15 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Architecture for Out of Domain Intent Detection and Intent Discovery

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    Intent Detection is one of the tasks of the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) unit in task-oriented dialogue systems. Out of Scope (OOS) and Out of Domain (OOD) inputs may run these systems into a problem. On the other side, a labeled dataset is needed to train a model for Intent Detection in task-oriented dialogue systems. The creation of a labeled dataset is time-consuming and needs human resources. The purpose of this article is to address mentioned problems. The task of identifying OOD/OOS inputs is named OOD/OOS Intent Detection. Also, discovering new intents and pseudo-labeling of OOD inputs is well known by Intent Discovery. In OOD intent detection part, we make use of a Variational Autoencoder to distinguish between known and unknown intents independent of input data distribution. After that, an unsupervised clustering method is used to discover different unknown intents underlying OOD/OOS inputs. We also apply a non-linear dimensionality reduction on OOD/OOS representations to make distances between representations more meaning full for clustering. Our results show that the proposed model for both OOD/OOS Intent Detection and Intent Discovery achieves great results and passes baselines in English and Persian languages

    SR-OOD: Out-of-Distribution Detection via Sample Repairing

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    It is widely reported that deep generative models can classify out-of-distribution (OOD) samples as in-distribution with high confidence. In this work, we propose a hypothesis that this phenomenon is due to the reconstruction task, which can cause the generative model to focus too much on low-level features and not enough on semantic information. To address this issue, we introduce SR-OOD, an OOD detection framework that utilizes sample repairing to encourage the generative model to learn more than just an identity map. By focusing on semantics, our framework improves OOD detection performance without external data and label information. Our experimental results demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach in detecting OOD samples

    Detecting Backdoors in Neural Networks Using Novel Feature-Based Anomaly Detection

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    This paper proposes a new defense against neural network backdooring attacks that are maliciously trained to mispredict in the presence of attacker-chosen triggers. Our defense is based on the intuition that the feature extraction layers of a backdoored network embed new features to detect the presence of a trigger and the subsequent classification layers learn to mispredict when triggers are detected. Therefore, to detect backdoors, the proposed defense uses two synergistic anomaly detectors trained on clean validation data: the first is a novelty detector that checks for anomalous features, while the second detects anomalous mappings from features to outputs by comparing with a separate classifier trained on validation data. The approach is evaluated on a wide range of backdoored networks (with multiple variations of triggers) that successfully evade state-of-the-art defenses. Additionally, we evaluate the robustness of our approach on imperceptible perturbations, scalability on large-scale datasets, and effectiveness under domain shift. This paper also shows that the defense can be further improved using data augmentation

    SAFE: Sensitivity-Aware Features for Out-of-Distribution Object Detection

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    We address the problem of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection for the task of object detection. We show that residual convolutional layers with batch normalisation produce Sensitivity-Aware FEatures (SAFE) that are consistently powerful for distinguishing in-distribution from out-of-distribution detections. By extracting SAFE vectors for every detected object, and training a multilayer perceptron on the surrogate task of distinguishing adversarially perturbed from clean in-distribution examples, we circumvent the need for realistic OOD training data, computationally expensive generative models, or retraining of the base object detector. SAFE outperforms the state-of-the-art OOD object detectors on multiple benchmarks by large margins, e.g. reducing the FPR95 by an absolute 30.6% from 48.3% to 17.7% on the OpenImages dataset

    A Functional Data Perspective and Baseline On Multi-Layer Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    A key feature of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is to exploit a trained neural network by extracting statistical patterns and relationships through the multi-layer classifier to detect shifts in the expected input data distribution. Despite achieving solid results, several state-of-the-art methods rely on the penultimate or last layer outputs only, leaving behind valuable information for OOD detection. Methods that explore the multiple layers either require a special architecture or a supervised objective to do so. This work adopts an original approach based on a functional view of the network that exploits the sample's trajectories through the various layers and their statistical dependencies. It goes beyond multivariate features aggregation and introduces a baseline rooted in functional anomaly detection. In this new framework, OOD detection translates into detecting samples whose trajectories differ from the typical behavior characterized by the training set. We validate our method and empirically demonstrate its effectiveness in OOD detection compared to strong state-of-the-art baselines on computer vision benchmarks

    Bayes-TrEx: a Bayesian Sampling Approach to Model Transparency by Example

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    Post-hoc explanation methods are gaining popularity for interpreting, understanding, and debugging neural networks. Most analyses using such methods explain decisions in response to inputs drawn from the test set. However, the test set may have few examples that trigger some model behaviors, such as high-confidence failures or ambiguous classifications. To address these challenges, we introduce a flexible model inspection framework: Bayes-TrEx. Given a data distribution, Bayes-TrEx finds in-distribution examples with a specified prediction confidence. We demonstrate several use cases of Bayes-TrEx, including revealing highly confident (mis)classifications, visualizing class boundaries via ambiguous examples, understanding novel-class extrapolation behavior, and exposing neural network overconfidence. We use Bayes-TrEx to study classifiers trained on CLEVR, MNIST, and Fashion-MNIST, and we show that this framework enables more flexible holistic model analysis than just inspecting the test set. Code is available at https://github.com/serenabooth/Bayes-TrEx.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202