22,841 research outputs found

    Optimization-based modeling of suprasegmental speech timing

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    Windmann A. Optimization-based modeling of suprasegmental speech timing. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2016

    Probing Theories of Speech Timing using Optimization Modeling

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    Windmann A, Simko J, Wagner P. Probing Theories of Speech Timing using Optimization Modeling. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7. Dublin, Ireland; 2014: 346-350.We implement two theories about the temporal organization of speech in an optimization-based model of speech timing and conduct simulation experiments in order to test whether both theories can account for the phenomenon of foot-level shortening (FLS) observed in English speech corpora. Results suggest that a model that induces compensatory timing relations between syllables and feet predicts empirical results very accurately. However, we also observe that the FLS effect can equally well be explained under the assumption that suprasegmental timing is confined to localized lengthening effects at the heads and edges of prosodic domains. Implications for theories of speech timing are discussed

    Modeling the production of VCV sequences via the inversion of a biomechanical model of the tongue

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    A control model of the production of VCV sequences is presented, which consists in three main parts: a static forward model of the relations between motor commands and acoustic properties; the specification of targets in the perceptual space; a planning procedure based on optimization principles. Examples of simulations generated with this model illustrate how it can be used to assess theories and models of coarticulation in speech

    Robots that Say ‘No’. Affective Symbol Grounding and the Case of Intent Interpretations

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    © 2017 IEEE. This article has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Modern theories on early child language acquisition tend to focus on referential words, mostly nouns, labeling concrete objects, or physical properties. In this experimental proof-of-concept study, we show how nonreferential negation words, typically belonging to a child's first ten words, may be acquired. A child-like humanoid robot is deployed in speech-wise unconstrained interaction with naïve human participants. In agreement with psycholinguistic observations, we corroborate the hypothesis that affect plays a pivotal role in the socially distributed acquisition process where the adept conversation partner provides linguistic interpretations of the affective displays of the less adept speaker. Negation words are prosodically salient within intent interpretations that are triggered by the learner's display of affect. From there they can be picked up and used by the budding language learner which may involve the grounding of these words in the very affective states that triggered them in the first place. The pragmatic analysis of the robot's linguistic performance indicates that the correct timing of negative utterances is essential for the listener to infer the meaning of otherwise ambiguous negative utterances. In order to assess the robot's performance thoroughly comparative data from psycholinguistic studies of parent-child dyads is needed highlighting the need for further interdisciplinary work.Peer reviewe

    A Vector-Integration-to-Endpoint Model for Performance of Viapoint Movements

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    Viapoint (VP) movements are movements to a desired point that are constrained to pass through an intermediate point. Studies have shown that VP movements possess properties, such as smooth curvature around the VP, that are not explicable by treating VP movements as strict concatenations of simpler point-to-point (PTP) movements. Such properties have led some theorists to propose whole-trajectory optimization models, which imply that the entire trajectory is pre-computed before movement initiation. This paper reports new experiments conducted to systematically compare VP with PTP trajectories. Analyses revealed a statistically significant early directional deviation in VP movements but no associated curvature change. An explanation of this effect is offered by extending the Vector-Integration-To-Endpoint (VITE) model (Bullock and Grossberg, 1988), which postulates that voluntary movement trajectories emerge as internal gating signals control the integration of continuously computed vector commands based on the evolving, perceptible difference between desired and actual position variables. The model explains the observed trajectories of VP and PTP movements as emergent properties of a dynamical system that does not precompute entire trajectories before movement initiation. The new model includes a working memory and a stage sensitive to time-to-contact information. These cooperate to control serial performance. The structural and functional relationships proposed in the model are consistent with available data on forebrain physiology and anatomy.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-93-1-1364, N0014-95-1-0409
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