4,025 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Reports from Eight Southeast Asia Countries

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the national policies, strategies, and programmatic responses on HIV/AIDS in eight Southeast Asia Countries by analyzing the contents of the National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS (NSPs) and biennial country progress report to UNAIDS from these countries. METHODS: Thematic content analysis method was used to analyze a total of 24 documents of the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Report submitted to UNAIDS from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. NVivo10 qualitative analysis software was used for coding and organizing documents. RESULTS: 28 main categories with sub-categories emerged from coding and analysis of NSPs and country progress report documents from eight SEA countries. NSPs from all countries significantly failed to tackle key topics in policy, social and economic environment around HIV control such as women empowerment, illiteracy, armed conflicts, natural disaster and humanitarian emergencies. CONCLUSION: In order to align with the global HIV strategy to reach Millennium Development Goals to stop the spread of HIV by 2015, SEA countries should improve their NSPs and progress reports by addressing the political, social, cultural, and economic factors which urgently need to be addressed. New technologies and approaches are important for developing HIV interventions to stop the HIV epidemic, but addressing policy, economic and social environment around HIV epidemic and control in SEA regions is a key for those HIV intervention strategies and programs to be effective in controlling for HIV

    Cross-sectional survey of changes in knowledge, attitudes and practice of mask use in Sydney and Melbourne during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objectives Since mask uptake and the timing of mask use has the potential to influence the control of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aimed to assess the changes in knowledge toward mask use in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Design An observational study, using a cross-sectional survey, was distributed to adults in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, during July-August 2020 (survey 1) and September 2020 (survey 2), during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. Setting and participants Participants aged 18 years or older and living in either Sydney or Melbourne. Primary and secondary outcome measures Demographics, risk measures, COVID-19 severity and perception, mask attitude and uptake were determined in this study. Results A total of 700 participants completed the survey. In both Sydney and Melbourne, a consistent decrease was reported in almost all risk-mitigation behaviours between March 2020 and July 2020 and again between March 2020 and September 2020. However, mask use and personal protective equipment use increased in both Sydney and Melbourne from March 2020 to September 2020. There was no significant difference in mask use during the pandemic between the two cities across both timepoints (1.24 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.22; p=0.072)). Perceived severity and perceived susceptibility of COVID-19 infection were significantly associated with mask uptake. Trust in information on COVID-19 from both national (1.77 (95% CI 1.29 to 2.44); p<0.000)) and state (1.62 (95% CI 1.19 to 2.22); p=0.003)) government was a predictor of mask use across both surveys. Conclusion Sydney and Melbourne both had high levels of reported mask wearing during July 2020 and September 2020, consistent with the second wave and mask mandates in Victoria, and cluster outbreaks in Sydney at the time. High rates of mask compliance may be explained by high trust levels in information from national and state government, mask mandates, risk perceptions, current outbreaks and the perceived level of risk of COVID-19 infection at the time

    Epidemiology and Health Policy Imperatives for AIDS

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the statistics and epidemiological facts about the most virulent epidemic of our age, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The discussion argues for broadened public policy to promote the surveillance of communities in order to enhance the effectiveness of data gathering for epidemiological reasoning, analysis, and control measures. To accomplish these goals, the essential characteristics of epidemiology are defined. The use of deductive and inductive reasoning is applied to describe and analyze known facts concerning the AIDS epidemic. Hypotheses are suggested from current amorphous and continually changing information to assist in further explanations of the epidemic and in the evaluation of methods of prevention and control. Current policies for sexually transmitted diseases are reviewed briefly to identify epidemiological concerns, with the aim of assisting policymakers. Implications for public policy are discussed in the context of seeking epidemiological information for the ultimate protection of the public good

    Synergy of Islamic Social Finance and SMEs in Economic Recovery Due to The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The existence of MSMEs in Indonesia constitutes the most significant part of the national economy and indicates community participation in various sectors of economic activity. One of the solutions offered in facing the financial crisis is the Islamic social finance sector. &nbsp; Objectives: The research aims to analyze concepts in dealing with the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Novelty: The novelty of the research contains ideas for SMEs in economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic using an Islamic philanthropic approach. Research Methodology / Design: This research method is qualitative descriptive analysis with an inductive reasoning approach through content analysis and library research. Findings: The results of this research show that efforts are needed to recover the economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic by synergizing the concept of philanthropy, namely Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqaf (ZISWAF) with MSMEs, namely optimizing the collection and distribution of ZISWAF funds by implementing GCG (Good Corporate Governance). Collecting digital-based ZISWAF funds, mapping the distribution of regional-based ZISWAF funds, and developing MSMEs by strengthening capital, developing potential businesses, strengthening technology-based MSMEs, and empowering MSMEs based on regional potential.. Implication: Based on the research, this research implications for SMEs in business recovery with various funding innovations and business development models

    Personal Space and Privacy in Open Offices

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    San Francisco and New York City are some of the prime spots for startups to put a foothold in. They are attractive locations and deemed as one of the best technology hubs where entrepreneurs could spearhead their business given the connections and resources the cities provide. However, being in crowded cities means space comes at a premium. Employers’ desperation for lower real estate costs and increasing need of innovation emphasize constant collaboration, and that significantly impact personal space and privacy in the workplace. Startups often face spatial challenges as they are trying to make do with the space given the growing rate of employees. The furniture employed consists of just rows of tables along with chairs and nothing else, which means zero consideration is given into understanding how having personal space and privacy could have a positive impact on the quality of work. There are temporary privacy solutions in the market that uses attachment system that is not flexible to latch well to any existing furniture system, much less able adapt to different needs and working environment, and there are some integrated furniture system in the market that are way too expensive for a startup to afford, given their starting financial resources and expenses. This thesis begins by exploring the fundamentals of why individuals need personal space and privacy in the workplace, particularly in open office environment and creating solutions that grow with the company
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