6 research outputs found

    An Embedded Approach to Hypervisor-Oriented Interruption Virtualization Operation

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    This paper presents a method for virtualizing interruptions in an embedded hypervisor environment. The method involves the hypervisor taking control of hardware interruptions, providing them to a guest operating system (OS) for virtualization, and simulating interruption events through service threads running on the hypervisor. The guest OS executes a virtualization interruption service program using interruption injection operations provided by the hypervisor, bypassing the need to respond to hardware interruptions. This approach allows interruption service programs to be executed in a conventional stack environment, eliminating the need for copying and preserving the execution context. A comparative analysis with the virtualization scheme in Xen reveals that the proposed method reduces the overhead associated with field preservation, thereby enabling more efficient interruption response

    Data Persistence Storage in VMs Cloud-Based Software

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    The virtual machine data persistence storage method in a cloud environment addresses the challenge of persistent storage for user data in cloud computing systems. This paper proposes a system and method that enables the creation and expansion of block devices for virtual machines. The method involves a major node receiving user requests, determining whether it is a block device creation or expansion request, and executing the appropriate steps. The major node interacts with storage nodes to create logical volumes and register them as block device services. By implementing this method, the issue of non-persistent storage for user data after virtual machine shutdown is effectively resolved. This paper presents a detailed description of the method, its background, research objectives, and a conclusion highlighting the significance and benefits of the proposed virtual machine data persistence storage system

    Hadoop-based File Monitoring System for Processing Image Data

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    This paper presents a file monitoring system based on the Hadoop framework, specifically designed for image data processing. The system comprises a Hadoop cluster and a client, where the Hadoop cluster includes various modules such as a name node module, a name node agent module, data node modules, a matching module, and a response algorithm module. The name node agent module acts as an intermediary between the client and the name node module, forwarding function information and acquiring configuration information. The system provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities for the distributed file system, enabling real-time handling of requests and messages

    A Scalable and Economical Method for Distributed Data Processing

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    This research paper presents a distributed data processing approach that involves the establishment of virtual machines, the creation of a distributed system, and the processing of data to obtain desired results. The proposed method aims to provide a simple and cost-effective solution for distributed data processing, with the ability to scale infrastructure according to the specific needs. Furthermore, a distributed data processing system is introduced, comprising virtual machines equipped with specialized software to facilitate the establishment of the distributed system. The method offers practical advantages in terms of implementation simplicity, reduced infrastructure costs, and improved resource utilization

    Task Load and Work Property-Based Virtual Machine Dispatching Algorithm

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    This research proposes a virtual machine dispatching algorithm that takes into account the task load and work property of a virtual machine. The algorithm utilizes an interruption monitoring module to assess the interruption frequency of the virtual machine and determine whether it belongs to a CPU-dense or I/O-dense type. Additionally, a CPU monitoring module tracks the current CPU utilization rate to monitor the task load. By considering the historical information within a specified time range, the algorithm calculates a dispatching time segment for the virtual machine and notifies the dispatcher to update the time segment. The dispatcher module adjusts the credit value dispatcher based on inputs from the monitoring and CPU modules. It applies different dispatching time segments to virtual machines with varying work properties, aiming to reduce I/O request delays, provide sufficient time for I/O request handling, and minimize additional overhead. Notably, the modifications occur within the virtual machine monitor, ensuring practicality and adaptability