18 research outputs found

    Weighted Norms of Ambiguity Functions and Wigner Distributions

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    In this article new bounds on weighted p-norms of ambiguity functions and Wigner functions are derived. Such norms occur frequently in several areas of physics and engineering. In pulse optimization for Weyl--Heisenberg signaling in wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering channels for example it is a key step to find the optimal waveforms for a given scattering statistics which is a problem also well known in radar and sonar waveform optimizations. The same situation arises in quantum information processing and optical communication when optimizing pure quantum states for communicating in bosonic quantum channels, i.e. find optimal channel input states maximizing the pure state channel fidelity. Due to the non-convex nature of this problem the optimum and the maximizers itself are in general difficult find, numerically and analytically. Therefore upper bounds on the achievable performance are important which will be provided by this contribution. Based on a result due to E. Lieb, the main theorem states a new upper bound which is independent of the waveforms and becomes tight only for Gaussian weights and waveforms. A discussion of this particular important case, which tighten recent results on Gaussian quantum fidelity and coherent states, will be given. Another bound is presented for the case where scattering is determined only by some arbitrary region in phase space.Comment: 5 twocolumn pages,2 figures, accepted for 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, typos corrected, some additional cites, legend in Fig.2 correcte

    A Group-Theoretic Approach to the WSSUS Pulse Design Problem

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    We consider the pulse design problem in multicarrier transmission where the pulse shapes are adapted to the second order statistics of the WSSUS channel. Even though the problem has been addressed by many authors analytical insights are rather limited. First we show that the problem is equivalent to the pure state channel fidelity in quantum information theory. Next we present a new approach where the original optimization functional is related to an eigenvalue problem for a pseudo differential operator by utilizing unitary representations of the Weyl--Heisenberg group.A local approximation of the operator for underspread channels is derived which implicitly covers the concepts of pulse scaling and optimal phase space displacement. The problem is reformulated as a differential equation and the optimal pulses occur as eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. Furthermore this operator--algebraic approach is extended to provide exact solutions for different classes of scattering environments.Comment: 5 pages, final version for 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; added references for section 2; corrected some typos; added more detailed discussion on the relations to quantum information theory; added some more references; added additional calculations as an appendix; corrected typo in III.

    Pulse Shaping, Localization and the Approximate Eigenstructure of LTV Channels

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    In this article we show the relation between the theory of pulse shaping for WSSUS channels and the notion of approximate eigenstructure for time-varying channels. We consider pulse shaping for a general signaling scheme, called Weyl-Heisenberg signaling, which includes OFDM with cyclic prefix and OFDM/OQAM. The pulse design problem in the view of optimal WSSUS--averaged SINR is an interplay between localization and "orthogonality". The localization problem itself can be expressed in terms of eigenvalues of localization operators and is intimately connected to the concept of approximate eigenstructure of LTV channel operators. In fact, on the L_2-level both are equivalent as we will show. The concept of "orthogonality" in turn can be related to notion of tight frames. The right balance between these two sides is still an open problem. However, several statements on achievable values of certain localization measures and fundamental limits on SINR can already be made as will be shown in the paper.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, invited pape

    Multipath Parameter Estimation from OFDM Signals in Mobile Channels

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    We study multipath parameter estimation from orthogonal frequency division multiplex signals transmitted over doubly dispersive mobile radio channels. We are interested in cases where the transmission is long enough to suffer time selectivity, but short enough such that the time variation can be accurately modeled as depending only on per-tap linear phase variations due to Doppler effects. We therefore concentrate on the estimation of the complex gain, delay and Doppler offset of each tap of the multipath channel impulse response. We show that the frequency domain channel coefficients for an entire packet can be expressed as the superimposition of two-dimensional complex sinusoids. The maximum likelihood estimate requires solution of a multidimensional non-linear least squares problem, which is computationally infeasible in practice. We therefore propose a low complexity suboptimal solution based on iterative successive and parallel cancellation. First, initial delay/Doppler estimates are obtained via successive cancellation. These estimates are then refined using an iterative parallel cancellation procedure. We demonstrate via Monte Carlo simulations that the root mean squared error statistics of our estimator are very close to the Cramer-Rao lower bound of a single two-dimensional sinusoid in Gaussian noise.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (26 pages, 9 figures and 3 tables

    Nouvelles formes d'ondes par paquets d'ondelettes pour les modulations multiporteuses

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    La qualité d'une transmission multiporteuses dépend directement des formes d'onde modulantes utilisées. Dans cet article, la Wavelet Packet Modulation (WPM) est appliquée aux communications sans fil et une nouvelle modulation est proposée qui utilise les ondelettes complexes. Nous montrons que, pour une transmission à travers un canal multi-trajets, l'utilisation des ondelettes complexes permet d'améliorer l'utilisation des ondelettes réelles. Nous montrons également que l'utilisation des ondelettes permet de réduire considérablement les fluctuations d'enveloppe du signal transmis. Les performances de la WPM sont comparées à celle de la modulation OFDM

    Frequency Diversity in Mode-Division Multiplexing Systems

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    In the regime of strong mode coupling, the modal gains and losses and the modal group delays of a multimode fiber are known to have well-defined statistical properties. In mode-division multiplexing, mode-dependent gains and losses are known to cause fluctuations in the channel capacity, so that the capacity at finite outage probability can be substantially lower than the average capacity. Mode-dependent gains and losses, when frequency-dependent, have a coherence bandwidth that is inversely proportional to the modal group delay spread. When mode-division-multiplexed signals occupy a bandwidth far larger than the coherence bandwidth, the mode-dependent gains and losses are averaged over frequency, causing the outage capacity to approach the average capacity. The difference between the average and outage capacities is found to be inversely proportional to the square-root of a diversity order that is given approximately by the ratio of the signal bandwidth to the coherence bandwidth.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure