480 research outputs found

    Matroids, Feynman categories, and Koszul duality

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    We show that various combinatorial invariants of matroids such as Chow rings and Orlik--Solomon algebras may be assembled into "operad-like" structures. Specifically, one obtains several operads over a certain Feynman category which we introduce and study in detail. In addition, we establish a Koszul-type duality between Chow rings and Orlik--Solomon algebras, vastly generalizing a celebrated result of Getzler. This provides a new interpretation of combinatorial Leray models of Orlik--Solomon algebras.Comment: Should be an almost final versio

    The Orlik-Solomon model for hypersurface arrangements

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    We develop a model for the cohomology of the complement of a hypersurface arrangement inside a smooth projective complex variety. This generalizes the case of normal crossing divisors, discovered by P. Deligne in the context of the mixed Hodge theory of smooth complex varieties. Our model is a global version of the Orlik-Solomon algebra, which computes the cohomology of the complement of a union of hyperplanes in an affine space. The main tool is the complex of logarithmic forms along a hypersurface arrangement, and its weight filtration. Connections with wonderful compactifications and the configuration spaces of points on curves are also studied.Comment: 23 pages; presentation simplified, results unchange

    Algebras related to posets of hyperplanes

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    We compare two noncommutative algebras which are related to arrangements of hyperplanes. For three special arrangements the induced approximately finite dimensional CC^*-algebra and the graded Orlik-Solomon-algebra are investigated

    On the homotopy Lie algebra of an arrangement

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    Let A be a graded-commutative, connected k-algebra generated in degree 1. The homotopy Lie algebra g_A is defined to be the Lie algebra of primitives of the Yoneda algebra, Ext_A(k,k). Under certain homological assumptions on A and its quadratic closure, we express g_A as a semi-direct product of the well-understood holonomy Lie algebra h_A with a certain h_A-module. This allows us to compute the homotopy Lie algebra associated to the cohomology ring of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement, provided some combinatorial assumptions are satisfied. As an application, we give examples of hyperplane arrangements whose complements have the same Poincar\'e polynomial, the same fundamental group, and the same holonomy Lie algebra, yet different homotopy Lie algebras.Comment: 20 pages; accepted for publication by the Michigan Math. Journa