5 research outputs found

    Floating License Management - Automation Using Web Technologies

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    This paper examines the use of distributed computing based on web services with application to floating license management. The main goal is to automate the processes pertaining to the management activities and ensure at the same time that the security and flexibility requirements are met. We present the challenges posed by these requirements, propose a design and some implementation aspects using the latest .NET development platform

    Enterprise App Stores for Mobile Applications - Development of a Benefits Framework

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    Mobile devices and apps have changed the way consumers perceive and use IT. As mobile apps are easy to use and to procure, they have begun to enter the corporate world “under the radar” outside of the control of the IT unit. Employees bring their own mobile devices (BYOD) and apps to do their work – which raises various problems. As a counter-measure, firms have launched BYOD programs and set up Enterprise App Stores (EAS) where their employees can install certified and licensed apps under the firm’s control. This paper aims to take a first step in scientifically exploring this new concept of EAS and exploratively develops a benefits framework which can serve as foundation for the conceptualization and empirical investigation of EAS value and adoption by future works

    Optimized Software Licensing – Combining License Types in a License Portfolio

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    Although software licenses usually range among the most expensive items within the IT budget, they still lack the necessary attention by many companies. Therefore, most companies inadequately have implemented their software asset management neglecting further potential for cost reduction, which can be obtained by optimizing the use of different license types. This paper shows how possible savings can be realized by combining different types of licenses in a license portfolio. The model presented is based on the most common license types considering different user groups as well as their behavior. Additionally to cost risks, the risk of service quality is also taken into consideration. The following examples illustrate the model’s high relevance and show how it can be applied in practice