38 research outputs found

    PAN: Pulse Ansatz on NISQ Machines

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    Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have demonstrated great potentials in the NISQ era. In the workflow of VQA, the parameters of ansatz are iteratively updated to approximate the desired quantum states. We have seen various efforts to draft better ansatz with less gates. In quantum computers, the gate ansatz will eventually be transformed into control signals such as microwave pulses on transmons. And the control pulses need elaborate calibration to minimize the errors such as over-rotation and under-rotation. In the case of VQAs, this procedure will introduce redundancy, but the variational properties of VQAs can naturally handle problems of over-rotation and under-rotation by updating the amplitude and frequency parameters. Therefore, we propose PAN, a native-pulse ansatz generator framework for VQAs. We generate native-pulse ansatz with trainable parameters for amplitudes and frequencies. In our proposed PAN, we are tuning parametric pulses, which are natively supported on NISQ computers. Considering that parameter-shift rules do not hold for native-pulse ansatz, we need to deploy non-gradient optimizers. To constrain the number of parameters sent to the optimizer, we adopt a progressive way to generate our native-pulse ansatz. Experiments are conducted on both simulators and quantum devices to validate our methods. When adopted on NISQ machines, PAN obtained improved the performance with decreased latency by an average of 86%. PAN is able to achieve 99.336% and 96.482% accuracy for VQE tasks on H2 and HeH+ respectively, even with considerable noises in NISQ machines.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Partial Compilation of Variational Algorithms for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Machines

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    Quantum computing is on the cusp of reality with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) machines currently under development and testing. Some of the most promising algorithms for these machines are variational algorithms that employ classical optimization coupled with quantum hardware to evaluate the quality of each candidate solution. Recent work used GRadient Descent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE) to translate quantum programs into highly optimized machine control pulses, resulting in a significant reduction in the execution time of programs. This is critical, as quantum machines can barely support the execution of short programs before failing. However, GRAPE suffers from high compilation latency, which is untenable in variational algorithms since compilation is interleaved with computation. We propose two strategies for partial compilation, exploiting the structure of variational circuits to pre-compile optimal pulses for specific blocks of gates. Our results indicate significant pulse speedups ranging from 1.5x-3x in typical benchmarks, with only a small fraction of the compilation latency of GRAPE.Comment: Appearing in the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-52), October 12-16, 2019, Columbus, OH, US

    Full stack development toward a trapped ion logical qubit

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    Quantum error correction is a key step toward the construction of a large-scale quantum computer, by preventing small infidelities in quantum gates from accumulating over the course of an algorithm. Detecting and correcting errors is achieved by using multiple physical qubits to form a smaller number of robust logical qubits. The physical implementation of a logical qubit requires multiple qubits, on which high fidelity gates can be performed. The project aims to realize a logical qubit based on ions confined on a microfabricated surface trap. Each physical qubit will be a microwave dressed state qubit based on 171Yb+ ions. Gates are intended to be realized through RF and microwave radiation in combination with magnetic field gradients. The project vertically integrates software down to hardware compilation layers in order to deliver, in the near future, a fully functional small device demonstrator. This thesis presents novel results on multiple layers of a full stack quantum computer model. On the hardware level a robust quantum gate is studied and ion displacement over the X-junction geometry is demonstrated. The experimental organization is optimized through automation and compressed waveform data transmission. A new quantum assembly language purely dedicated to trapped ion quantum computers is introduced. The demonstrator is aimed at testing implementation of quantum error correction codes while preparing for larger scale iterations.Open Acces

    OpenQASM 3: a broader and deeper quantum assembly language

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    Quantum assembly languages are machine-independent languages that traditionally describe quantum computation in the circuit model. Open quantum assembly language (OpenQASM 2) was proposed as an imperative programming language for quantum circuits based on earlier QASM dialects. In principle, any quantum computation could be described using OpenQASM 2, but there is a need to describe a broader set of circuits beyond the language of qubits and gates. By examining interactive use cases, we recognize two different timescales of quantum-classical interactions: real-time classical computations that must be performed within the coherence times of the qubits, and near-time computations with less stringent timing. Since the near-time domain is adequately described by existing programming frameworks, we choose in OpenQASM 3 to focus on the real-time domain, which must be more tightly coupled to the execution of quantum operations. We add support for arbitrary control flow as well as calling external classical functions. In addition, we recognize the need to describe circuits at multiple levels of specificity, and therefore we extend the language to include timing, pulse control, and gate modifiers. These new language features create a multi-level intermediate representation for circuit development and optimization, as well as control sequence implementation for calibration, characterization, and error mitigation

    Full-Stack, Real-System Quantum Computer Studies: Architectural Comparisons and Design Insights

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    In recent years, Quantum Computing (QC) has progressed to the point where small working prototypes are available for use. Termed Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers, these prototypes are too small for large benchmarks or even for Quantum Error Correction, but they do have sufficient resources to run small benchmarks, particularly if compiled with optimizations to make use of scarce qubits and limited operation counts and coherence times. QC has not yet, however, settled on a particular preferred device implementation technology, and indeed different NISQ prototypes implement qubits with very different physical approaches and therefore widely-varying device and machine characteristics. Our work performs a full-stack, benchmark-driven hardware-software analysis of QC systems. We evaluate QC architectural possibilities, software-visible gates, and software optimizations to tackle fundamental design questions about gate set choices, communication topology, the factors affecting benchmark performance and compiler optimizations. In order to answer key cross-technology and cross-platform design questions, our work has built the first top-to-bottom toolflow to target different qubit device technologies, including superconducting and trapped ion qubits which are the current QC front-runners. We use our toolflow, TriQ, to conduct {\em real-system} measurements on 7 running QC prototypes from 3 different groups, IBM, Rigetti, and University of Maryland. From these real-system experiences at QC's hardware-software interface, we make observations about native and software-visible gates for different QC technologies, communication topologies, and the value of noise-aware compilation even on lower-noise platforms. This is the largest cross-platform real-system QC study performed thus far; its results have the potential to inform both QC device and compiler design going forward.Comment: Preprint of a publication in ISCA 201