1,475 research outputs found

    Design of doubly-complementary IIR digital filters using a single complex allpass filter, with multirate applications

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    It is shown that a large class of real-coefficient doubly-complementary IIR transfer function pairs can be implemented by means of a single complex allpass filter. For a real input sequence, the real part of the output sequence corresponds to the output of one of the transfer functions G(z) (for example, lowpass), whereas the imaginary part of the output sequence corresponds to its "complementary" filter H(z)(for example, highpass). The resulting implementation is structurally lossless, and hence the implementations of G(z) and H(z) have very low passband sensitivity. Numerical design examples are included, and a typical numerical example shows that the new implementation with 4 bits per multiplier is considerably better than a direct form implementation with 9 bits per multiplier. Multirate filter bank applications (quadrature mirror filtering) are outlined

    Lattice structures for optimal design and robust implementation of two-channel perfect-reconstruction QMF banks

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    A lattice structure and an algorithm are presented for the design of two-channel QMF (quadrature mirror filter) banks, satisfying a sufficient condition for perfect reconstruction. The structure inherently has the perfect-reconstruction property, while the algorithm ensures a good stopband attenuation for each of the analysis filters. Implementations of such lattice structures are robust in the sense that the perfect-reconstruction property is preserved in spite of coefficient quantization. The lattice structure has the hierarchical property that a higher order perfect-reconstruction QMF bank can be obtained from a lower order perfect-reconstruction QMF bank, simply by adding more lattice sections. Several numerical examples are provided in the form of design tables

    Performance analysis and optimization of DCT-based multicarrier system on frequency-selective fading channels

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    Regarded as one of the most promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system employs cosine basis as orthogonal functions for real-modulated symbols multiplexing, by which the minimum orthogonal frequency spacing can be reduced by half compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based one. With a time-reversed pre-filter employed at the front of the receiver, interference-free one-tap equalization is achievable for the DCT-based systems. However, due to the correlated pre-filtering operation in time domain, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is enhanced as a result at the output. This leads to reformulated detection criterion to compensate for such filtering effect, rendering minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) and maximum likelihood (ML) detections applicable to the DCT-based multicarrier system. In this paper, following on the pre-filtering based DCT-MCM model that build in the literature work, we extend the overall system by considering both transceiver perfections and imperfections, where frequency offset, time offset and insufficient guard sequence are included. In the presence of those imperfection errors, the DCT-MCM systems are analysed in terms of desired signal power, inter-carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Thereafter, new detection algorithms based on zero forcing (ZF) iterative results are proposed to mitigate the imperfection effect. Numerical results show that the theoretical analysis match the simulation results, and the proposed iterative detection algorithms are able to improve the overall system performance significantly

    Efficient implementation of filter bank multicarrier systems using circular fast convolution

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    In this paper, filter bank-based multicarrier systems using a fast convolution approach are investigated. We show that exploiting offset quadrature amplitude modulation enables us to perform FFT/IFFT-based convolution without overlapped processing, and the circular distortion can be discarded as a part of orthogonal interference terms. This property has two advantages. First, it leads to spectral efficiency enhancement in the system by removing the prototype filter transients. Second, the complexity of the system is significantly reduced as the result of using efficient FFT algorithms for convolution. The new scheme is compared with the conventional waveforms in terms of out-of-band radiation, orthogonality, spectral efficiency, and complexity. The performance of the receiver and the equalization methods are investigated and compared with other waveforms through simulations. Moreover, based on the time variant nature of the filter response of the proposed scheme, a pilot-based channel estimation technique with controlled transmit power is developed and analyzed through lower-bound derivations. The proposed transceiver is shown to be a competitive solution for future wireless networks

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the Ku-band combined radar/communication functions for the space shuttle

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    The Ku band radar system on the shuttle orbiter operates in both a search and a tracking mode, and its transmitter and antennas share time with the communication mode in the integrated system. The power allocation properties and the Costa subloop subcarrier tracking performance associated with the baseline digital phase shift implementation of the three channel orbiter Ku band modulator are discussed

    Discrete multitone modulation with principal component filter banks

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    Discrete multitone (DMT) modulation is an attractive method for communication over a nonflat channel with possibly colored noise. The uniform discrete Fourier transform (DFT) filter bank and cosine modulated filter bank have in the past been used in this system because of low complexity. We show in this paper that principal component filter banks (PCFB) which are known to be optimal for data compression and denoising applications, are also optimal for a number of criteria in DMT modulation communication. For example, the PCFB of the effective channel noise power spectrum (noise psd weighted by the inverse of the channel gain) is optimal for DMT modulation in the sense of maximizing bit rate for fixed power and error probabilities. We also establish an optimality property of the PCFB when scalar prefilters and postfilters are used around the channel. The difference between the PCFB and a traditional filter bank such as the brickwall filter bank or DFT filter bank is significant for effective power spectra which depart considerably from monotonicity. The twisted pair channel with its bridged taps, next and fext noises, and AM interference, therefore appears to be a good candidate for the application of a PCFB. This is demonstrated with the help of numerical results for the case of the ADSL channel

    Orthonormal and biorthonormal filter banks as convolvers, and convolutional coding gain

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    Convolution theorems for filter bank transformers are introduced. Both uniform and nonuniform decimation ratios are considered, and orthonormal as well as biorthonormal cases are addressed. All the theorems are such that the original convolution reduces to a sum of shorter, decoupled convolutions in the subbands. That is, there is no need to have cross convolution between subbands. For the orthonormal case, expressions for optimal bit allocation and the optimized coding gain are derived. The contribution to coding gain comes partly from the nonuniformity of the signal spectrum and partly from nonuniformity of the filter spectrum. With one of the convolved sequences taken to be the unit pulse function,,e coding gain expressions reduce to those for traditional subband and transform coding. The filter-bank convolver has about the same computational complexity as a traditional convolver, if the analysis bank has small complexity compared to the convolution itself

    Reliability of Trigonometric Transform-based Multi-Carrier Scheme

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    This work is looking for a new physical layer of a multi-carrier wireless communication system to be implemented in low complexity way, resorting to suitable fast transform. The work presents and assesses a scheme based on Discrete Trigonometric Transform with appending symmetric redundancy either in each or multiple consecutive transformed blocks. A receiver front-end filter is proposed to enforce whole symmetry in the channel impulse response, and bank of one tap filter per sub-carrier is applied as an equalizer in the transform domain. The behaviour of the transceiver is studied in the context of practical impairments like fading channel, carrier frequency offset and narrow band interference. Moreover, the performance is evaluated in contrast with the state of art methods by means of computer simulations, and it has been found that the new scheme improves robustness and reliability of communication signal, and record lower peak to average power ratio. The study demonstrates that front-end matched filter effectively performs frequency synchronization to compensate the carrier frequency offset in the received signal