735 research outputs found

    Optimal Trajectory Planning and Decision Making in Lane Change Maneuvers Near a Highway Exit

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    In this paper, an optimization based algorithmfor safe and efficient collaborative driving in intersections isformulated. The problem is to determine the optimal orderin which vehicles should travel through an intersection underthe assumptions that the longitudinal velocity of all vehiclescan be controlled along a predefined path. In the originalformulation one quadratic optimization program was solved foreach possible crossing order of the vehicles and collisions wereavoided by formulating constraints that only allowed one vehicleat the time inside the intersection. To make this algorithmmore effective, we formulate less restrictive collision avoidanceconstraints by introducing one critical zone for each point wheretwo predefined paths cross. It is shown that this formulationleads to a decrease in the number of quadratic optimizationprograms that need to be solved to find the best crossingorder. Further, an algorithm is provided that finds the numberof crossing sequences which yield unique formulations of theoptimization program. The results show that when simulatingmore complex scenarios, like four vehicles traveling throughan ordinary intersection, the reduction of computational timeand the total time it takes for all vehicles to make it throughthe intersection can be significantly reduced using these lessrestrictive constraints

    Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction and Planning in Dense Highway Traffic using Distributed Model Predictive Control

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    In this paper we treat optimal trajectory planning for an autonomous vehicle (AV) operating in dense traffic, where vehicles closely interact with each other. To tackle this problem, we present a novel framework that couples trajectory prediction and planning in multi-agent environments, using distributed model predictive control. A demonstration of our framework is presented in simulation, employing a trajectory planner using non-linear model predictive control. We analyze performance and convergence of our framework, subject to different prediction errors. The results indicate that the obtained locally optimal solutions are improved, compared with decoupled prediction and planning

    Validation of trajectory planning strategies for automated driving under cooperative, urban, and interurban scenarios.

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    149 p.En esta Tesis se estudia, diseña e implementa una arquitectura de control para vehículos automatizados de forma dual, que permite realizar pruebas en simulación y en vehículos reales con los mínimos cambios posibles. La arquitectura descansa sobre seis módulos: adquisición de información de sensores, percepción del entorno, comunicaciones e interacción con otros agentes, decisión de maniobras, control y actuación, además de la generación de mapas en el módulo de decisión, que utiliza puntos simples para la descripción de las estructuras de la ruta (rotondas, intersecciones, tramos rectos y cambios de carril)Tecnali

    A Two-Stage Real-Time Path Planning: Application to the Overtaking Manuever

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    This paper proposes a two-stage local path planning approach to deal with all kinds of scenarios (i.e. intersections, turns, roundabouts). The first stage carries out an off-line optimization, considering vehicle kinematics and road constraints. The second stage includes all dynamic obstacles in the scene, generating a continuous path in real-time. Human-like driving style is provided by evaluating the sharpness of the road bends and the available space among them, optimizing the drivable area. The proposed approach is validated on overtaking scenarios where real-time path planning generation plays a key role. Simulation and real results on an experimental automated platform provide encouraging results, generating real-time collision-free paths while maintaining the defined smoothness criteria.INRIA and VEDECOM Institutes under the Ph.D. Grant; 10.13039/501100011688-Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) Project AutoDriv

    Trajectory generation for lane-change maneuver of autonomous vehicles

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    Lane-change maneuver is one of the most thoroughly investigated automatic driving operations that can be used by an autonomous self-driving vehicle as a primitive for performing more complex operations like merging, entering/exiting highways or overtaking another vehicle. This thesis focuses on two coherent problems that are associated with the trajectory generation for lane-change maneuvers of autonomous vehicles in a highway scenario: (i) an effective velocity estimation of neighboring vehicles under different road scenarios involving linear and curvilinear motion of the vehicles, and (ii) trajectory generation based on the estimated velocities of neighboring vehicles for safe operation of self-driving cars during lane-change maneuvers. ^ We first propose a two-stage, interactive-multiple-model-based estimator to perform multi-target tracking of neighboring vehicles in a lane-changing scenario. The first stage deals with an adaptive window based turn-rate estimation for tracking maneuvering target vehicles using Kalman filter. In the second stage, variable-structure models with updated estimated turn-rate are utilized to perform data association followed by velocity estimation. Based on the estimated velocities of neighboring vehicles, piecewise Bezier-curve-based methods that minimize the safety/collision risk involved and maximize the comfort ride have been developed for the generation of desired trajectory for lane-change maneuvers. The proposed velocity-estimation and trajectory-generation algorithms have been validated experimentally using Pioneer3- DX mobile robots in a simulated lane-change environment as well as validated by computer simulations