3,184 research outputs found

    Optimization and Generalization of Shallow Neural Networks with Quadratic Activation Functions

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    We study the dynamics of optimization and the generalization properties of one-hidden layer neural networks with quadratic activation function in the over-parametrized regime where the layer width mm is larger than the input dimension dd. We consider a teacher-student scenario where the teacher has the same structure as the student with a hidden layer of smaller width m∗≤mm^*\le m. We describe how the empirical loss landscape is affected by the number nn of data samples and the width m∗m^* of the teacher network. In particular we determine how the probability that there be no spurious minima on the empirical loss depends on nn, dd, and m∗m^*, thereby establishing conditions under which the neural network can in principle recover the teacher. We also show that under the same conditions gradient descent dynamics on the empirical loss converges and leads to small generalization error, i.e. it enables recovery in practice. Finally we characterize the time-convergence rate of gradient descent in the limit of a large number of samples. These results are confirmed by numerical experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures + appendi

    Fine-Grained Analysis of Optimization and Generalization for Overparameterized Two-Layer Neural Networks

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    Recent works have cast some light on the mystery of why deep nets fit any data and generalize despite being very overparametrized. This paper analyzes training and generalization for a simple 2-layer ReLU net with random initialization, and provides the following improvements over recent works: (i) Using a tighter characterization of training speed than recent papers, an explanation for why training a neural net with random labels leads to slower training, as originally observed in [Zhang et al. ICLR'17]. (ii) Generalization bound independent of network size, using a data-dependent complexity measure. Our measure distinguishes clearly between random labels and true labels on MNIST and CIFAR, as shown by experiments. Moreover, recent papers require sample complexity to increase (slowly) with the size, while our sample complexity is completely independent of the network size. (iii) Learnability of a broad class of smooth functions by 2-layer ReLU nets trained via gradient descent. The key idea is to track dynamics of training and generalization via properties of a related kernel.Comment: In ICML 201

    Generalization Error Bounds of Gradient Descent for Learning Over-parameterized Deep ReLU Networks

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    Empirical studies show that gradient-based methods can learn deep neural networks (DNNs) with very good generalization performance in the over-parameterization regime, where DNNs can easily fit a random labeling of the training data. Very recently, a line of work explains in theory that with over-parameterization and proper random initialization, gradient-based methods can find the global minima of the training loss for DNNs. However, existing generalization error bounds are unable to explain the good generalization performance of over-parameterized DNNs. The major limitation of most existing generalization bounds is that they are based on uniform convergence and are independent of the training algorithm. In this work, we derive an algorithm-dependent generalization error bound for deep ReLU networks, and show that under certain assumptions on the data distribution, gradient descent (GD) with proper random initialization is able to train a sufficiently over-parameterized DNN to achieve arbitrarily small generalization error. Our work sheds light on explaining the good generalization performance of over-parameterized deep neural networks.Comment: 27 pages. This version simplifies the proof and improves the presentation in Version 3. In AAAI 202

    Learning Edge Representations via Low-Rank Asymmetric Projections

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    We propose a new method for embedding graphs while preserving directed edge information. Learning such continuous-space vector representations (or embeddings) of nodes in a graph is an important first step for using network information (from social networks, user-item graphs, knowledge bases, etc.) in many machine learning tasks. Unlike previous work, we (1) explicitly model an edge as a function of node embeddings, and we (2) propose a novel objective, the "graph likelihood", which contrasts information from sampled random walks with non-existent edges. Individually, both of these contributions improve the learned representations, especially when there are memory constraints on the total size of the embeddings. When combined, our contributions enable us to significantly improve the state-of-the-art by learning more concise representations that better preserve the graph structure. We evaluate our method on a variety of link-prediction task including social networks, collaboration networks, and protein interactions, showing that our proposed method learn representations with error reductions of up to 76% and 55%, on directed and undirected graphs. In addition, we show that the representations learned by our method are quite space efficient, producing embeddings which have higher structure-preserving accuracy but are 10 times smaller
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