2 research outputs found

    Simulation as a method for asymptotic system behavior identification (e.g. water frog hemiclonal population systems)

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    Studying any system requires development of ways to describe the variety of its conditions. Such development includes three steps. The first one is to identify groups of similar systems (associative typology). The second one is to identify groups of objects which are similar in characteristics important for their description (analytic typology). The third one is to arrange systems into groups based on their predicted common future (dynamic typology). We propose a method to build such a dynamic topology for a system. The first step is to build a simulation model of studied systems. The model must be undetermined and simulate stochastic processes. The model generates distribution of the studied systems output parameters with the same initial parameters. We prove the correctness of the model by aligning the parameters sets generated by the model with the set of the original systems conditions evaluated empirically. In case of a close match between the two, we can presume that the model is adequately describing the dynamics of the studied systems. On the next stage, we should determine the probability distribution of the systems transformation outcome. Such outcomes should be defined based on the simulation of the transformation of the systems during the time sufficient to determine its fate. If the systems demonstrate asymptotic behavior, its phase space can be divided into pools corresponding to its different future state prediction. A dynamic typology is determined by which of these pools each system falls into. We implemented the pipeline described above to study water frog hemiclonal population systems. Water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) is an animal group displaying interspecific hybridization and non-mendelian inheritance

    ICTERI 2020: ІКТ в освіті, дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях. Інтеграція, гармонізація та передача знань 2020: Матеріали 16-ї Міжнародної конференції. Том II: Семінари. Харків, Україна, 06-10 жовтня 2020 р.

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    This volume represents the proceedings of the Workshops co-located with the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, held in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in October 2020. It comprises 101 contributed papers that were carefully peer-reviewed and selected from 233 submissions for the five workshops: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. The volume is structured in six parts, each presenting the contributions for a particular workshop. The topical scope of the volume is aligned with the thematic tracks of ICTERI 2020: (I) Advances in ICT Research; (II) Information Systems: Technology and Applications; (III) Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation; and (IV) ICT in Education.Цей збірник представляє матеріали семінарів, які були проведені в рамках 16-ї Міжнародної конференції з ІКТ в освіті, наукових дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях, що відбулася в Харкові, Україна, у жовтні 2020 року. Він містить 101 доповідь, які були ретельно рецензовані та відібрані з 233 заявок на участь у п'яти воркшопах: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. Збірник складається з шести частин, кожна з яких представляє матеріали для певного семінару. Тематична спрямованість збірника узгоджена з тематичними напрямками ICTERI 2020: (I) Досягнення в галузі досліджень ІКТ; (II) Інформаційні системи: Технології і застосування; (ІІІ) Співпраця в галузі ІКТ між академічними і промисловими колами; і (IV) ІКТ в освіті