3,358 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Driven by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

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    Recently, increasing works have proposed to drive evolutionary algorithms using machine learning models. Usually, the performance of such model based evolutionary algorithms is highly dependent on the training qualities of the adopted models. Since it usually requires a certain amount of data (i.e. the candidate solutions generated by the algorithms) for model training, the performance deteriorates rapidly with the increase of the problem scales, due to the curse of dimensionality. To address this issue, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm driven by the generative adversarial networks (GANs). At each generation of the proposed algorithm, the parent solutions are first classified into real and fake samples to train the GANs; then the offspring solutions are sampled by the trained GANs. Thanks to the powerful generative ability of the GANs, our proposed algorithm is capable of generating promising offspring solutions in high-dimensional decision space with limited training data. The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 benchmark problems with up to 200 decision variables. Experimental results on these test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    MaaSim: A Liveability Simulation for Improving the Quality of Life in Cities

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    Urbanism is no longer planned on paper thanks to powerful models and 3D simulation platforms. However, current work is not open to the public and lacks an optimisation agent that could help in decision making. This paper describes the creation of an open-source simulation based on an existing Dutch liveability score with a built-in AI module. Features are selected using feature engineering and Random Forests. Then, a modified scoring function is built based on the former liveability classes. The score is predicted using Random Forest for regression and achieved a recall of 0.83 with 10-fold cross-validation. Afterwards, Exploratory Factor Analysis is applied to select the actions present in the model. The resulting indicators are divided into 5 groups, and 12 actions are generated. The performance of four optimisation algorithms is compared, namely NSGA-II, PAES, SPEA2 and eps-MOEA, on three established criteria of quality: cardinality, the spread of the solutions, spacing, and the resulting score and number of turns. Although all four algorithms show different strengths, eps-MOEA is selected to be the most suitable for this problem. Ultimately, the simulation incorporates the model and the selected AI module in a GUI written in the Kivy framework for Python. Tests performed on users show positive responses and encourage further initiatives towards joining technology and public applications.Comment: 16 page

    Fuzzy clustering of univariate and multivariate time series by genetic multiobjective optimization

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    Given a set of time series, it is of interest to discover subsets that share similar properties. For instance, this may be useful for identifying and estimating a single model that may fit conveniently several time series, instead of performing the usual identification and estimation steps for each one. On the other hand time series in the same cluster are related with respect to the measures assumed for cluster analysis and are suitable for building multivariate time series models. Though many approaches to clustering time series exist, in this view the most effective method seems to have to rely on choosing some features relevant for the problem at hand and seeking for clusters according to their measurements, for instance the autoregressive coe±cients, spectral measures or the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. Some new indexes based on goodnessof-fit criteria will be proposed in this paper for fuzzy clustering of multivariate time series. A general purpose fuzzy clustering algorithm may be used to estimate the proper cluster structure according to some internal criteria of cluster validity. Such indexes are known to measure actually definite often conflicting cluster properties, compactness or connectedness, for instance, or distribution, orientation, size and shape. It is argued that the multiobjective optimization supported by genetic algorithms is a most effective choice in such a di±cult context. In this paper we use the Xie-Beni index and the C-means functional as objective functions to evaluate the cluster validity in a multiobjective optimization framework. The concept of Pareto optimality in multiobjective genetic algorithms is used to evolve a set of potential solutions towards a set of optimal non-dominated solutions. Genetic algorithms are well suited for implementing di±cult optimization problems where objective functions do not usually have good mathematical properties such as continuity, differentiability or convexity. In addition the genetic algorithms, as population based methods, may yield a complete Pareto front at each step of the iterative evolutionary procedure. The method is illustrated by means of a set of real data and an artificial multivariate time series data set.Fuzzy clustering, Internal criteria of cluster validity, Genetic algorithms, Multiobjective optimization, Time series, Pareto optimality