1,056 research outputs found

    Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Inflexible Edges

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    We consider the problem of creating plane orthogonal drawings of 4-planar graphs (planar graphs with maximum degree 4) with constraints on the number of bends per edge. More precisely, we have a flexibility function assigning to each edge ee a natural number flex(e)\mathrm{flex}(e), its flexibility. The problem FlexDraw asks whether there exists an orthogonal drawing such that each edge ee has at most flex(e)\mathrm{flex}(e) bends. It is known that FlexDraw is NP-hard if flex(e)=0\mathrm{flex}(e) = 0 for every edge ee. On the other hand, FlexDraw can be solved efficiently if flex(e)1\mathrm{flex}(e) \ge 1 and is trivial if flex(e)2\mathrm{flex}(e) \ge 2 for every edge ee. To close the gap between the NP-hardness for flex(e)=0\mathrm{flex}(e) = 0 and the efficient algorithm for flex(e)1\mathrm{flex}(e) \ge 1, we investigate the computational complexity of FlexDraw in case only few edges are inflexible (i.e., have flexibility~00). We show that for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0 FlexDraw is NP-complete for instances with O(nε)O(n^\varepsilon) inflexible edges with pairwise distance Ω(n1ε)\Omega(n^{1-\varepsilon}) (including the case where they induce a matching). On the other hand, we give an FPT-algorithm with running time O(2knTflow(n))O(2^k\cdot n \cdot T_{\mathrm{flow}}(n)), where Tflow(n)T_{\mathrm{flow}}(n) is the time necessary to compute a maximum flow in a planar flow network with multiple sources and sinks, and kk is the number of inflexible edges having at least one endpoint of degree 4.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Transforming planar graph drawings while maintaining height

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    There are numerous styles of planar graph drawings, notably straight-line drawings, poly-line drawings, orthogonal graph drawings and visibility representations. In this note, we show that many of these drawings can be transformed from one style to another without changing the height of the drawing. We then give some applications of these transformations

    Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity

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    We introduce and study the OrthoSEFEk\textit{OrthoSEFE}-k problem: Given kk planar graphs each with maximum degree 4 and the same vertex set, do they admit an OrthoSEFE, that is, is there an assignment of the vertices to grid points and of the edges to paths on the grid such that the same edges in distinct graphs are assigned the same path and such that the assignment induces a planar orthogonal drawing of each of the kk graphs? We show that the problem is NP-complete for k3k \geq 3 even if the shared graph is a Hamiltonian cycle and has sunflower intersection and for k2k \geq 2 even if the shared graph consists of a cycle and of isolated vertices. Whereas the problem is polynomial-time solvable for k=2k=2 when the union graph has maximum degree five and the shared graph is biconnected. Further, when the shared graph is biconnected and has sunflower intersection, we show that every positive instance has an OrthoSEFE with at most three bends per edge.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Planar L-Drawings of Directed Graphs

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    We study planar drawings of directed graphs in the L-drawing standard. We provide necessary conditions for the existence of these drawings and show that testing for the existence of a planar L-drawing is an NP-complete problem. Motivated by this result, we focus on upward-planar L-drawings. We show that directed st-graphs admitting an upward- (resp. upward-rightward-) planar L-drawing are exactly those admitting a bitonic (resp. monotonically increasing) st-ordering. We give a linear-time algorithm that computes a bitonic (resp. monotonically increasing) st-ordering of a planar st-graph or reports that there exists none.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Upward planar drawings with two slopes

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    In an upward planar 2-slope drawing of a digraph, edges are drawn as straight-line segments in the upward direction without crossings using only two different slopes. We investigate whether a given upward planar digraph admits such a drawing and, if so, how to construct it. For the fixed embedding scenario, we give a simple characterisation and a linear-time construction by adopting algorithms from orthogonal drawings. For the variable embedding scenario, we describe a linear-time algorithm for single-source digraphs, a quartic-time algorithm for series-parallel digraphs, and a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for general digraphs. For the latter two classes, we make use of SPQR-trees and the notion of upward spirality. As an application of this drawing style, we show how to draw an upward planar phylogenetic network with two slopes such that all leaves lie on a horizontal line