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    Abstract: Emergence and development of religious streams flowing like a flood that bring negative effects to the understanding of the people of Islam itself, even it mixed reactions to the unrest in the community as a result of the intensity of the propaganda being waged as well as its development, which is so massive, such as the public reaction to the spiritualism of Ahmadiyah, but it not happened with religious beliefs, which this one, namely the Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia - LDII). This spiritualism has long historical roots in Indonesia, once banned but has not dampen the pace to continue to exist and flapping his message. Through dynamics an time was running that occur in the body of the current on this one, then its existence has gained a place in the midst of today's society. This paper will reveal about the nature of LDII, which includes the origin of the spiritualism, the names are used, the development of the spiritualism, the principal teachings developed his religious and social behavior, as well as some comments about LDII figures. Keywords: The development, LDII, Principles of thought


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    Abstract: Emergence and development of religious streams flowing like a flood that bring negative effects to the understanding of the people of Islam itself, even it mixed reactions to the unrest in the community as a result of the intensity of the propaganda being waged as well as its development, which is so massive, such as the public reaction to the spiritualism of Ahmadiyah, but it not happened with religious beliefs, which this one, namely the Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia - LDII). This spiritualism has long historical roots in Indonesia, once banned but has not dampen the pace to continue to exist and flapping his message. Through dynamics an time was running that occur in the body of the current on this one, then its existence has gained a place in the midst of today's society. This paper will reveal about the nature of LDII, which includes the origin of the spiritualism, the names are used, the development of the spiritualism, the principal teachings developed his religious and social behavior, as well as some comments about LDII figures. Keywords: The development, LDII, Principles of thought

    Forecasting Methodologies for USAF Facility Maintenance and Repair Funding Requirements

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    Eighteen methodologies for forecasting facility maintenance and repair funding requirements were investigated and analyzed to determine which methodology is best suited for use by the United States Air Force (USAF). The literature review identified four primary factors, or criteria, that determine facility maintenance and repair funding requirements. The methodologies were scored against the four criteria with respect to their appropriate application to USAF requirements. An analysis of dominance was accomplished; the results suggested that no one methodology was clearly superior. Fourteen of the methodologies were dominated, and consequently eliminated from further analysis. Four methodologies were non-dominated: the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL) BUILDER; USACERL Maintenance Resource Prediction Model; U.S. Army Installation Status Report; and the USAF Plant Replacement Value-Facility Investment Metric (PRV-FIM). Further analysis was accomplished using the multi-criteria decision-making techniques of lexicographic analysis and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPS IS). The results suggested the USAF PRV-FIM methodology is only preferable when the most important consideration is limiting the amount of data that must he collected and maintained. Otherwise, the USACERL BUILDER methodology may best serve the USAF in justifying to Congress and the public, its facility maintenance and repair level of investment determination

    Where Have All the Symbols Gone?: A Study of Sufis and Sufi Symbolism in Ottoman Miniature Paintings

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    Ottoman miniature paintings represent some of the best preserved and documented works of Islamic art still extant. They differ critically from other forms of miniature painting, such as Persian miniature painting, by not representing Sufi symbolism. In the two potential sources of such symbolism, Ottoman Sufism and Persian miniature painters in the Ottoman Empire, appear to have not critically influenced Ottoman miniature painting to produce Sufi symbols, do to political, religious, and cultural factors. Instead, political factors of the Ottoman imperial state and the economics and standards of production in the empire produced an art medium where Ottoman Sufi symbols were not introduced

    Kearifan Budaya Lokal Dalam Naskah-Naskah Kuno di Uluan

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    Aksara ulu atau kaganga menjadi kekayaan budaya masyarakat tepian sungai di Sumatera bagian Selatan.Diperkirakan, aksara itu tumbuh sejak abad ke-12 Masehi dan berkembang pesat pada abad ke-17-19 Masehi. Naskah ulu banyak digunakan untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama, ilmu kedokteran, petuah, dan kearifan lokal lain. Keberadaan aksara ulu tersebut menunjukkan, budaya tepian sungai memiliki tradisi intelektualisme cukup tinggi.Disebut aksara ulu karena banyak berkembang dalam masyarakat yang tinggal di hulu sungai di pedalaman.Beberapa sumber lain menyebutkan bahwa naskah Gelumpai merupakan peninggalan masa lalu di wilayah uluan dan ada yang diproduksi sekitar abad ke-16 hingga 17 M. Naskah Gelumpai menunjukkan dinamika sosial, politik dan agama masyarakat di wilayah Uluan Palembang. Dalam struktur kekuasaan serta kawasan wilayah masyarakatnya, di Palembang terbagi menjadi dua yakni masyarakat iliran dan masyarakat uluan. Salah satu naskah gelumpai dalam kajian ini adalah naskah yang terdiri dari 14 bilah-bilah bambu.Naskah ini dibuat sekitar abad ke-16-17 Masehi.yang diproduksi oleh kalangan ulama Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam. Aksara hulu yang digunakan atau ka-ga-nga merupakan perpaduan dari bahasa local dan bahasa Jawa.Isi dari naskah ini menceritakan tentang profil, karakter dan nilai-nilai sosial, serta ajakan dalam merujuk Islam sebagai syariat kehidupan. Berdasarkan data yang dihimpun peneliti, bahwa naskah ini sebagai media dalam penyebaran agama Islam di wilayah huluan palembang. Selain itu, sebagai naskah yang diterbitkan oleh Kesultanan, ini menunjukkan bahwa agama Islam sebagai pengikat masyarakat huluan  terhadap eksistensi Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam. Naskah “gelumpai” lainnya yakni naskah yang terdiri dari 8 bilah bambu. Naskah ini berasal dari sub Etnis Melayu yang menempati kawasan Musi Rawas saat ini. Teks dalam naskah tersebut menggunakan aksara ulu, serta tidak mempunyai judul.Namun demikian jika dilihat dari isi teksnya, naskah berisikan tentang ajaran-ajaran dalam Agama Hindu. Naskah lainnya merupakan naskah yang teksnya ditulis dengan aksara ulu sebanyak 23 bilah atau 23 keping bambu.Nomor urut keping 1 sampai dengan 23 dalam awal kalimat menggunakan tanda *.Jika dilihat dari isinya naskah ini merupakan amalan serta ajaran-ajaran dari Agama Hindu

    Mustafa Bey of Radoviş (1843-1893): bureaucrat, journalist and deputy of Salonica to the first Ottoman parliament

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    This article elaborates the life and deeds of Mustafa Bey, who published the first private Ottoman-Turkish newspaper in Salonica in 1873 and was member of the first Ottoman parliament in 1877-1878. By analyzing his activities and ideas, the paper states that Mustafa Bey should be considered to belong to the Young Ottoman political generation

    Islamic support on the westernization policy in the Ottoman empire : making Mahmud II a reformer Caliph-Sultan by Islamic virtue tradition

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    In this article we dealt with the relations between the state and religion / Islam and its interpreters i.e., the ulama, their needs each other. As a case, with an original source, we focused on the time of the Mahmud II (1808-1839) The Ottoman reforms of the nineteenth century is reconciliation between Islam and Western civili-sation. In this process the ulama played key role by commenting Islam accordance with the need of the age or of the Ottoman Empire. The reformers, chiefly the Sultan and his close friends needed the support of the ulama to legitimate their reform programmes In this crucial stage the head of the ulama the Shaykhulislam, used his own religious knowledge and influence, derived from his office by writing a treatise to persuade the masses to accept the reforms. Applying the traditional virtue literature on the Ottoman dynasty he presented in this pamphlet one of the Western-minded Ottoman sultans as an ideal caliph-sultan. This attitude helped to transform the middle-aged Ottoman political structure and society into modern ages in Western line

    Bread and Empire: The Workings of Grain Provisioning in Istanbul During the Eighteenth Century

