26 research outputs found

    The Freiman--Ruzsa Theorem over Finite Fields

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    Let G be a finite abelian group of torsion r and let A be a subset of G. The Freiman--Ruzsa theorem asserts that if |A+A| < K|A| then A is contained in a coset of a subgroup of G of size at most r^{K^4}K^2|A|. It was conjectured by Ruzsa that the subgroup size can be reduced to r^{CK}|A| for some absolute constant C >= 2. This conjecture was verified for r = 2 in a sequence of recent works, which have, in fact, yielded a tight bound. In this work, we establish the same conjecture for any prime torsion

    Direct and inverse problems for restricted signed sumsets in integers

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    Let A={a0,a1,…,ak−1}A=\{a_0, a_1,\ldots, a_{k-1}\} be a nonempty finite subset of an additive abelian group GG. For a positive integer hh (≤k)(\leq k), we let h±∧A={Σi=0k−1λiai:λi∈{−1,0,1} for i=0,1,…,k−1,  Σi=0k−1∣λi∣=h},h^{\wedge}_{\pm}A = \{\Sigma_{i=0}^{k-1} \lambda_{i} a_{i}: \lambda_{i} \in \{-1,0,1\} \text{ for } i=0, 1, \ldots, k-1,~~\Sigma_{i=0}^{k-1} |\lambda_{i}|=h\}, be the hh-fold restricted signed sumset of AA. The direct problem&nbsp;for the restricted signed sumset is to find the minimum number of elements in h±∧Ah^{\wedge}_{\pm}A in terms of ∣A∣\lvert A\rvert, where ∣A∣\lvert A\rvert is the cardinality of AA. The {\it inverse problem} for the restricted signed sumset is to determine the structure of the finite set AA for which the minimum value of ∣h±∧A∣|h^{\wedge}_{\pm}A| is achieved. In this article, we solve some cases of both direct and inverse problems for h±∧Ah^{\wedge}_{\pm}A in the group of integers. In this connection, we also mention some conjectures in the remaining cases

    Direct and inverse problems for restricted signed sumsets in integers

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    Let A={a0,a1,…,ak−1}A=\{a_0, a_1,\ldots, a_{k-1}\} be a nonempty finite subset of an additive abelian group GG. For a positive integer hh (≤k)(\leq k), we let h±∧A={Σi=0k−1λiai:λi∈{−1,0,1} for i=0,1,…,k−1,  Σi=0k−1∣λi∣=h},h^{\wedge}_{\pm}A = \{\Sigma_{i=0}^{k-1} \lambda_{i} a_{i}: \lambda_{i} \in \{-1,0,1\} \text{ for } i=0, 1, \ldots, k-1,~~\Sigma_{i=0}^{k-1} |\lambda_{i}|=h\}, be the hh-fold restricted signed sumset of AA. The direct problem&nbsp;for the restricted signed sumset is to find the minimum number of elements in h±∧Ah^{\wedge}_{\pm}A in terms of ∣A∣\lvert A\rvert, where ∣A∣\lvert A\rvert is the cardinality of AA. The {\it inverse problem} for the restricted signed sumset is to determine the structure of the finite set AA for which the minimum value of ∣h±∧A∣|h^{\wedge}_{\pm}A| is achieved. In this article, we solve some cases of both direct and inverse problems for h±∧Ah^{\wedge}_{\pm}A in the group of integers. In this connection, we also mention some conjectures in the remaining cases

    Sumsets with a minimum number of distinct terms

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    For a non-empty kk-element set AA of an additive abelian group GG and a positive integer r≤kr \leq k, we consider the set of elements of GG that can be written as a sum of hh elements of AA with at least rr distinct elements. We denote this set as h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A for integers h≥rh \geq r. The set h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A generalizes the classical sumsets hAhA and h^Ah\hat{}A for r=1r=1 and r=hr=h, respectively. Thus, we call the set h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A the generalized sumset of AA. By writing the sumset h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A in terms of the sumsets hAhA and h^Ah\hat{}A, we obtain the sharp lower bound on the size of h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A over the groups Z\mathbb{Z} and Zp\mathbb{Z}_p, where pp is a prime number. We also characterize the set AA for which the lower bound on the size of h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A is tight in these groups. Further, using some elementary arguments, we prove an upper bound for the minimum size of h(≥r)Ah^{(\geq r)}A over the group Zm\mathbb{Z}_m for any integer m≥2m \geq 2.Comment: 16 page

    Some new inequalities in additive combinatorics

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    In the paper we find new inequalities involving the intersections A∩(A−x)A\cap (A-x) of shifts of some subset AA from an abelian group. We apply the inequalities to obtain new upper bounds for the additive energy of multiplicative subgroups and convex sets and also a series another results on the connection of the additive energy and so--called higher moments of convolutions. Besides we prove new theorems on multiplicative subgroups concerning lower bounds for its doubling constants, sharp lower bound for the cardinality of sumset of a multiplicative subgroup and its subprogression and another results.Comment: 39 page