3 research outputs found

    Order of Arrival Estimation via UHF-UWB RFID

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    The estimation of the order-of-arrival for items on a conveyor belt is a fundamental operation for automatic supply chain management. Classical solutions are based on optical systems, which are accurate but do not guarantee the transmission of a high amount of data through the barcode, or on ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID), which does not guarantee high-accuracy sorting. Among wireless technologies, ultra-wide band (UWB) provides high-accuracy localization. In this paper, we introduce a joint UHF and UWB RFID system that allows identification and tracking of passive tags attached to objects for high-accuracy order-of-arrival estimation of goods on conveyor belts. A tracking technique based on particle filtering is used for order-of-arrival estimation. Results for a case of study show accuracy of the proposed system for various settings

    Wireless Localization Systems: Statistical Modeling and Algorithm Design

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    Wireless localization systems are essential for emerging applications that rely on context-awareness, especially in civil, logistic, and security sectors. Accurate localization in indoor environments is still a challenge and triggers a fervent research activity worldwide. The performance of such systems relies on the quality of range measurements gathered by processing wireless signals within the sensors composing the localization system. Such range estimates serve as observations for the target position inference. The quality of range estimates depends on the network intrinsic properties and signal processing techniques. Therefore, the system design and analysis call for the statistical modeling of range information and the algorithm design for ranging, localization and tracking. The main objectives of this thesis are: (i) the derivation of statistical models and (ii) the design of algorithms for different wire- less localization systems, with particular regard to passive and semi-passive systems (i.e., active radar systems, passive radar systems, and radio frequency identification systems). Statistical models for the range information are derived, low-complexity algorithms with soft-decision and hard-decision are proposed, and several wideband localization systems have been analyzed. The research activity has been conducted also within the framework of different projects in collaboration with companies and other universities, and within a one-year-long research period at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. The analysis of system performance, the derived models, and the proposed algorithms are validated considering different case studies in realistic scenarios and also using the results obtained under the aforementioned projects

    Location and Map Awareness Technologies in Next Wireless Networks

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    In a future perspective, the need of mapping an unknown indoor environment, of localizing and retrieving information from objects with zero costs and efforts could be satisfied by the adoption of next 5G technologies. Thanks to the mix of mmW and massive arrays technologies, it will be possible to achieve a higher indoor localization accuracy without relying on a dedicated infrastructure for localization but exploiting that designed for communication purposes. Besides users localization and navigation objectives, mapping and thus, the capability of reconstructing indoor scenarios, will be an important field of research with the possibility of sharing environmental information via crowd-sourcing mechanisms between users. Finally, in the Internet of Things vision, it is expected that people, objects and devices will be interconnected to each other with the possibility of exchanging the acquired and estimated data including those regarding objects identification, positioning and mapping contents. To this end, the merge of RFID, WSN and UWB technologies has demonstrated to be a promising solution. Stimulated by this framework, this work describes different technological and signal processing approaches to ameliorate the localization capabilities and the user awareness about the environment. From one side, it has been focused on the study of the localization and mapping capabilities of multi-antenna systems based on 5G technologies considering different technological issues, as for example those related to the existing available massive arrays. From the other side, UWB-RFID systems relying on passive communication schemes have been investigated in terms of localization coverage and by developing different techniques to improve the accuracy even in presence of NLOS conditions