3 research outputs found

    Automated pancreatic islet viability assessment for transplantation using bright-field deep morphological signature

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    Islets transplanted for type-1 diabetes have their viability reduced by warm ischemia, dimethyloxalylglycine (DMOG; hypoxia model), oxidative stress and cytokine injury. This results in frequent transplant failures and the major burden of patients having to undergo multiple rounds of treatment for insulin independence. Presently there is no reliable measure to assess islet preparation viability prior to clinical transplantation. We investigated deep morphological signatures (DMS) for detecting the exposure of islets to viability compromising insults from brightfield images. Accuracies ranged from 98 % to 68 % for; ROS damage, pro-inflammatory cytokines, warm ischemia and DMOG. When islets were disaggregated to single cells to enable higher throughput data collection, good accuracy was still obtained (83-71 %). Encapsulation of islets reduced accuracy for cytokine exposure, but it was still high (78 %). Unsupervised modelling of the DMS for islet preparations transplanted into a syngeneic mouse model was able to predict whether or not they would restore glucose control with 100 % accuracy. Our strategy for constructing DMS' is effective for the assessment of islet pre-transplant viability. If translated into the clinic, standard equipment could be used to prospectively identify non-functional islet preparations unable to contribute to the restoration of glucose control and reduce the burden of unsuccessful treatments.Abbas Habibalahi, Jared M. Campbell, Stacey N. Walters, Saabah B. Mahbub, Ayad G. Anwer, Shane T. Grey, Ewa M. Goldy

    Non-destructive, label free identification of cell cycle phase in cancer cells by multispectral microscopy of autofluorescence

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    Background: Cell cycle analysis is important for cancer research. However, available methodologies have drawbacks including limited categorisation and reliance on fixation, staining or transformation. Multispectral analysis of endogenous cell autofluorescence has been shown to be sensitive to changes in cell status and could be applied to the discrimination of cell cycle without these steps. Methods: Cells from the MIA-PaCa-2, PANC-1, and HeLa cell lines were plated on gridded dishes and imaged using a multispectral fluorescence microscope. They were then stained for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and DNA intensity as a reference standard for their cell cycle position (G1, S, G2, M). The multispectral data was split into training and testing datasets and models were generated to discriminate between G1, S, and G2 + M phase cells. A standard decision tree classification approach was taken, and a two-step system was generated for each line. Results: Across cancer cell lines accuracy ranged from 68.3% (MIA-PaCa-2) to 73.3% (HeLa) for distinguishing G1 from S and G2 + M, and 69.0% (MIA-PaCa-2) to 78.0% (PANC1) for distinguishing S from G2 + M. Unmixing the multispectral data showed that the autofluorophores NADH, FAD, and PPIX had significant differences between phases. Similarly, the redox ratio and the ratio of protein bound to free NADH were significantly affected. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that multispectral microscopy could be used for the non-destructive, label free discrimination of cell cycle phase in cancer cells. They provide novel information on the mechanisms of cell-cycle progression and control, and have practical implications for oncology research.Jared M. Campbell, Abbas Habibalahi, Saabah Mahbub, Martin Gosnell, Ayad G. Anwer, Sharon Paton, Stan Gronthos and Ewa Goldy

    Autofluorescent imprint of chronic constriction nerve injury identified by deep learning

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    Available online 7 October 2021Our understanding of chronic pain and the underlying molecular mechanisms remains limited due to a lack of tools to identify the complex phenomena responsible for exaggerated pain behaviours. Furthermore, currently there is no objective measure of pain with current assessment relying on patient self-scoring. Here, we applied a fully biologically unsupervised technique of hyperspectral autofluorescence imaging to identify a complex signature associated with chronic constriction nerve injury known to cause allodynia. The analysis was carried out using deep learning/artificial intelligence methods. The central element was a deep learning autoencoder we developed to condense the hyperspectral channel images into a four- colour image, such that spinal cord tissue based on nerve injury status could be differentiated from control tissue. This study provides the first validation of hyperspectral imaging as a tool to differentiate tissues from nerve injured vs non-injured mice. The auto-fluorescent signals associated with nerve injury were not diffuse throughout the tissue but formed specific microscopic size regions. Furthermore, we identified a unique fluorescent signal that could differentiate spinal cord tissue isolated from nerve injured male and female animals. The identification of a specific global autofluorescence fingerprint associated with nerve injury and resultant neuropathic pain opens up the exciting opportunity to develop a diagnostic tool for identifying novel contributors to pain in individuals.Martin E. Gosnell, Vasiliki Staikopoulos, Ayad G. Anwer, Saabah B. Mahbub, Mark R. Hutchinson, Sanam Mustafa, Ewa M. Goldy