4,709 research outputs found

    Robust Raw Waveform Speech Recognition Using Relevance Weighted Representations

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    Speech recognition in noisy and channel distorted scenarios is often challenging as the current acoustic modeling schemes are not adaptive to the changes in the signal distribution in the presence of noise. In this work, we develop a novel acoustic modeling framework for noise robust speech recognition based on relevance weighting mechanism. The relevance weighting is achieved using a sub-network approach that performs feature selection. A relevance sub-network is applied on the output of first layer of a convolutional network model operating on raw speech signals while a second relevance sub-network is applied on the second convolutional layer output. The relevance weights for the first layer correspond to an acoustic filterbank selection while the relevance weights in the second layer perform modulation filter selection. The model is trained for a speech recognition task on noisy and reverberant speech. The speech recognition experiments on multiple datasets (Aurora-4, CHiME-3, VOiCES) reveal that the incorporation of relevance weighting in the neural network architecture improves the speech recognition word error rates significantly (average relative improvements of 10% over the baseline systems)Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2001.0706

    Improving speech recognition by revising gated recurrent units

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    Speech recognition is largely taking advantage of deep learning, showing that substantial benefits can be obtained by modern Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). The most popular RNNs are Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs), which typically reach state-of-the-art performance in many tasks thanks to their ability to learn long-term dependencies and robustness to vanishing gradients. Nevertheless, LSTMs have a rather complex design with three multiplicative gates, that might impair their efficient implementation. An attempt to simplify LSTMs has recently led to Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), which are based on just two multiplicative gates. This paper builds on these efforts by further revising GRUs and proposing a simplified architecture potentially more suitable for speech recognition. The contribution of this work is two-fold. First, we suggest to remove the reset gate in the GRU design, resulting in a more efficient single-gate architecture. Second, we propose to replace tanh with ReLU activations in the state update equations. Results show that, in our implementation, the revised architecture reduces the per-epoch training time with more than 30% and consistently improves recognition performance across different tasks, input features, and noisy conditions when compared to a standard GRU

    Block-Online Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Using DNN-Supported Relative Transfer Function Estimates

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    This work addresses the problem of block-online processing for multi-channel speech enhancement. Such processing is vital in scenarios with moving speakers and/or when very short utterances are processed, e.g., in voice assistant scenarios. We consider several variants of a system that performs beamforming supported by DNN-based voice activity detection (VAD) followed by post-filtering. The speaker is targeted through estimating relative transfer functions between microphones. Each block of the input signals is processed independently in order to make the method applicable in highly dynamic environments. Owing to the short length of the processed block, the statistics required by the beamformer are estimated less precisely. The influence of this inaccuracy is studied and compared to the processing regime when recordings are treated as one block (batch processing). The experimental evaluation of the proposed method is performed on large datasets of CHiME-4 and on another dataset featuring moving target speaker. The experiments are evaluated in terms of objective and perceptual criteria (such as signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) or perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), respectively). Moreover, word error rate (WER) achieved by a baseline automatic speech recognition system is evaluated, for which the enhancement method serves as a front-end solution. The results indicate that the proposed method is robust with respect to short length of the processed block. Significant improvements in terms of the criteria and WER are observed even for the block length of 250 ms.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Modified version of the article accepted for publication in IET Signal Processing journal. Original results unchanged, additional experiments presented, refined discussion and conclusion

    A Study into Speech Enhancement Techniques in Adverse Environment

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    This dissertation developed speech enhancement techniques that improve the speech quality in applications such as mobile communications, teleconferencing and smart loudspeakers. For these applications it is necessary to suppress noise and reverberation. Thus the contribution in this dissertation is twofold: single channel speech enhancement system which exploits the temporal and spectral diversity of the received microphone signal for noise suppression and multi-channel speech enhancement method with the ability to employ spatial diversity to reduce reverberation
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