3 research outputs found

    Multimedia Object Modelling and Storage Allocation Strategies for Heterogeneous Parallel Access Storage Devices in Real Time Multimedia Computing Systems

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    The improvements in disk speeds have not kept up with improvements in processor and memory speeds. Conventional storage techniques, in the face of multimedia data, are inefficient and/or inadequate. Here, an efficient multimedia object allocation strategy is presented. We describe a multimedia object model, the object and storage device characteristics, and the fragmentation strategy. A bipartite graph approach is used for mapping fragments to storage devices and a cost function is used to determine an efficient allocation of an object and to balance the loads on the devices

    Concepts and Effectiveness of the Cover Coefficient Based Clustering Methodology for Text Databases

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    An algorithm for document clustering is introduced. The base concept of the algorithm, Cover Coefficient (CC) concept, provides means of estimating the number of clusters within a document database. The CC concept is used also to identify the cluster seeds, to form clusters with the seeds, and to calculate Term Discrimination and Document Significance values (TDV, DSV). TDVs and DSVs are used to optimize document descriptions. The CC concept also relates indexing and clustering analytically. Experimental results indicate that the clustering performance in terms of the percentage of useful information accessed (precision) is forty percent higher, with accompanying reduction in search space, than that of random assignment of documents to clusters. The experiments have validated the indexing-clustering relationships and shown improvements in retrieval precision when TDV and DSV optimizations are used