969 research outputs found

    Policy Optimization as Online Learning with Mediator Feedback

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    Policy Optimization (PO) is a widely used approach to address continuous control tasks. In this paper, we introduce the notion of mediator feedback that frames PO as an online learning problem over the policy space. The additional available information, compared to the standard bandit feedback, allows reusing samples generated by one policy to estimate the performance of other policies. Based on this observation, we propose an algorithm, RANDomized-exploration policy Optimization via Multiple Importance Sampling with Truncation (RANDOMIST), for regret minimization in PO, that employs a randomized exploration strategy, differently from the existing optimistic approaches. When the policy space is finite, we show that under certain circumstances, it is possible to achieve constant regret, while always enjoying logarithmic regret. We also derive problem-dependent regret lower bounds. Then, we extend RANDOMIST to compact policy spaces. Finally, we provide numerical simulations on finite and compact policy spaces, in comparison with PO and bandit baselines

    A Contextual Bandit Bake-off

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    Contextual bandit algorithms are essential for solving many real-world interactive machine learning problems. Despite multiple recent successes on statistically and computationally efficient methods, the practical behavior of these algorithms is still poorly understood. We leverage the availability of large numbers of supervised learning datasets to empirically evaluate contextual bandit algorithms, focusing on practical methods that learn by relying on optimization oracles from supervised learning. We find that a recent method (Foster et al., 2018) using optimism under uncertainty works the best overall. A surprisingly close second is a simple greedy baseline that only explores implicitly through the diversity of contexts, followed by a variant of Online Cover (Agarwal et al., 2014) which tends to be more conservative but robust to problem specification by design. Along the way, we also evaluate various components of contextual bandit algorithm design such as loss estimators. Overall, this is a thorough study and review of contextual bandit methodology

    Matroid Bandits: Fast Combinatorial Optimization with Learning

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    A matroid is a notion of independence in combinatorial optimization which is closely related to computational efficiency. In particular, it is well known that the maximum of a constrained modular function can be found greedily if and only if the constraints are associated with a matroid. In this paper, we bring together the ideas of bandits and matroids, and propose a new class of combinatorial bandits, matroid bandits. The objective in these problems is to learn how to maximize a modular function on a matroid. This function is stochastic and initially unknown. We propose a practical algorithm for solving our problem, Optimistic Matroid Maximization (OMM); and prove two upper bounds, gap-dependent and gap-free, on its regret. Both bounds are sublinear in time and at most linear in all other quantities of interest. The gap-dependent upper bound is tight and we prove a matching lower bound on a partition matroid bandit. Finally, we evaluate our method on three real-world problems and show that it is practical
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