6 research outputs found

    Optimizing Ranking Measures for Compact Binary Code Learning

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    Hashing has proven a valuable tool for large-scale information retrieval. Despite much success, existing hashing methods optimize over simple objectives such as the reconstruction error or graph Laplacian related loss functions, instead of the performance evaluation criteria of interest---multivariate performance measures such as the AUC and NDCG. Here we present a general framework (termed StructHash) that allows one to directly optimize multivariate performance measures. The resulting optimization problem can involve exponentially or infinitely many variables and constraints, which is more challenging than standard structured output learning. To solve the StructHash optimization problem, we use a combination of column generation and cutting-plane techniques. We demonstrate the generality of StructHash by applying it to ranking prediction and image retrieval, and show that it outperforms a few state-of-the-art hashing methods.Comment: Appearing in Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision 201

    Content-based Information Retrieval via Nearest Neighbor Search

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    Content-based information retrieval (CBIR) has attracted significant interest in the past few years. When given a search query, the search engine will compare the query with all the stored information in the database through nearest neighbor search. Finally, the system will return the most similar items. We contribute to the CBIR research the following: firstly, Distance Metric Learning (DML) is studied to improve retrieval accuracy of nearest neighbor search. Additionally, Hash Function Learning (HFL) is considered to accelerate the retrieval process. On one hand, a new local metric learning framework is proposed - Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (R2LML). By considering a conical combination of Mahalanobis metrics, the proposed method is able to better capture information like data\u27s similarity and location. A regularization to suppress the noise and avoid over-fitting is also incorporated into the formulation. Based on the different methods to infer the weights for the local metric, we considered two frameworks: Transductive Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (T-R2LML), which utilizes transductive learning, while Efficient Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (E-R2LML)employs a simpler and faster approximated method. Besides, we study the convergence property of the proposed block coordinate descent algorithms for both our frameworks. The extensive experiments show the superiority of our approaches. On the other hand, *Supervised Hash Learning (*SHL), which could be used in supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios, was proposed in the dissertation. By considering several codewords which could be learned from the data, the proposed method naturally derives to several Support Vector Machine (SVM) problems. After providing an efficient training algorithm, we also study the theoretical generalization bound of the new hashing framework. In the final experiments, *SHL outperforms many other popular hash function learning methods. Additionally, in order to cope with large data sets, we also conducted experiments running on big data using a parallel computing software package, namely LIBSKYLARK