and alleviate the spectrum scarcity, cognitive satellite terrestrial networks are considered as a promising candidate for future wireless networks with emerging requirements of ubiquitous broadband applications and increasing demand for spectral resources. With the emerging environmental and energy cost concerns in communication systems, explicit concerns on energy efficient resource allocation in satellite networks have also recently received considerable attention. In this regard, this paper proposes energy-efficient optimal power allocation schemes in the cognitive satellite terrestrial networks for non-real-time and real-time applications, respectively, which maximize the energy efficiency (EE) of the cognitive satellite user while guaranteeing the interference at the primary terrestrial user below an acceptable level. Specifically, average interference power (AIP) constraint is employed to protect the communication quality of the primary terrestrial user while average transmit power (ATP) or peak transmit power (PTP) constraint is adopted to regulate the transmit power of the satellite user. Since the energy-efficient power allocation optimization problem belongs to the nonlinear concave fractional programming problem, we solve it by combining Dinkelbach’s method with Lagrange duality method. Simulation results demonstrate that the fading severity of the terrestrial interference link is favorable to the satellite user who can achieve EE gain under the ATP constraint comparing to the PTP constraint

    Outage Performance of Cognitive Hybrid Satellite–Terrestrial Networks With Interference Constraint

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper investigates the performance of a cognitive hybrid satellite–terrestrial network, where the primary satellite communication network and the secondary terrestrial mobile network coexist, provided that the interference temperature constraint is satisfied. By using the Meijer-G functions, the exact closed-form expression of the outage probability (OP) for the secondary network is first derived. Then, the asymptotic result in a high-signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regime is presented to reveal the diversity order and coding gain of the considered system. Finally, computer simulations are carried out to confirm the theoretical results and reveal that a more loose interference constraint or heavier shadowing severity of a satellite interference link leads to a reduced OP, whereas stronger satellite interference power poses a detrimental effect on the outage performance

    New Approaches Using Cognitive Radio in Green Networking

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    The green networks are energy-efficient network architectures and we consider them as the basis of the wireless communication optimizing energy usage. Indeed, future communication technologies are moving in this direction, meaning that they will be less energy-intensive and, in some cases, even energy self-sufficient. Specifically, cognitive radio (CR) networks, cooperative relay networks, and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques have been considered as effective means to facilitate energy harvesting (EH) and a power spectrum allocation for the minimization of total transmit power, hence, making the wireless communication greener. The dissertation consists of three research sections corresponding to the aims. The first aim deals with an radio frequency (RF) wireless energy transfer model for D2D systems. In order to harvest more energy, a multiple-antenna base station and a power beacon are adopted for the D2D transmission network. We derive expressions outage probability in closed-forms. Further, independent simulations are used to validate the exactness of the theoretical expressions. In the second aim, new cooperative system models are proposed and studied. To reach the second aim, the secondary source acts as a relay and employs Amplify and Forward (AF) mode to serve distant NOMA users under a given interference constraint. To provide a detailed examination of the system performance metrics, we derived closed-form formulas for the outage probability and average throughput of the multi-users in the presence of interference constraints. In the last aim of the dissertation, we designed a new system model for a hybrid satellite-terrestrial cognitive network (HSTCN) relying on NOMA interconnecting a satellite and multiple terrestrial nodes. Reliability and security of transmission were studied to minimize the total transmit power. To reach the third aim, we examined the following performance factors: outage probability, hardware impairment, intercept probability, and average throughput. The novel closed-forms expressions of these performance factors are derived. The last but not at least, we simulated the new HSTCN system model. The achieved results figured that the new proposed approaches make it possible to take into account service quality requirements and are applicable in future green networking.Zelené sítě jsou energeticky efektivní síťové architektury a považujeme je za základ bezdrátové komunikace optimalizující spotřebu energie. Tímto směrem se ubírají budoucí komunikační technologie, což znamená, že budou méně energeticky náročné a v některých případech dokonce energeticky soběstačné. Kognitivní rádiové (CR) sítě, kooperativní relay sítě a neortogonální vícenásobné přístupové (NOMA) techniky jsou považovány za účinný prostředek k usnadnění získávání energie (EH) a přidělování výkonového spektra pro minimalizaci celkového vysílacího výkonu, díky čemuž je bezdrátová komunikace zelenější. Disertační práce se skládá ze tří výzkumných částí odpovídajících cílům. První cíl se zabývá modelem bezdrátového přenosu radiofrekvenční (RF) energie pro systémy D2D. Aby bylo možné získat více energie, jsou pro přenosovou D2D síť použity základnové stanice s více anténami a napájecím radiomajákem. Pro navržený model jsou odvozeny pravděpodobnosti výpadků, kdy tyto výrazy jsou v uzavřené formě. Dále jsou k ověření platnosti získaných teoretických výrazů použity nezávislé simulace. Ve druhém cíli jsou navrženy a zkoumány nové modely kooperativního systému. Aby bylo dosaženo druhého cíle, sekundární zdroj funguje jako relay uzel a využívá režim AF (Amplify and Forward), který slouží vzdáleným NOMA uživatelům za specifických interferenčních podmínek. Abychom poskytli podrobné zhodnocení výkonnostních metrik systému, odvodili jsme vztahy v uzavřené formě pro pravděpodobnost výpadků a průměrnou propustnost více uživatelů za přítomnosti interferenčních omezení. V posledním cíli disertační práce jsme navrhli nový systémový model pro hybridní satelitně-terestrickou kognitivní síť (HSTCN) založenou na neortogonálním vícenásobném přístupu (NOMA) propojující satelit a více terestrických uzlů. Zkoumána byla spolehlivost a zabezpečení přenosu s důrazem na minimalizaci celkového vysílacího výkonu. Pro dosažení třetího cíle jsme zkoumali následující výkonnostní faktory: pravděpodobnost výpadku, poškození hardwaru, pravděpodobnost zachycení a průměrnou propustnost. Pro tyto výkonnostní faktory jsou odvozeny v uzavřených formách nové výrazy. V neposlední řadě jsme rovněž simulovali nový systémový HSTCN model. Dosažené výsledky potvrdily, že nově navržené přístupy umožňují zohledňovat požadavky na kvalitu služeb a jsou použitelné v budoucích zelených sítích.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově