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    The finite elements method (FEM) is currently widely used for simulation of thermal processes.However, one of still unresolved problems remains proper selection of mathematicalmodel parameters for these processes. As far as modelling of cooling casts in forms is concerned,particular difficulties appear while estimating values of numerous coefficients suchas: heat transport coefficient between metal and form, specific heat, metal and form heatconduction coefficient, metal and form density. Coefficients mentioned above depend not onlyon materials properties but also on temperature. In the paper the idea of optimalizationof simulation method parameters based on adaptive adjustment of curve representing simulationresult and result obtained in physical experiment is presented along with the ideaof evolutionary and agent-based evolutionary optimization system designed to conduct suchoptimizations. Preliminary results obtained with use of ABAQUS system available in ACKCYFRONET and software developed at AGH-UST conclude the paper

    Optimization of simulation model parameters for solidification of metals with use of agent-based evolutionary algorithm Optymalizacja parametr贸w modelu symulacyjnego procesu krzepni臋cia metali z zastosowaniem agentowego algorytmu ewolucyjnego /

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Pozostali autorzy artyku艂u: Agnieszka Smolarek-Grzyb, Aleksander Byrski, Dorota Wilk-Ko艂odziejczyk.Bibliografia s.66.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: The finite elements method (FEM) is currently widely used for simulation of thermal processes. However, one of still unresolved problems remains proper selection of mathematical model parameters for these processes. As far as modelling of cooling casts in forms is concerned, particular difficulties appear while estimating values of numerous coefficients such as: heat transport coefficient between metal and form, specific heat, metal and form heat conduction coefficient, metal and form density. Coefficients mentioned above depend not only on materials properties but also on temperature. In the paper the idea of optimalization of simulation method parameters based on adaptive adjustment of curve representing sim颅ulation result and result obtained in physical experiment is presented along with the idea of evolutionary and agent-based evolutionary optimization system designed to conduct such optimizations. Preliminary results obtained with use of ABAQUS system available in ACK CYFRONET and software developed at AGH-UST conclude the paper. STRESZCZENIE: Metoda element贸w sko艅czonych (MES) znajduje obecnie liczne zastosowania w symulacji proces贸w cieplnych. Wci膮偶 jednak nierozwi膮zalny pozostaje problem doboru niekt贸rych wsp贸艂czynnik贸w modeli matematycznych tych proces贸w. Przy modelowaniu stygni臋cia odlew贸w w formie, szczeg贸lne trudno艣ci powstaj膮 przy wyznaczeniu warto艣ci licznych parametr贸w, np.: wsp贸艂czynnika transportu ciep艂a pomi臋dzy metalem a form膮, ciep艂a w艂a艣ciwego, wsp贸艂czynnika przewodnictwa cieplnego metalu i formy, g臋sto艣ci metalu i formy. Wsp贸艂czynniki te zale偶膮 nie tylko od w艂a艣ciwo艣ci materia艂贸w, lecz r贸wnie偶 od temperatury. W artykule zaproponowano metod臋 optymalizacji warto艣ci parametr贸w modelu opart膮 na adaptacyjnym dostosowaniu krzywej stanowi膮cej wynik symulacji do przebiegu uzyskanego w eksperymencie fizycznym z zastosowaniem algorytmu ewolucyjnego w wersji agentowej. Wst臋pne wyniki oblicze艅 zosta艂y zrealizowane przy wykorzystaniu systemu ABAQUS dost臋pnego w ACK CYFRONET oraz oprogramowania opracowanego przez AGH-UST. KEYWORDS: numerical simulation, evolutionary algorithm, agent systems, solidification casting process, casting. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: numeryczna symulacja, algorytmy ewolucyjne, system agentowy, proces krzepni臋cia odlew贸w, odlew