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    Provisioning of the Imperial capital Istanbul had been one of the major concerns of the Ottoman rulers from the classical age to the dawn of the modern era. Grain occupied a particularly important place in the provisioning policies of the Ottoman state due to the fact that the Ottoman sultans considered the steady supply of "people's bread" in the capital city as one of the ways to promote and reproduce their image of sovereignty in the general public opinion. This consideration remained unchanged throughout the eighteenth century during which time the Ottoman economy faltered vis-à-vis the European centered world-economy and the Ottoman polity began to gradually withdraw from the economic realm. In the face of mounting fiscal burdens, the Ottoman state limited its provisioning policies to the raw materials needed by the military industries and to the basic foods consumed by the populace. In this context, the traditional protectionist attitude of the state towards the craft guilds of the imperial capital was abandoned, leaving these organizations at the mercy of circumstances not to say the market principle. The only institutions that were insulated from the changing policy of the state were the grain-related crafts, i.e. bakers' guild. This paper argues with reference to a series of published documents that the Ottoman state continued, if not hardened, its provisioning policies of grain to the imperial capital during the eighteenth century and thereafter.Istanbul, Ottoman state, grain provision, food supply

    Le désenclavement de l'Asie centrale et du Caucase

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    Laissant délibérement de côté l'aspect purement politique du phénomène, l'article tente de déceler certaines tendances de fond dans les flux d'échanges commerciaux à l'échelle mondiale qui pourraient jouer un rôle dans le qui serait ainsi amenée à retrouver le rôle de plaque tournante qui semble avoir jadis été le sien. Outre l'énorme potentiel d'échanges terrestres que la réouverture des voies commerciales d'Asie centrale devrait désenclavement de l'Asie centrale et du Caucase, région libérer à l'échelle du continent eurasiatique, un effet de saturation des transports maritimes, notamment en raison de problèmes croissants de pollution, risque de mettre fin à la prépondérance des voies maritimes affirmée depuis l'époque des grandes découvertes, il y a cinq siècles. Le contexte de la réemergence de cette région pourrait donc être celui d'un réequilibrage des flux d'échanges planétaires terrestres et maritimes, allant de paire avec la remise en question d'un aspect fondamental des temps modernes, à savoir, le concept de la liberté totale des mers. Ayant, par ailleurs, passé en revue les diverses ressources de la région et les voies et moyens de transports envisageables pour leur écoulement, l'article aborde quelques points névralgiques du grand réequilibrage mentionné, à savoir, la mer Noire et le Bosphore. Se penchant enfin sur le rôle de garant écologique qui pourrait échoir aux Etats de cette région dans le nouveau contexte, l'auteur croque le portrait délibérément « cervantesque », voire « nasrettinesque », d'un « Turc » de retour sur la scène internationale sous l'étendard vert de l'écologie en lieu et place de celui de l'Islam brandi jadis

    SEJARAH PERS ISLAM DI PALEMBANG (1965-1972): Studi atas Surat Kabar Mingguan “Nusa Putera”

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    The press is an institution of mass communication that could serve the interests of the information society. Everyday the press provides an overview of a variety of events, providing a place for the community to issue a written opinion and pass on societal values from generation to generation. In the face of changes take place rapidly in communities clearly such information is very helpful. Weekly Newspaper "Mimbar Masjarakat" and "Nusa Putera" edition of South Sumatra (1965 AD-1972 AD), is a testament to the history of the Islamic press in Palembang, where the existence and history are not so known to the public and public audiences in this city. Lunge and press struggle in build, develop, prosper, and educating the people of Palembang through its role is so urgent and complex. This constitutes an irony of history for Islam in the Indonesian press in general and in the city of Palembang in particular. This paper reveals the history and role and contribution of "Mimbar Masjarakat" and "Nusa Putera" Edition South Sumatra is very significant social change in Palembang.   Keywords: -Islamic Press, -Nusa Putera, -Palemban