916 research outputs found

    A new algorithm for minutiae extraction and matching in fingerprint

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.A novel algorithm for fingerprint template formation and matching in automatic fingerprint recognition has been developed. At present, fingerprint is being considered as the dominant biometric trait among all other biometrics due to its wide range of applications in security and access control. Most of the commercially established systems use singularity point (SP) or ‘core’ point for fingerprint indexing and template formation. The efficiency of these systems heavily relies on the detection of the core and the quality of the image itself. The number of multiple SPs or absence of ‘core’ on the image can cause some anomalies in the formation of the template and may result in high False Acceptance Rate (FAR) or False Rejection Rate (FRR). Also the loss of actual minutiae or appearance of new or spurious minutiae in the scanned image can contribute to the error in the matching process. A more sophisticated algorithm is therefore necessary in the formation and matching of templates in order to achieve low FAR and FRR and to make the identification more accurate. The novel algorithm presented here does not rely on any ‘core’ or SP thus makes the structure invariant with respect to global rotation and translation. Moreover, it does not need orientation of the minutiae points on which most of the established algorithm are based. The matching methodology is based on the local features of each minutiae point such as distances to its nearest neighbours and their internal angle. Using a publicly available fingerprint database, the algorithm has been evaluated and compared with other benchmark algorithms. It has been found that the algorithm has performed better compared to others and has been able to achieve an error equal rate of 3.5%

    Experimental Assessment on Latent Fingerprint Matching Using Affine Transformation

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    Abstract-In forensics latent fingerprint identification is critical importance to identifying suspects: latent fingerprints are invisible fingerprint impressions left by fingers on surfaces of objects. The proposed algorithm uses a robust alignment algorithm (mixture contour and Orientation based Descriptor) to align fingerprints and to get the similarity score between fingerprints by considering minutiae points and ridge orientation field information.The texture-based descriptors (local binary patterns and local phase quantization), address important issues related to the dissimilarity representation, such as the impact of the number of references used for verification and identification. However, the overlapped region shape similarity retrieved from minutiae spatial distribution information provides additional important criteria. After finding the overlapping region of a possible affine transform, we can measure to find the shape dissimilarity via the application of the shape context to all interior points.TheHybrid matching algorithm, is to prune outlier minutiae pairs, and secondly to provide more information to use in similarity evaluation

    Gender Estimation from Fingerprints Using DWT and Entropy

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    Gender estimation from fingerprints have wide range of applications, especially in the field of forensics where identifying the gender of a criminal can reduce the list of suspects significantly. Although there have been quite a few research papers in the field of gender estimation from fingerprints most of those experiments used a lot of features but were only able to achieve poor classification results. That being the motivation behind the study we successfully proposed two different approaches for gender estimation from fingerprints and achieved high classification accuracy.;In this study we have developed two different approaches for gender estimation from fingerprints. The dataset used consists of 498 fingerprints of which 260 are male and 238 are female fingerprints. The first approach is based on wavelet analysis and uses features obtained from a six level discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Classification is performed using a decision stump classifier implemented in weka and was able to achieve a classification accuracy of 95.38% using the DWT approach. The second approach uses wavelet packet analysis and extracted the Shannon entropy and log-energy entropy from the coefficients of wavelet packet transform and provided a classification accuracy of 96.59% on the same dataset using decision stump classifier implemented in weka

    Segmentation of slap fingerprints

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    This thesis describes a novel algorithm that segments the individual fingerprints in a multi-print image. The algorithm identifies the distal phalanx portion of each finger that appears in the image and labels them as an index, middle, little or ring finger. The accuracy of this algorithm is compared with the publicly-available reference implementation, NFSEG, part of the NIST Biometric Image Software (NBIS) suite developed at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The comparison is performed over large set of fingerprint images captured from unique individuals

    Ridge orientation modeling and feature analysis for fingerprint identification

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    This thesis systematically derives an innovative approach, called FOMFE, for fingerprint ridge orientation modeling based on 2D Fourier expansions, and explores possible applications of FOMFE to various aspects of a fingerprint identification system. Compared with existing proposals, FOMFE does not require prior knowledge of the landmark singular points (SP) at any stage of the modeling process. This salient feature makes it immune from false SP detections and robust in terms of modeling ridge topology patterns from different typological classes. The thesis provides the motivation of this work, thoroughly reviews the relevant literature, and carefully lays out the theoretical basis of the proposed modeling approach. This is followed by a detailed exposition of how FOMFE can benefit fingerprint feature analysis including ridge orientation estimation, singularity analysis, global feature characterization for a wide variety of fingerprint categories, and partial fingerprint identification. The proposed methods are based on the insightful use of theory from areas such as Fourier analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems, analytical operators from differential calculus in vector fields, and fluid dynamics. The thesis has conducted extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed methods on benchmark data sets, and drawn conclusions about strengths and limitations of these new techniques in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches. FOMFE and the resulting model-based methods can significantly improve the computational efficiency and reliability of fingerprint identification systems, which is important for indexing and matching fingerprints at a large scale

    A Dynamic Embedding Model of the Media Landscape

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    Information about world events is disseminated through a wide variety of news channels, each with specific considerations in the choice of their reporting. Although the multiplicity of these outlets should ensure a variety of viewpoints, recent reports suggest that the rising concentration of media ownership may void this assumption. This observation motivates the study of the impact of ownership on the global media landscape and its influence on the coverage the actual viewer receives. To this end, the selection of reported events has been shown to be informative about the high-level structure of the news ecosystem. However, existing methods only provide a static view into an inherently dynamic system, providing underperforming statistical models and hindering our understanding of the media landscape as a whole. In this work, we present a dynamic embedding method that learns to capture the decision process of individual news sources in their selection of reported events while also enabling the systematic detection of large-scale transformations in the media landscape over prolonged periods of time. In an experiment covering over 580M real-world event mentions, we show our approach to outperform static embedding methods in predictive terms. We demonstrate the potential of the method for news monitoring applications and investigative journalism by shedding light on important changes in programming induced by mergers and acquisitions, policy changes, or network-wide content diffusion. These findings offer evidence of strong content convergence trends inside large broadcasting groups, influencing the news ecosystem in a time of increasing media ownership concentration